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One of those EXCITING days!!!


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Well - I am going to have another ultrasound done today!!!! 32 weeks pregnant!! I should be able to get a really good view of my baby boy today!!


:::bounces off walls::::::


I know you guys are like...CRAZY GIRL.


Its getting so close!! We still do not have a name. What do you guys think of these names



Joshua (my personal favorite)





Lots o J's and lot's o bible names


We are looking for something that can have a nickname...something that will go with the last name Taylor. Something that he won't be teased about. Conveys a strength etc. So...I only have a few weeks left to come up with a good name...HELP. No star wars names...we thought of those...none we liked. There has got to be the right name out there somewhere!! ::::Screams into the night:::::


Alright. Well wish me luck with the Ultrasound. Last time I fainted! Something about the way I was laying...baby smooshed some vital organ and so it caused me to freak out - not so fun! So this time I am hoping I won't get sick like that again so I can get some good pics! :D :D

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Ultrasounds are fuuuuuuuun. My 12-year old sis is gonna get one soon. :p


About the name...hmmm...something Biblical and "J"-ish. My cousins' names are Joshua, Jordan and Jessica. My aunt and uncle were kinda on a J bent when naming their kiddies. In terms of Biblical names, I've always been partial to Caleb and Luke. If I brainstorm any more, I'll make sure to let you know.


Good luck! :)

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Have fun STTCT! We haven't picked out a final name for our baby boy yet either, so don't feel too bad. ;)


Biblical Boy's J's:











Jessie or Jesse





Other Baby Boy Bible names:










Simon or Simeon




























Sometimes being a Bible Major comes in handy! :D

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NON star wars names, aye? Well I guess I can try... ;)


GAH! My mind is drawing a blank. The only name coming to me is Nephi.


So you passed out last time because the lil' guy was smashing your innards? :D I figured it was because you were anemic or something. It's good to hear that's not the case. :)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

As for names, i really like Logan. Its not a Bible name that i've ever heard of, and its not J, but Logan Taylor doesn't sound to bad.




BTW Havoc, who would ever name their kid Lot after the Lot in the Bible?


NO!!! Logan is mine, give it to us, pleeease, my precioussss....


I guess we can share the name, though. ;)


Oh, and Tie. Lot had a decent life. God blessed him very much. The only bad thing that happened to him was his wife got turned into a pillar of salt as Sodom and Gamorah were destroyed. Which some guys would argue that's not entirely a bad thing! :D


You must be thinking of Job. Now he had it bad! :p

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

NO!!! Logan is mine, give it to us, pleeease, my precioussss....


I guess we can share the name, though. ;)


Oh, and Tie. Lot had a decent life. God blessed him very much. The only bad thing that happened to him was his wife got turned into a pillar of salt as Sodom and Gamorah were destroyed. Which some guys would argue that's not entirely a bad thing! :D



Lot wasn't a very great guy. He chose the better land even though he knew evil lived there, and he did not resist it.


Job was a great man, he just had a lot of bad things happen to him.

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Joshua is very good name, because then you can just say Josh, but when he gets in trouble and you mean business it realy makes an impact when you use his full first name along with his middle name and Taylor. :)


Heh, Joshua Jebediah Taylor, it just flows off the tongue. :D

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Joshua Taylor...sounds great to me!


ok so I am a bit partial to that name (hint hint) but I still think Joshua Taylor has a nice ring to it.:)


And Josh/Joshua is nothing to be ashamed of...I prefer Josh, so if someone goes around insisting upon being called "Joshua" (a rarity) they might get odd looks, but I doubt that'll happen anyway so Joshua is great! :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

NO!!! Logan is mine, give it to us, pleeease, my precioussss....


I guess we can share the name, though. ;)


Oh, and Tie. Lot had a decent life. God blessed him very much. The only bad thing that happened to him was his wife got turned into a pillar of salt as Sodom and Gamorah were destroyed. Which some guys would argue that's not entirely a bad thing! :D


You must be thinking of Job. Now he had it bad! :p


Lot's daughters also got him drunk and had sex with him.


now there's a Bible story to tell in sunday school. :D

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Originally posted by Rogue15

Lot's daughters also got him drunk and had sex with him.


now there's a Bible story to tell in sunday school. :D


Yes, that indeed did happen to Lot. But he was outraged and repented of that. God forgave him after he made a sacrafice.


But a wonderful Bible story none the less, Rogue 15 :rolleyes:




Originally posted by Tie Guy

Lot wasn't a very great guy. He chose the better land even though he knew evil lived there, and he did not resist it.


Job was a great man, he just had a lot of bad things happen to him.


Lot, indeed, made a bad decision, but he was still a very godly man, and he did resist the evil there. He remained faithful to God, and asked if God would spare the people. He also offered his own daughters to the men of Sodom so that they would leave the angels of God alone. When the angels told Lot that he must leave the city immediately and never look back. Lot obeyed the Lord, even when his wife failed to do so, he did not disobey to look back to his wife. God blessed Lot with many herds of sheep and cattle. Lot was never perfect, but who was? Other than Jesus, the only ones that you could argue could be Enoch and Elijah who were both taken to Heaven physically because of thier uprightness and godliness. Enoch in a gust of wind, and Elijah in a chariot of fire.


Even Moses who many would argue was a true man of God, made mistakes. He struck the Rock at Horeb with his staff instead of speaking to it as God commanded, and for his disobedience he was not allowed to enter the promised land. He argued with God that he could not speak on behalf of God and the israelites to the Pharoah, send someone else. He questioned God's choice. Now that's somewhat blasphemous.


David slept with Bathsheba, a married woman, and had her husband, Joab, a godly man, sent to the front lines of the war so that he would be killed and David could have his wife for himself.


Peter denied even knowing Christ three times in Jesus's darkest hours before Pilot.


Paul, as Saul, persecuted Christians mercilessly throughout the Roman Empire, before his coversion.


Many men of God have made mistakes. No one is perfect. Lot made a bad decision, but you can not say he wasn't a moral, upright, godly man because of one bad decision.

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