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The naughtiest thing you have done?


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This doesent go in the game forum, lol this is just like an askin thread, what is the naughtiest thing you have done, like this


"I kicked the teacher, swore in her face, and then spat on her"


Somethin like that,

[Please note that I did not actually kick my teacher :D]

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Mima will confess.


When mima was a little one he tried to steal a piece of lead from a construction yard.(was in to tin soldiers then)

Luckely mima got gaught though,

and never did anything like that again.


I think it'was a good thing to get caught the first time I tried to steal something.


But hey I was like 8 years old so I learned my lesson.

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The naughtiest thing I have done is, well look below!



When I was 4 years old, my parents went on holiday, and they got their freind to take care of me, and I pooped on the floor, I swore, and I was really naughty, lucky I aint like that now huh? :)



Highlight plz! :D

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Hm... I've done worse things as far as the law is concered... but morally? heh, well:


So, I was at my friend's cottage on a lake... And we were underneath the cottage getting some firewood, just me and him. And he screams, and I figure he saw something crawly. So I scream, kind of as a reaction, I guess, and just run as fast as I can out of there, just leaving him behind. When he came out from underneath the cottage he said "You ass! That pile of wood almost FELL on me and so you RAN?"


Yea.. that's the best I could come up with... I'm tired

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i threw one of those hard fooseballs at my best friend's head for backstabbing me. he said i could go to his house to play some snes, and then this other kid comes along, and he tells me i can't go, so i'm there like 'yo stupid liar' and i have the fooseball in my hand, and just spontaneously throw it towards him and it hits him in the head. he got very mad and threw me against the wall and started slapping me. :)

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i used to have a system for stealing from wal-mart (i was like 6 or 8) and i'd tuck my shirt in w/my coat over it and i'd grab two of one thing then stuff one down my shirt and i'd get away w/it completely free, i wouldn't have the guts to do it now but back then i didn't know any better, i got pretty far and decided to quit, so that's done w/now, but then i also got caught right before i did "something" by a pool in a KOA campground with a really hot swedish chick, she was 18 i was 15, i knew her for a day, yeah i'm a pimp:cool:

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when I was about 11 or 12 I was at a friend's house (it was some party and there were lots of people there) and he has this really annoying little brother (carl) who's always being a pain in the arse. so I'm coming down from upstairs with a hard plastic toy accordian and carl is sitting on the landing. I don't think much of so I walk past him. then he pushes me I loose my balance and fall. there were only about four steps left but at the bottom was a metal heater. luckly my brother and a friend were in the way and broke my fall. but I turned around and carl had a big grin on his face and he was laughing up a storm. so I threw the accordian at him and it hit him square in the chest. if I hadn't been such a pansy then it probably would have cracked a few ribs. he stopped laughing and started to cry. I never got in trouble for it but everyone at the party was telling me how mean I was. but I didn't care, I just sat there smiling, and being very pleased with myself... ah, revenge:p

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There was a girl in my GCSE exam room (when I was 16 and preparing to leave school) who hated spiders, bugs and flies. I was next to her, and slowly pushed a fake plastic spider towards her with my foot. When she looked down, she screamed, stood up and ran out of the room. This was the big, final exam and she was disqualified from it, leaving her with no English qualification to leave school with.


I met her later and told her it was real, and that I killed it in the confusion which followed her little outburst. Well, she won't be employed by anyone now, but then it was worth it!


That's me in a nutshell. Ruin people's lives, have a laugh afterwards and never regret a moment of anything. Even lie to my victim's face afterwards without letting on that it was all set up... I'm a really nice guy.

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Originally posted by Count Dooku 2

There was a girl in my GCSE exam room (when I was 16 and preparing to leave school) who hated spiders, bugs and flies. I was next to her, and slowly pushed a fake plastic spider towards her with my foot. When she looked down, she screamed, stood up and ran out of the room. This was the big, final exam and she was disqualified from it, leaving her with no English qualification to leave school with.


I met her later and told her it was real, and that I killed it in the confusion which followed her little outburst. Well, she won't be employed by anyone now, but then it was worth it!


That's me in a nutshell. Ruin people's lives, have a laugh afterwards and never regret a moment of anything. Even lie to my victim's face afterwards without letting on that it was all set up... I'm a really nice guy.




That was really really really really etc. mean......

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