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Farewell Swampies


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Yep I'm off cya :wavey:


I've had enough of tyrion's actions. I find him vulgar and offensive therefore i have decided to leave.


j/k :)


I'm actually moving away tomorow no internet where i'm going, highly unlikely ill be able to post here :(


So to save all those inevitable questions that will come around in a few weeks (eg. "Hey whatever happened to that great guy with the cool sig?" ) i thought i'd better let you know.


before i go i'd better say that the regular swampies are a great bunch without exception and if you are lucky you may see the odd post from me in the future if possible. If not i might be back here next summer.


On the bright side i should be here for the rest of the day :)

So i'm gonna hang round here and wait for my "official lucasforums leaving basket" or whatever is traditional in these situations.


I'm quite dissapointed that i wont be able to participate in "avatar flashback week". so i'll just post mine here:


Oh and BTW no-one is to steal my avatar (or my sig for that matter) in my absence! (except for SivyB cos he made it).


I'm sure if someone does steal it that the swampies can be relied upon to beat them to within an inch of their life:)


Oh yeah. feel free to enjoy my 1000th post party in my absence. Just dont attack the monkey butlers. They are profiecient in armed combat and will retaliate if provoked.


As i said before this isnt a complete goodbye. You may see the occasional post from me. But i definatly wont be around here much anymore :(


You are a great bunch. i hope to see you again soon :wavey:




Make any wrong move, even twitch, and everyone around the car dies. starting with you.

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Farewell Darth-Nasty.....gonna miss you!




Cya next summer, and yes we'll beat the c*** out of those who stole your sig (If any1 is stupid enough to try that)......:cool:


Well, I wont beat up the monkey butlers.....as long as they dont annoy me.....j/k!


Have a nice trip or whatever and I'll see you around.....




:crybaby: *begins to cry like a 2 year old, who has been beaten with a baseball bat.....*



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*lurches form above the door to slash the removal man's neck with the SPOON*

Well now you don't havew to move eh?

*watches 5 other removal men pack lorry and drive away with it*

Hmmmm, you got a problem buddy.


Well anyway, take this total imaginary SPOON replica leaving gift to remember me and the guys with! :( hope i will see you again (well the sig)

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*lurches form above the door to slash the removal man's neck with the SPOON*

Well now you don't havew to move eh?

*watches 5 other removal men pack lorry and drive away with it*

Hmmmm, you got a problem buddy.


Well anyway, take this total imaginary SPOON replica leaving gift to remember me and the guys with! :( hope i will see you again (well the sig)

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BEH! I Hated you anyways! I hope you burn in Heck!































:D C ya 'round. I hope you have fun doin whatever it is you do, and in case I don't see ya again, Good afternoon, good evening, and good night. :)



And God speed!

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That wise-ass remark will get you no pity form me......















































.......gawd damn mother ****ing bitchin guilt...er..uh...sorry to see you leave. Dont worry though,your sig and avatar shall be protected in my spam vault...





goodbye, and a small poem.


Tis another day in the swamp

The gas is looking big

another member has left this place

to return to society to eat a fig


He will live sane,just, and smart

he will be the bane of us

his avatar,his sig,his name

shall remain in this domain


he has a life now

a pitiful life,but a life none-the-less

away from the angry mobs

and the evil jedi2k2


Tyrion,obi,darky, and reb

still have much insanity

and redwing and his posse

have 0.00000001 sanity

left within thier withered bodies


He has left,to come nevermore

leaving his nasty ways

to go into another life

into the promised lands



..away from all who knew him well...


But Zbomber shall know especially well,when he stalks and **** Nasty:D

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I'm a n00b to the swamp and am starting to make a hut of my own here, but the posts I look at always have a post from Darth Nasty. It'll be sad to see you go, and I wish you nothing but the best.


Slug down an extra beer, give a monkey butler a pat on the back for a good job, knee some bastard and the balls and inhale ur last breath of swamp air for a long time...


You'll be missed.


I'll shoot ne1 who steals ur avatar and sig with my biker scout gun :D


I'm pretty sure that I speak for every swampie when I say farewell, and godspeed.

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Well it's sad to hear when a fellow Swampie is leaving the Swamp. I hope that you remember all the good times that you had here and that you remember us. You were a part of the swamp as much as Yoda. You will be greatly missed and I hope to hear from you yet again. Take care and may God be with you. God Speed and may the Force be with you! :D


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