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Welmin's Cantina


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I come strolling back in to the bar and overhear a conversation between my padawan Darth Rythe and the jedi Kilmor Katarn.


"I believe you would want to stay away from my padawan and I because of this!"


*Grips Kilmor and lifts him into the air, while his young apprentice watches from a distance.*

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Kilmor dangles in the air, startled, but then sums up his power and thrusts out his hand, sending topshot flying. He lands safely on the ground, and scowls at topshot. "What the heck was that for?!" He says, his hand resting on his lightsaber hilt. "I don't want to start yet another 'uproar'!"

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Caitlin walks back into the bar, followed closely by another girl, just in time to hear Ej's statement.


"No security droids?" she askes. She whispers to her companion, then draws her lightsaber while her companion draws two. "We can show these of without fear then?"


She chuckles and puts her lightsaber away. Her companion does the same and Caitlin turns to face Ej and Kilmor.


"Meet my apprentice, Erica West," she says. The girl smiles and nods, her firey red hair bobbing as she does so. Then, the two of them sit down in a corner.

"Bring us something tasty, bartender," Caitlin says.

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ej: well hello there. ms. west, you are looking quite lovely tonight! What would you like to have to drink tonight? Chardne from brooklyn? its 1969, which was a very good year.


captain silver: i hear that there chardne tastes like that there bathwater. i would drink this here rum if yer know what i mean lassy.

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"All will be revealed about Kilmor in time, my young apprentice," I tell Rythe,"As for the present, I feel there is something different about this......Erica West.........Something I have not felt for a long time until now. Something powerful, yet hidden by a cloud of mystery........"


I then take a seat next to Caitlin, on the opposite side of my ally, Captain EJ.


"So, you are a Jedi if I am not mistaken, Caitlin?"

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