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Cool Illusion

Boba Rhett

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Finally.......... a half way decent thread around here!


I did a science prodject on Optical Illusions in Junior High, and I was entered in the Science Fair, where I came in second place. I can't find my favorite just yet but I have found A few I used. Here is one:




All of the lines in between the black squares are streight.


I will put some more up as I find them.


Again, bravo Rhett! :D

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yeah, they are..... theyre both RBG 107 107 107. I picked that one straight away, but other ones that people consider easy just baffle me.... :(



and groovy, i see the young girl, and ive seen the pic before. cant remember where the old woman is though..



oh... wait... i see... she has no neck :)

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Checkerboard: Not immediately obvious, because our eyes are used to compensating for shadows. ^_~


Squares: The lines look straight the way you have them - but highlight the picture. With your mouse. *Then* look. O.o


Woman: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Help! I can't see any trace of the old woman! :sweat:


Black dots: Well, I see lots of black dots, but then I focus where I see them, and they aren't there. :D


Trident: Seen that, in art class. Those mind warping things kick ass :D


edit: Groovy, just don't look away from the dot, even when you pull back. :D

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Amazing stuff, I've always been good at seeing through the puzzles though. One thing that I've never understood are those wierd pages with obscure shapes and colors which you're supposed to see a bunny rabbit inside or something... o.O


Nothing so far... *continues to stare* O.o

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Groovy, I had that rotating circles one last year. I enlarged it, printed it, and stuck it on the outside door of my residence room. I'd come home from the bar or somewhere, late at night, and there'd be about 5 or 6 drunk and/or stoned people outside my door staring at it. Needless to say it was quite funny:D


Also, sometimes I'd be in my room, and I'd hear footsteps go past my door, then they'd stop. And then the footsteps would come back towards my room. About 10 seconds later a "WTF?" could be heard coming from the hallway. Once again, quite funny:D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Those squares are exactly the same color in my first picture.


last night I tried to cover up the other squars with my fingers (gettin smudges on my computer screen:( ). it seemed to work, but this moring I did some better experiments and I found that they are indeed mostly the same color.



anyway, here's a classic


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