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what's your Hobbit name and elen name?


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oi this is embarassing. my hobbit name is Hamson Chubb



now think about that name, when i say that name i see a really really fat midget....... i hate you all.



anywho my elven name is: Ereinion Melwasúl



a bit more dignified but still not my favourite.


edit: forgot my LF names. uggh

hobbit: Mungo Bolger

Elf: Celebrimbor Númenessë

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hobbit name


Breliac Gamwich of the Bree Gamwiches


Ferdinad Bulge of hobbiton.





elven name


Amras táralóm


Aerandir Arcamenel





(for those who don't now MIMA KAKE are 2 pesons sharing one name on the forums or while gaming.

So it there both our real names)

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