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Sir Patrick Moore


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Yay, I'm so excited. I'm going to a lecture by the one and only Sir Patrick Moore on Friday night. The lecture is all about Mars, the planet of most interest to me. Damn, I can't wait.


I love Astronomy and I've been a fan of his since I can remember. The man is brilliant. Are there any more 'The Sky at Night' fans out there? I never miss an episode even though it's only on once a month. If I miss it on tv, I watch it on the web.


Sir Patrick Moore

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Astronomy is excellent....i just got a big telescope for my 21st b'day :D, 10 inch reflector :D I'm at uni right now so i can't use it though :( Back home i live in the countryside and you can see plenty of stars etc. Got some excellent views of Saturn's rings...truly spectacular. It's very humbling to sit in the dark looking up into infinity.


Patrick Moore's just released his autobiography...should be a good read :D

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There are so many excellent Astronomy books Leemu. This is a good one. I prefer DVD's and videos to books though when it comes to astronomy. I love to see the universe in all it's wonderful glory. I recommend 'The Planets' by the BBC, and 'Space' also by the BBC narrated by Sam Neil.

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Goodness knows enough of them see them all the time while on their medications...:D


I've always been interested in the weird stuff like black holes and pulsars myself. It's such a strange concept to think about, especially when you call light "old". As in not a few seconds, minutes or hours, but whole eons old. That's just crazy.

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I have always been fascinated by astronomy. Why are ya so low leXX, tons of people like astronomy, they just arent posting. Hmmm i have a couple of astronomy books. My favorite thing about space is the rings of saturn they are very beautiful and vibrant. Man meeting Sir Patrick Moore would be great. Also im intrested in many other sciences like Molecular Biology and DNA studies. I would like to meet Francis Crick and James Watson, the discoverers of the Double Helix. Maybe also Rosalind Franklin who was not recognized because she was a woman, she was very smart and intellegent. Then there is Lynus Polling possible the most famed and intellegent scientist of them all. He could understand and study anything. WOW sceince is amazing. Can you send me a ticket to England and invite me too come too leXX:)

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Originally posted by leXX

I guess there arn't many ppl interested in astronomy in the swamp. *shrugs*


I love astronomy. Have seen the BBC show called "The Planets" and found it quite interesting. Ever since I was little, I've always had my nose inside one book on astronomy or another. Of all the planets out there Saturn would have to be my fav, mostly because of the beauty of it. Jupiter on the other hand is a planet that for some strange reson I can always pick out in the night sky, especially when there is a telescope around. Luck maybe, as I don't particularly know what times of the night/year it is out.


BTW: Thanks to you Lexx for giving the heads up on that "send your name to Mars" thing with NASA. I may not be anyone important in the grand sceme of things, but at least my name will be written somewhere out there amoung the stars. :D:D:D:D

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That is a lot of names! :D My father put his name in as well, as did my sister. I find it a wonderfull thought that even though I most likely I will not live to see a day when we as humans are living on mars, at least many of us will be there in name only. Maybe even in some old museum on mars in the distant future if all goes well.


Here's to our own small slice of history! :cheers:

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