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Boba Rhett

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W00t! It's good to be back guys.


Now let's get this place back up and kickin'! How have you guys been? Any new developements in your lives we should know about?


As for me, I've been digging a lot of wholes and waiting around for my sister to go into labor. Sounds fun, huh? :rhett:

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I've feel like I've gone insane, that and I think I'm going to build my next computer in January. Oh that and our Quiz Bowl team lost because fergie wasn't there. If that counts.


High School football team 6-1!!! And we've played all of the hard teams in our conference! Rock-On!

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Originally posted by Artoo

Oh that and our Quiz Bowl team lost because fergie wasn't there. If that counts.


Yeah well I was having fun in the boonies. Oh yes. I was picking up rocks all day long because a tractor mower (I mean one of those big things not a personal one) broke a blade while cutting it. So I walked about 15 miles back and forth up and down in steel toed boots all day stoping to pick up rocks I saw even if they were burried in the ground. My feet hurt SOOO bad...

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