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Ive been thinkin

Father Torque

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Hey guys. My friend mentioned something to me today that really sparked an idea or thought. Maybe some of you are athiest or you dont believe in God. But I do so im gonna share my thought. He said. Ya I read the bible last night it said " When there is a war over faith god will come". And we thought and we said maybe we will be able to talk to Jesus or Moses tonight. I think jesus(the messiah) will come down and take away our sins. I am gonna get to bed early. Maybe I will have a dream. Were I can talk to god. Now alot of you will think o thats impossible, well I say I dont care. I am a christian. I believe this could happen. I hope it does. I hope that me and my good friends, family, and others will be brought into heaven. I hope that this war will stop. I want this war to happen but I dont at the same time. I wish the world was rid of evil and threats like Usamma Bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein. Many scriptures from the bible are pointing towardws this war. I think god is protecting us and watching us right now in these times. Even people who dont have faith or believe. I think he will lead us through this war. To me Saddam is the anti-christ, thats why I perticually dont like him. What do you think of my friends and my thought. Maybe we will here god tonight, or we will see his powers, or maybe we wont see anything att all but I know he is still there. Please share your opinions. And please dont make this a flame fest.


-Father Torque

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"God's in his heaven, all's right with the world"


...i don't believe in God... the only ones who will make this war quick and hopefully without too many civilian lives taken will be the task force invading Iraq. Since there's no way of stopping this now I only hope this war will be over asap.

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Every time there is a war I always hear that Saddam is the anti-christ and we are all doomed and Revelations is finally bearing its fruits. I sometimes watch some show on channel CBS or something (one of the main guys) and there is this guy called Van Impe or something and his co-host woman person. Every week on Sunday they always come on and get some obscure referene to something and put together all the freaky coincidences and keep telling how the world is ending soon, the Bible spoke the truth when Isahiah said X, etc etc etc. The funniest part is they then say if you want to hear more on these subjects or about tonights show call XXXXXXXXXX with a credit card and get all of God's blessings delivered right to your door for only 39.95 plus shipping.


Until I see a 666 on Saddam (real one) and dragons and crap I am not believing anything is happening now as Revelations predicted.



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Originally posted by Father Torque

Hey guys. My friend mentioned something to me today that really sparked an idea or thought. Maybe some of you are athiest or you dont believe in God. But I do so im gonna share my thought. He said. Ya I read the bible last night it said " When there is a war over faith god will come". And we thought and we said maybe we will be able to talk to Jesus or Moses tonight. I think jesus(the messiah) will come down and take away our sins. I am gonna get to bed early. Maybe I will have a dream. Were I can talk to god. Now alot of you will think o thats impossible, well I say I dont care. I am a christian. I believe this could happen. I hope it does. I hope that me and my good friends, family, and others will be brought into heaven. I hope that this war will stop. I want this war to happen but I dont at the same time. I wish the world was rid of evil and threats like Usamma Bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein. Many scriptures from the bible are pointing towardws this war. I think god is protecting us and watching us right now in these times. Even people who dont have faith or believe. I think he will lead us through this war. To me Saddam is the anti-christ, thats why I perticually dont like him. What do you think of my friends and my thought. Maybe we will here god tonight, or we will see his powers, or maybe we wont see anything att all but I know he is still there. Please share your opinions. And please dont make this a flame fest.


-Father Torque

why can't peeps pronounce it right? It's Osama, not Usamma.
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Originally posted by KingPin

sorry but its Usamma if your saying it from arabic to english, Osama is the stuped english way of saying it



hahahahaha :rofl:


good way to say it KingPin. Also BigTeddyPaul, you must not be very religious or your just plain dumb. How come whenever revelations come up you say the same thing. It always goes like this


Ya revelations are stupid, I am a christian but I dont believe them. Obviously youre not a christian because they are in the bible, and the bible is the word of god. And Lynk hwo created the people in the task force, a large bang in the universe caused gases to create human genetics, and DNA. Its not logical. Im not saying you are wrong im just stating my opinion.:)


Hmmm I did have a dream though, were Jesus was talkin to me, it was the coolest dream ive ever had. I told you guys I would have a dream, he spoke to me. I woke up and prayed for a while. Then I fell asleep.


-Father Torque

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Well to be honest, I don't completely believe in God but I'm still keeping open minded on his existance. ;)


Since the world hasn't blown up by now, who knows, maybe God is helping us.


Plus he still owes me Birthday and Christmas presents! :p

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look heres what i think....



this is going ot be a bad war. then the antichrist pops up, and fixes everything, u know says there will be 7 years of peace, then after 3 years the worst war ever will pop up....then in the end God will take us home, there is a lot of detail to put in the middle, which i have said in other threads, but i dont feel like retyping it again....




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Originally posted by Seph

I now pray each night knowing God is listening. God will take the true christians and those who belive in him up to heaven before the 3 year war comes and the 7 years of peace on earth

so christians are the true religion? i think thats bull****!

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look i dont know what God is doing, but in the end, there will be 3 1/2 years of peace then 4 years of war....then thats it....Judgement Day.....hopefully all christian will go home before then, or we will be killed by the antichrist.... the mark of the beast is coming out soon also, which we figured out in another thread...they have the microchip but its being tested...soon it will be out for voluntary implanting, but then as we all know the antichrist will make it manditroy, i think we will be around then, because anyone who doesnt take it will be killed.... heres how the chip works...



its implanted into ur hand or forhead...then the government can track u....u cant buy things without it, but to take it means death....you will go to hell if u take it...thats the mark of the beast......if u dont take it, when ur cought u die...these are dark days, the end is coming closer and closer, christians cannot lose faith now, i think we are very close, maybe 2-3 more years till the rapture, but no one knows when that will be, not even christ only God, im just guessing....


i just heard so far 6 american have died in this war now... also i think 8 brittish people have died. God be with there families....:(

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