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Sleeping Music!


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I actually find very dull/boring music puts me to sleep. I was listening to one of the most boring stations that plays the slowest songs I've ever heard that have like 1 instrument in all of them which is either a accordian, banjo or harmonica. That really helped me get to sleep.:)

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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas


and what do you mean by a crap book? like an audio book or like a crappy reading book...?


usually it will be one of my dad's books - one that you can't carry with one hand as it's so bloody big - and i mean crap as in 'war and peace' or 'art in the 17th century' you know boring stuff


edit: i just used 'war and peace' as an example, i apologise to any war and peace fans

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i dont listen to the music when i go to sleep unless im stoned out of my mind. however i do like sleeping with a good dose of psilocybin and psilocin. Hallucigeneic sleep is always fun ^_^ if you dont know what i mean, dont worry about it.

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Originally posted by XERXES

i dont listen to the music when i go to sleep unless im stoned out of my mind. however i do like sleeping with a good dose of psilocybin and psilocin. Hallucigeneic sleep is always fun ^_^ if you dont know what i mean, dont worry about it.


ah tthe geometroc patten kind of sleep. yes your eyes are shut but its like you have a winamp plugin running in your mind. Most pleasant indeed


Xerxes check this tune called - Curtains by Aphex Twin, put it in loop when you had some pscilocybes ;) its so hypnotic.

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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas

hey fellow swampies, i was just wondering what music helps you guys get to sleep at night...becuase i havent been able to sleep well lately and someone told me listen to some music! so i was wondering what the best music is to listen to when trying to go to bed....:)


I was never able to sleep w/ music on until I started listening to The Crystal Method. For some reason, I find it very soothing.

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