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:Spioler: !End of the matrix trilogy!


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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

if read it in a famous dutch movie/dvd magazine


and thay seemd to be prety serios :(


Fair enough.


If that were true then I think the best location to show him getting up will when he is doing the Internet search on Morpheus only he returns no results this time.

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Me too leXX. There are just so many rumor's going around at this time. Do you think that the Wachoski's would actually let that sort of information get out a week before Reloaded would come out?


They are keeping it very hush hush and they just wouldnt let any information, espicially that of the ending out.


I say it is a hoax or a just a bad source.



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Time magazine had a good article about the 2 new movies. They have some big spoilers in it so I didn't finish reading it cause I want it to be a surprize, but they did mention Neo wakeing up from a dream, but it wasn't the end of the movie. He just wakes up from a bad dream about someone getting shot.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

I think a good ending would be the humans losing and Neo being put back into the Matrix only to think that he was just dreaming.


That would be ok. But just dreaming? I don't like that to much.


UNLESS he's the original ONE and is just dreaming the end of the war and realizes that he to go free the first people....hmmmmm.....

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I think that'd be an unlikely ending, but it would be a testament to the power of the human imagination.


I'll wait till I see Revolutions before I make a judgement, but I just know that it'll be one of those endings that really make you sit and think.

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no way


that would be the biggest anti-climax in history and would suck greatly


how many times did we see neo wake up in the first one? 3 was it, once at his computer, again after the club and then again after the bug is inserted.



i don't think it would make any sense if it ended that way



heres something i heard



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Now thats interesting. I saw a comment by one of the actors that the first one is to do with

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, the second

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and the last

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. Or perhaps it's all part of a big conspiracy to throw an incorrect plot in our direction.

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Originally posted by Praetorian


Time magazine had a good article about the 2 new movies. They have some big spoilers in it so I didn't finish reading it cause I want it to be a surprize, but they did mention Neo wakeing up from a dream, but it wasn't the end of the movie. He just wakes up from a bad dream about someone getting shot.


I read that article. I couldn't believe they printed the spoilers they had in there. They gave a lot away.


They even spread some false rumors and a fake script to throw people off.


Their were 2 false scripts. But they weren't put out by the makers of the Matrix. They were fan created. Joel Silver said one of them was actually good. I read one, it was ok but you could tell it wasn't the actual movie.

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

Neo just wakes up and all was a dream


sad :rolleyes: but its treu


i just hope thay do it in a nice way


sure he does. And I'm rich.:D:D filthy rich I tell you!!!!


hey where did you come to that assumtion?

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matrix is a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream


thay blow the movie whit part 2 :(


sundely at the end neo has the force !

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No Neo does not have the Force ....



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