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Happy NEW JEAR Everybody!


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[align=center]HAPPY NEW YEAR



I hope you all will have plenty of oilbolls :p (dutch thing) and dont blow your fingers off with the fireworks.



From the Netherlands to the entire Galactic Battleground community, I wish you a pleasant change of the year![/align]


-Wraith 8-


P.S. i posted the same messages at Rogue Squadron and SWGalaxies!

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It's now 12:20 AM on the eastern coast.




I don't really have a resolution, ironically with all it's hassles the last year's been the best and most prodiceful in my life, and I have some plans for the next. Got a job (finally!!), nice courses, gonna spend less time on the net and more time in my school, maybe tutor, and a girl I'm interested who's very interested in me... life couldn't be better :D



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Originally posted by DashRendar

Sadly I know someone that did that...and it's not a pretty sight now.


Oh well


Happy New Years!


hmmmm... i can imagine.... each year our goverment showes the Netherlands how dangerous fireworks are... a few years back.. they showed the real thing... people who just got their hands blown off... it wasnt a pretty sight at all.
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