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Kyle - are you gonna miss him?


Are you going to miss Kyle?  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to miss Kyle?

    • Of course! He was the best SW character ever n.n
    • I guess I will...he was kinda cool >_>
    • That beard was getting on my nerves again >_
    • Good ridence to bad rubbish ^_^

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Haha, it's great that you included the exact thing I was thinking in your poll: the beard was getting on my nerves :D


I don't really hate Kyle, and he's an interesting character, falling to the dark side and all, but I hate the beard and his clothes. I want Jedi robes!!


And I like the 'create your character'-feature :)

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I won't miss Kyle for the simple reason that even if they never make another game with him in it, I'll make a Single-Player campaign that continues his story. I've had a few interesting ideas over the years about how to kill him off in a heroic manner. :) Don't get me wrong, I think Kyle's great. And every great hero deserves a hero's death.

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j/k, must I post my thoughts? I'm just glad he'll play an important role in the game. I read that somewhere... I hope it's true.

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Of course I'll miss him :(


But I realise he's getting 'old', so it's time for a new direction... Not without him at all, just not with him as the main character, which is what JA has done :)


It would be nice to have th DF series continue directly, perhaps with us taking on the role of Kyle and Jan's kid(s)... Keeping it the family, so to speak :p:D


I just hope they don't forget about him after JA...

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Well, the new game's called:


Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy


So it's not a real JKIII. The developers thought that a game without Kyle isn't really a Dark Forces sequel!



I hope Kyle is going to die in JA, a very heroic death. And then you, as a padawan, you must avenge him in the most horrible way... MWUAHAHAHHAAA!!! Let the blood of your enemies flow... MWUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!!


Anywayz, I'd like to see that happening ;)

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Well, I've never been a real Kyle fan, but I guess he's cool. In DF I really liked him. I've only played the Demo for JK (didnt even finnish that, brrrrr, too hard) but from what I've seen he seems to been pretty cool...


In JO though, I must say he's boring, I dunno why but theres something I dont like with him. Wait I know, AHHH THOSE CLOTHES THOSE HORRIIIIIIIIIBLE CLOTHES!!!!! ;)


All in all... I dunno, I really like the idea to create you own character, though it wont feel like a game of the DF series really (bah, I've only played 2 anyway).

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I think Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is fine without Kyle.


But I also think that it would be a major mistake not to focus on Kye for all of the Dark Forces series (Am I the only one that thinks that Dark Forces III: Jedi Outcast sounds better then Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast? Too many jedis!).


In my opinion focusing on and playing as a child of Kyle and Jan would be really lame, to put it bluntly. But I have a sneaking suspicion that that's where we're heading for JKIII... I just hope I'm wrong.


But on the other hand, I think that the character of Kyle Katarn was unrepairably ruined in JKII. Not that the ENTIRE character of Kyle was destroyed, but what was destroyed can't be gained back, I believe. Now some people like the character progression in JKII, that's fine. But I think it really wussified Kyle's character, and damaged the possibilities for sequals.


First of all, why did they have the Valley of the Jedi invaded?? In Jedi Knight they made it seem like the person who got to the Valley of the Jedi would have the power of a "Super-Nova, within a whisp could be within his power". Now, not only do they have Desann actually GO to the Valley of the Jedi and have an unspecified ammount of time their, but they also have thousands of troops get "reborn in the glory of the force", AND Kyle uses it like nothing... Didn't he listen to Rhan at all?


But the main thing I dislike about Kyle's character is how close he seems to be working with the Republic. Yeah, he did the same in MotS, but for some reason he still seemed to have a bit of a gruff mercenary attitude intact. In JKII he seemed too much of just another one of the Alliances' heros. In Dark Forces he was just a mercenary for hire. In Jedi Knight he was just an 'content old man' in a bar trying to forget the past who happens to stumble along a fateful journey. It seems Jan also left the New Republic too, after the Empires' defeat. He went through the whole game without any interaction with the Republic. Now in JK II he's good friends with Lando (?) and even Luke! I'm surprised they didn't add Han Solo, Boba Fett, Chewie, Leia, and the rest of the gang too while they were at it.


Aynways, I got alittle side tracked... I mean to say that, I think Kyle's character may be too ruined to salvage for another true Kyle sequal... Maybe if a real JKII isn't made by Raven, but Lucas Arts they might be able to pull it off (no offense to Raven, but they just can't seem to do Star Wars as good as LEC in my opinion!).

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He was a real lovable scoundrel - Han if he turned out to be Force sensitive.


He'll be missed, but I am sure that his wisdom and guidance (and hopefully quips) will be with us all the way.


Besides, he has saved the galaxy enough now to have earnt some major holiday time away with Jan, just the two of them... ;)

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I gotta admit, Kyle has been one of my least favorite characters ever in a video game.


He's just so bland, that same outfit/beard/haircut...nothing really exciting about his character [he's like Han with a lightsaber!].


I think Dark Forces had a good idea for Kyle in the cutscenes, as far as look and demeanor, but come JK, it was perverted into the sweater-wearin' yawn pile we have today.


In my opinion.


I'm just sayin', thank god there are SP mods...and now, JA.

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I'm really not going to miss him at all. I had no attachment to him. If you keep on having the same character all the time the game gets kinda stagnet...there needs to be new characters to spice things up a bit and keep it fresh. So the change is a good thing IMO. :)

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Speaking of that sweater...


Am I the only one that sorely misses that DarK Forces suit? I'm glad it made a modified appearance, but it's just waaaaaaay too ugly to be in any more games ;).


If I see Kyle walking aound in that ugly brown, bantha herder uniform, that looks like it hasn't been washed in 6 years (and judging by the time-line, and the fact that Kyle is STILL wearing it leads me to that assumption), then I'm going to type in g_saberrealisticcombat 9 and have alittle fun...


Anyways... Kyle's old armor/jackett was incredibly cool in my opinion. I loved that backmandalorian armor and yellow-ish brown coat. That mercenary look is soooo much cooler then the farmer/jedi look, that I just can't understand why they didn't use it in JKII?! Heck, even the first concept art showed Kyle wearing it, and so did all the magazines with JKII on the cover! And it's not like Kyle threw that armor away... he wore a modified version (no jacket) in MotS.


Well... I guess I can only hope that Kyle gets his fashion sense back in Jedi Academy -- even if we can't actually play as him.

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