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What shall we declare JA as?

Toa Tahu

What shall we declare Jedi Academy as?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What shall we declare Jedi Academy as?

    • First Person Shooter
    • Action/Adventure
    • Role-Playing Game
    • combination of any two(please specify)
    • all
    • what is a RPG?

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Yeh yeh yeh,I know,JA is a FPS,using the Q3 engine...but seriously,how can you play as a Jedi in the Jedi academy and use guns as a main weapon(guns are the main weapons in FPS)?Shouldn't a Jedi put more importance in his saber?



What shall we declare JA as?


I went with action/adventure because I think we really should be meddling more with the saber now.We no longer are Kyle Katarn,please note.

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But it's Jedi Academy,and besides,the official word hasn't come out from LEC yet,so I'm doubtful...


Other than that,you don't expect Jedi Knights running around with guns,guns being the main weapon of FPS's,since Jedi Knights are trained using the Lightsaber,not guns.....


No offense,please.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

I wouldn't really call it an FPS, concidering most of the game will be played in a third person perspective, and you'll be slicing and hacking the most rather than shooting, so it's eh.... a tps, third person slasher XD


Being a FPS is about more than the camera perspective and the choice of weapons, IMO. That is why I chose FPS.


Your mission greatly involves action-based direct killing of enemies using personal armaments which you observe from the POV of the protagonist. That's a FPS to me. Doom et al use projectile weapons and you look through the eyes of your character. JK games you use a meelee weapon and look from behind the character. Otherwise it is basically the same.


... but game genres are melding anyway, which is good. JA will be FPS, but with some Action/Adventure, and some RPG elements. Not so much that it will interfere with the FPS action to be sure, but it will be a nice addition.





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So then what is the definition of a first person shooter? Once you have that, it should be easy enough to decide if JA fits into that category.


But as technology improves and games integrate more elements, the lines between genres will become blurred.

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Descent was a FPS and you flew around in a ship...


Basically a FPS is just a generic term for anything that plays in the first/third person camera angle where the primary goal is *combat.


This is why a game like Tomb Raider is not a FPS. While it has the right camera angle and guns, the primary focus of game play is not to kill everything, collect bigger/stronger weapons and kill more things.


When you go to Best Buy do you see Jedi Outcast sitting next to Ultima Online, Rainbow 6, C.S.I or Ever Quest?


It's sitting right next to Half-Life and RTCW for a reason.

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It's the same age-old argument again. FPS is becoming too genereic a term for a lot of games that are on the market, which are now genre-hybrids. For example, both Serious Sam and Deus Ex are FPS games...yet there's a considerable gap between them in terms of play styles.


So...should we just do away with these generic tags altogether...or should we get into the situation of defining them even further. I mean, we've already got the Tactical FPS, among others...


If you looked carefully at a game like JO or JA...well, it's a FPS/TPS/Melee/Action/Adventure with light RPG elements. How on earth can you sub-categorise that?


I think it's enough to put JA in the FPS slot for now...but I do see where the problem lies.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

It's the same age-old argument again. FPS is becoming too genereic a term




JA...well, it's a FPS/TPS/Melee/Action/Adventure with light RPG elements. How on earth can you sub-categorise that?


I think it's enough to put JA in the FPS slot for now...but I do see where the problem lies.


I think that we should be more concerned about how well the game will play out in SP and MP terms than what name to put on it. It is like the old music arguments - where there are so many categories it is sickening, and each new album or artist is said to 'defy categorization'. Personally, I put about 90% of what I listen to into Jazz - from avante-garde to fusion to bop to thrash, it is all jazz to me - and the rest is pop, rock or classical. Similarly, 90% of the computer games I play are FPS - and the rest are 'board games'.



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Guest Jolts

Since you have the option at all times to switch between first person and thirdperson, I wouldn't call it a fps. I'm guessing most people will play 70%+ of sp in thirdperson. Mp I would say is a even mix of both.


It might use a fps engine, but its beyond being called a fps. I would call it JPS, since I'm sure every jedi game will have the option from the start to switch between first and third at any time.

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Guest Jolts

jedi perspective


from a certain point of view


jedi point of view


jedi game


just kicking ass in all views


whatever you want to call it, jedi games have their own thing going on by the nature of star wars and what jedi mean. You have to have rpg element for the force progression, you have to have 2 camera modes, you have to have guns, and vehics and everything else classic star warscana.

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From the choices given, my personal opinion would have to say all. Cuz Role-playing usually deal with self-character growing in a story. It's a First-Person shooter since there is element of shooting from just the character. But it is also an action/adventure because at first you are doing routine missions as Jedi Padawan, but then like any typical action/adventure story, you discover someone or some group that is wreacking havoc in the universe and its all up to your character to save the [CENSOR] day. So, I'd say its all 3, because to just pick one would be eliminating 66% of the game elements.

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Originally posted by Prime

As long as it falls into the "great game" category, I don't care what genre it's classified as :)


To quote from you Prime,as long as it's a great game,I also don't care what genre it is.


However,for those who wanted a combination,didn't I add one option there?


If it's designed as an FPS,how come I don't see any First-Person screenshot?No offense.


Anyway,thank you all for your replies,and please reply more.

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Originally posted by Toa Tahu

If it's designed as an FPS,how come I don't see any First-Person screenshot?No offense.

IIRC, Raven said that the saber was the focus, and you would be using it about 70% of the time. Since that weapon uses the third-person view, that's probably why most screenshots are that way :)
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