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Character, Hilt, Saber Colour?


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I know we havn't got that many details about the characters you will be able to play as apart from Human, Twi'lek and Rodian, but how will you customize the look of your character and what hilt and saber colour are you planning on using for your first time through the game.


I will be a Twi'lek first. I'm not sure what colour yet. I will be scantily dressed as to look sexy. I will have a gold hilt if available and a purple saber colour.

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The first time through, I'll probably be boring and go for a human male :D


I'm leaning towards going for two sabers, one green and one blue - I'm a fan of simplicity :D


After that though, I'll probably do totally the opposite, and make a Rodian or (female) Twi'lek with a lightstaff and (if it's possible) differently-coloured ends - orange for one, purple for the other :D

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im gunna be a human with any hair cut and a beard maby have light brown robes and 2 a greeny yellow sabers with a qui gon hilt but more chrom on it!






i like the sounds of this game it has a good plot being a padawan learner so you can under stand more of what its like to be obi wan or anakin



will there be multiplayer models just for multiplayer like vader and maul yoda and mace but just for multiplayer:D

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well, scince I plan to have my first character fall to the dark side (DIE, GONKS, DIE!:evil2: ), I'll wear black clothes and have a bad ass red saber with a hilt that's black with lot's of spikes and stuff. I'll have it that I use two sabers if that's possible, and if I can't have two I'll use a double bladed... man, I can't wait for JA:)


[edit] oh, I'll be a rodian. Darth Greedo lives!:D

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From what I've read Greedo, you can't choose to use the double bladed at the start of the game, only single and two sabers. You will be rewarded with the double bladed as you progress through the game.

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Originally posted by leXX

From what I've read Greedo, you can't choose to use the double bladed at the start of the game, only single and two sabers. You will be rewarded with the double bladed as you progress through the game.


cool. I just want two sabers. that would kick total butt:D

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who was it in JK that had two lightsabers? was it Maw? two sabers in MP would rock. double the damage:D . ooh, I just invisioned throwing a double bladed lightsaber... hehe, poor stormtroopers:D . how would throw work with two sabers? would you throw them both or keep one and throw the other?:confused:

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Originally posted by greedo626

well, scince I plan to have my first character fall to the dark side (DIE, GONKS, DIE!:evil2: ), I'll wear black clothes and have a bad ass red saber with a hilt that's black with lot's of spikes and stuff. I'll have it that I use two sabers if that's possible, and if I can't have two I'll use a double bladed... man, I can't wait for JA:)


[edit] oh, I'll be a rodian. Darth Greedo lives!:D


Originally posted by Clemme w/Stick

Can you say a Rodian Sith, with 2 single bladed sabers (if available)?


That is my vision so far. I always wanted to be a bad@$$ Sith warrior :D!




Clemme must be feeding on my brain or something:D

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

I think I'd like to be a twi'lek as well. I love the head-dress. I'll have a silver hilt and probably a yellow saber staff. :D


*must read more about the game :D*


damn you, why must you always post what im thinkin??? :swear:




i almost agree, except the yellow sabre. i want a blue or purple one. do we actually know which colors we can use?

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