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Mojo in years gone by


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I think the main reason the curves were done away with is the fact that Mojo took approximately 3000 years to load with them on (at least on a modem, if the images were not in your cache). They also took up an inordinate amount of screen space, really. I don't think Teh Mojo looks too much different without them. :)

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its all about design


and design-wise the current mojo is the best. It's the slickest and most professional look of them all. With the previous mojo I felt it was a great/awesome design too but when i compare that one with the current I think: "Nahh, that title image is too....sex-site neon-like". The current is just the best design-wise.


Okay some people would like curves, well, I've been told RTX will have some, be patient. Oh and curves for the mojo 9? Hmm, a cartoony site is okay but the tabs-look of the current design is just it baby, mojo design owns you

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I remember the first time I ever came across this page in 1998 I think it was when it must've been something like Mojo 3. There was a menu at the bottom with a woodgrain texture and all the pictures were carved out of it. I always like that effect.

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hmm i retract my opinion sketched above..


i think the previous mojo is definitly good, the curves are good. there are just a couple of fonts that need to be changed as few small other things. In fact a mixed bag of the current mojo and the previous would be total ownage. i suddenly got an yearning (sp??) to the previous mojo. I like the cartoony effect a lot more for the mixnmojo instead of profesionallity a lot more after all!


yay for the previous mojo =]

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Originally posted by Erwin_Br

Speaking of the site, why is it EVERY friday your birthday Jake?




One other person has complained about this - Ronda Scot, the LucasArts community relations person. She claims that its my birthday every day or nearly every day. Something might be going on here ¬_¬_¬_¬

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Originally posted by QueZTone

I like the cartoony effect a lot more for the mixnmojo instead of profesionallity a lot more after all!


We weren't going for professionality really. Well, I wasn't. I just went through a phase where I was obsessed with making squareish sites. See http://www.samandmax.net . Also another example (actually the end of this evil phase) is http://www.lfnetwork.com . My newer designs have a little more life in them again, see http://www.lucasfiles.com . Of course its still mildly squareish, but its a website :)

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