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What are you?

Skate Boy

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What would you consider yourself? A Swampie? Aresenian? SWGer? A Um..KotOR person.(You and SWG people need names)? So what group would you put yourself in?


Me, I'm a Swampie. It's where I came first, and although the Swamp isn't at it's best, I'm still saying I'm one. That, and No one else will acept me.:D




I'm posting this in the Swamp because lot's of people come her, not just Swampies.:)

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Me, an Aresenian!? Never! :p


I just go there to spam in the game threads. :D


I don't personally classify myself as anything. But I guess I'm more of a Swampie than anything else, since I only post on the JKII.net forums. ;)

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I'm a Swampy at heart, but I've drifted a bit for quite a while now... Aresen is my second home, but I'm slowly but surely maknig a return to the Swamp ^_^

Posted by Rhett

I'm an LFer I suppose.



I like to say Leefer though. :D

With an avatar like yours, it doesn't surprise me :p




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