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Why do u hate Prequel Trilogy?

Crazy_dog no.3

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I don't see anything wrong with it. In fact I think it's actually better becuase it has more aliens and special effects becuase old Trilogy was made ages ago and some spaceships do move a lot less smoother (In ANH anyway).

Plus LucasFilm couldn't afford the costumes then so obviosly there is less aliens.


Comment (either way)

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I actually like AOTC better than any of them, though ESB is very close. The classics are just that, calssics. It's hard to beat something like that.



I really think Eps.3 will be the best of them all. The topic is action packed and dramatic. Its basically the climax of the prequels, and it should be incredible.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Apparently Episode 3 will be a very personal film. Because of that, it may very well be the best of them :)



Yes, a personal struggle in the midst of universe shattering events. Of course, i think it will be about as much as personal sotry as AOTC was a love story. That is, enough, but not the entire movie.


But how much is really going to be reserved for Anikan's fall, and how much is going to be used for the Jedi Purge and Rise of the Empire? Each one rightly deserves an entire movie....

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

But how much is really going to be reserved for Anikan's fall, and how much is going to be used for the Jedi Purge and Rise of the Empire? Each one rightly deserves an entire movie....

I agree, but I'd rather see more of Anakin's fall than the purge of the jedi. To quote George Lucas, Star Wars is, after all, the story of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader at heart.
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2 words:




RoTJ with its massive space battle and its generally better presentation just is AWESOME. Seeing A-wings shoot over the hull of a Mon Cal in perseut of a Tie then whipping round a Nebulon B Frigate before toasting the fighter...dang...Sure ground battle scenes are impressive...but they are also slower...and don't even mention the TPM space battle as a battle..."I'll do a roll...that's a good manuever." "Oops. Let's get out of here R2." :disaprove


Also humor is lacking in PTM and AoTC because Jedi are serious...they need a nerf herder to work with them to critisize the Jedi order, etc. Need some decent humor...AoTC took some positive steps in that regard, but still a bit off. Achetypes are too obvious also...way to exagerated...

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yep, Fergie has a point.

The Solo character wasn't great because Han Solo was invented to be this wonderful wise-cracker; Ford MADE him a wonderful wisecracker. What i now see, is average actors who so far haven't lived up to that.


Anyway, yes, i prefer AotC above, say, ANH. Empire's still the best. Come on, admit it. You still prefer to re-enact the Battle Of Hoth over the Clone War, right ?

That's classic stamina, no matter how dated it is.

Besides, there were different levels to that battle. There was a base about to fall, the tension of repelling an invasion...

In TPM for instance, all we saw of an 'invasion' were some vehicles landing, unloading and then simply parking in front of the Queen's palace. Note the difference ? Hence a few major points why the movies of today lack some of the spirit of yesteryear.


My two cents.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

the jedi training part makes me hesitate to watch it. =/


What?! That was a great part!


"No, no different, only different in your mind. Look at me, judge me by my size do you? And where you should not, for my ally is the Force, and a powerfull ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you, between you, me, the tree, the rock. Yes, even between the land and the ship."


That's awesome. I think its right, its pretty long to remember having not watch ESB for a couple of days.


Each one has great scenes, like the Theed Invasion and Maul Battle in the very end of TPM, or the whole Death Star/Shield Generator attack in ROTJ, or the Hoth Battle in ESB, or the Death Star Trench run in ANH, and the entire final hour of AOTC. But overall is what we're talking about, and i think ESB and AOTC excell in everything.



Ferg, did you mean chasing me across the hull of a Mon Cal, or a Twin Ion Engine Fighter? :D


As for comedy, one my favorite lines in any movie is, "No time to discuss this in a committee!" "I am NOT a committee!" Just great.

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I don't hate the Prequels ... they're not just that good.


It's the war between the rebels and the Empire that defined Star Wars (especially ESB) and was continued in the EU till Vision of the Future. I don't care if the movies are old ... their story is great!


Prequels are fun tough ... give a lot of insight, and the story of Anakin is a good one ... (The growing dark side). Could have been worked out better though.

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One of the few reasons I liked the trilogy better than the prelogy, is i liked the story better. I admit, i don't know the whole story of the prelogy yet, but I do have an idea of what will happen and i doubt there'll be any shocking discoveries of things I didn't already know.


Either way, i DID like the prelogy. I don't hate it, i just like it less :)

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i think i watched tpm way more than aotc, it was more enjoyable i mean, cause i didn't know what was going to happen, and the story seemed better and it didn't keep switching between 3 planets. the end scene in AOTC was my favorite i mean, all those gunships, walkers, clonetroopers, yoda leading them, jedi fighting alongside clonetroopers.....****....it was like watching somebody play force commander on a theatre screen!

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I just watched the trilogy again, I purvey them when I get the urge which isn't that often, and I dropped my shield of fanboydom to see what I would find, and here are my insights.


The original trilogy kicks the prequels in the arse. :D I was watching, and George was a much more creative film-maker in those movies compared to the prequels, because he couldn't rely on all this CG animation, so he designed around it, and along the way he gave us very creative great movies, movies that are more fun to watch.


Yes I think that CG is George's downfall. :D


Sure there are things in the prequels that couldn't be done without CG that looked really cool, like the huge huge battle, and yoda dueling. But I would have preferred to see less CG in the prequels, I would have liked it better if George did the parts that absolutely had to be done CG, CG, and then pushed the limit on how much stuff he could do the old-fashioned way. But this is just my view.


I also think that Ep. I had too many Gungans, and too many of them named JarJar, and those that were named JarJar said way too many lines. But that's just my view, pretty much everything else about the story was great, and the Jedi duel, rocked, it was exactly what I was waiting for.


AoTC was better for me, cause the storyline was spot on, and Ewan McGregor made a good Dick Tracy. :p Also there was more believability to the CG for me, less things looked CG, more like they actually were there. The love part was the only thing that got me down about it, George just couldn't do it right. Sure it was done, but it really came off a little forced. I would've liked if he'd let Spielberg come in and help diret those scenes to make it more authentic to me, cause the're in love, but it really didn't look like they were to me, just sorta going through the motions without the feeling. But the rest of the story more than made up for it.


I woulda liked the close-up clone trooper shots that could be done with costumes to be done with costumes instead of all being CG, it would've looked better to me.


Of course this is all MHO, so take it as you will, your comments probably won't change it.

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Everyone says that the love scene loked forced, but i think that that was exactly how it ws supposed to be. Remember, Anikan isn't some smooth talking Han Solo who's had more girls than meals. He's a Jedi, someone forbidden to fall in love and he's barely been around girls at all, cetainly not in a romantic sense. Let's see, he's had a mom who never had a husband, zero experience there. And then there are girls at the temple, who are also taught not to love. Plus, he hasn't been there as a child so he doens't even have good friengships with females. He comes off as isolating himself from almost everyone else at the temple, guys and girls. Let's face it, he knows nothing about women and thus when he's suddenly thrust into an overwhelming love at full throttle he has no idea how to handle it.


Maybe it didn't look quite right to our eyes, but if you understand Anikan's character then it's done very well. I think sometimes we tend to judge the prequels more as movies than stories, a flaw the trilogy seems almost impervious too.

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Talking about CG. Computer genrated is going places but is not there yet and sometimes filmakers seem to want to impose it on you.


One thing that bothered me in LotR is that even though I loved the engine used to generate mass armies. While watching it they would zoom out from live action to the CG and I don't know if anyone else even cared but the "hero" agents (genareted auto with the engine not manually) moved and fought without the personal characteristics and great sweeping shots turned into me looking at 2 CGs killiung uncharacteistically. CG is good but CG does not make a movie only breaks a movie

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I love all star wars movies.


its just that the prequels... didnt exactly keep to George Lucas his own words... he has all writers of novels try and bind the books together... but he ignores his own advice at some times...


i just hope that he makes up for a lot in Ep3

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