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Happy Birthday matt-windu!

Boba Rhett

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Yes, that's right. It's his birthday. :D Now let's all put our hands together, then take them apart then do the whole thing over again a few more times for him!


I'll let him tell you how old he is today. ;)


Well Matt, here you are. A year older. Do you feel different? Are you now all that is man? :D


Anyways, here's your elf:




The lil' guys name is Quayso and he enjoys dancing so you'll have to take him out for a night on the town every Saturday.


And here's your cake. Sorry that there's no candles but I didn't have room for any what with all the Telletubbies.



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It's true. I be 16 as of this morning. Aside from the bumps and bruises of the ceremonial beating, I feel no different, but I'll be sure to let you know if that changes ;D


I've gotta be on my way to school now, see you guys later.




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I still hate him for giving me my spam warning....







I do.....










Stop it, I do....










No really,I do....












I didnt mean to yell...





Ahh hell...damn guilt...



Happy birthday Windu! 16 huh? Obi must be angry knowing someone as old as him is Admin...:p

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Happy birthday! Heres your birthday poke.....


*Sees Matt heading toward the ban button in my profile*


yeh.. .your birthday poke.. which is when... uh... I poke Tyrion...


*Pokes Tyrion* :jab:




Edit- How do you get the TM thing to be small, like they di for Trademarked thingys?

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Happy birthday! Heres your birthday poke.....


*Sees Matt heading toward the ban button in my profile*


yeh.. .your birthday poke.. which is when... uh... I poke Tyrion...


*Pokes Tyrion* :jab:




Edit- How do you get the TM thing to be small, like they di for Trademarked thingys?


You mean like this?





All you have to do is select the size you want from the VB code thing above.

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