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Ashton Kutcher Is Batman...

Boba Rhett

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E! Online reports that Ashton Kutcher is the sole candidate for the role of Batman:


That's right, Ashton Kutcher.


Yes, in a world gone mad, Kutcher moves from Dude, Where's My Car? to playing the Dark Knight. But as he is basically attaching himself to every project in Hollywood right now, when approached about Batman, he quietly attached himself to that, too. Yes, this might change, but at present, he's the man in the cowl.


As a responsible journalistic outlet, we have to ask: How the hell did this happen?! Well, when now out director Brett Ratner got close to casting Superman this year, he tested and retested Kutcher, who apparently did well. The "known mostly as a comic actor and that's even a stretch" Kutcher seemed to want Bats over Supes (who wouldn't?) and is now close to being announced as the lead in the flick to be directed by Christopher Nolan.





*Gets very dizzy*


How.... what... I....


....brain..... imploding....





*falls down*

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Bah, Michael Keaton was the best at playing Batman, I don't care who challanges me on this one. And all Batman Movies that were not directed by Tim Burton are sub par in my opinion. Tim Burton resurected the orgiginal Dark Knight, only to have it taken back to campy cliches by that of Joel Shoemaker. Hollywood is cruel and selfless bitch that deserves to pay for making Batman look stupid. At one point he was the epiphany of all super heroes, now is a joke, and even worse, he is now Ashchton Kutcher.....RIP Batman....some of us miss you....we really do. Sorry for what Hollywood has done to you....:(

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Bah, Michael Keaton was the best at playing Batman, I don't care who challanges me on this one. And all Batman Movies that were not directed by Tim Burton are sub par in my opinion. Tim Burton resurected the orgiginal Dark Knight, only to have it taken back to campy cliches by that of Joel Shoemaker. Hollywood is cruel and selfless bitch that deserves to pay for making Batman look stupid. At one point he was the epiphany of all super heroes, now is a joke, and even worse, he is now Ashchton Kutcher.....RIP Batman....some of us miss you....we really do. Sorry for what Hollywood has done to you....:(


I agree with you 100% Groovy! Michael Keaton & Tim Burton made Batman a true "Superhero" worthy to be idolized and enjoyed.


Joel Shoemaker turned the Batman movies into giant Toy commercials, complete with all the fluff and "one liners". :mad:

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i agree with groovy, after tim burton the batman franchise went down the crapper.

the one good thing about batman forever was jim carrey as the riddler. the only good thing about Batman & Robin was er.....mmmmmmm Bat Girl *drools* :D


personally i don't care who's batman as long as it's not another neon light-filled cheese fest which looks more 'power rangers' than 'dark knight'


so i'm just gonna wait and see.

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Can we please give the guy a chance before bashing him? I actually have high hopes for this next Batman movie. Christopher Nolan, the director, has an excellent background (Memento, Insomnia) and the writer David Goyer has written scripts for many comic book movies before (and good ones: Crow 2, and the Blade movies). Remember that Joel Schumacher is not participating on the project this time, so it might actually turn out good!


Take a look at this paragraph from the article:

So, does this news suck? At first glance, yeah, you bet. But remember, Michael Keaton was considered a comic actor before Batman, and Mr. Mom changed everybody's mind in a single weekend. This Ashton guy may be on to something here...
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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

Worest. Batman. Ever.





Amen! :) But it was not Clooney that killed the franchise, it was a combination of bad acting, bad direction, and too many characters that lead the movie to a downward spiral. R.I.P. Batman.


Clooney was good in Ocean's Eleven and even admitted to being "miscast" for the role. Now, I do not know if that is a PR stunt, because the movie sucked, but it certainly did not ruin his career. At any rate, it takes a real man to admit to a mistake, but Joel was fired from the franchise after making that abysmal film that earned a mere 50% of it's cost to make the film in the first place.


I also agree with Sivy B here:

personally i don't care who's batman as long as it's not another neon light-filled cheese fest which looks more 'power rangers' than 'dark knight'



Now the interesting thing about Spawn, is here is a guy fighting to save his soul from darkness, yet the movie relied too much on action and CG elements, and by the end of the movie, I had a headache from all the FX involved....overkill = bad movie.


Daredevil was not that similar to Spawn, but that movie did not rely on action or CG, but really did a nice job on charachter developement, despite the fact that Ben Affleck(worst actor since Kevin Kostner) was given the leading role, it was not a bad film, except for a few fight seens which were just a bit too surreal for my tastes.


Spiderman was a wonderful surprise, I too had doubts about Tobey McGuire, but he added a great deal of realism, and attachment to that role... and that movie turned out much better than I suspected, because you can't help but LOVE Peter Parker for portraying the "schmuck" in us all. And they did not change Spidey's costume... despite all the glitter, and silver, he is still running around in spandex, a taboo, that came clean in the end. I was terrified at the possiblity of a black leather clad Spiderman, thank god they did not go that route!


Blade really surprised me too. I really did not know about the character before the movie, but in the movie, Wesley Snipes seemed like the perfect blend of Batman and John Shaft, a wisecracking, super dark hero, fighting his own origin, his own body, to defend what he once held sacred, not to dissimilar from Spawn. Blade is dark, and an amazing take on the Vampire genre which has been done, time and time again, but ultimately finishes as a very fun film. (the sequal was not terrible, but was a bit too gorey for the average audience in my opionion.)


X-Men, another film that took me by surprise, the costumes (how many black leather heroes can we get into this day and age...really) turned me off, but this film was about intolerance, emotion, and adaptation. (and the sequal far surpassed the orgiginal, both in box office sales, and overall movie production) Did I mention that Hugh Jackman, as the Wolverine, is a screen stealer each time?


The Hulk? have not seen it, and will not comment, despite the trailers making the CG Hulk look horribley cartoonish. Most people are devided on this film, but Marvel can afford a flop at this point, but let's see what happens....


Superman. A wonderful big budget film was made in 1978, and still looks good today. It was directed by Richard Donner, who had later fame with his Lethal Weapon series. Christopher Reeves, took his ass to the gym, and pumped up for this, the costume was not changed at all. That is 100% Christopher Reeves in that costume, and what made the movie so enjoyable, was that it was cool to be a good guy, fighting for the rights of all that is good, and the movie itself had many suprises like Marlon Brando as Jorel, (Superman's father), and Gene Hackman in an over the top performance as the crime loard known as Lex Luthor! The thing that made Superman work so well, was how far would he go to save the one that matters to him most... Louis Lane... He loves her, but would he sacrifice all he had to save her? Amazing movie... why tamper with it.?


Tim re-introduced us to the Dark Knight, a tortured soul, who dedicated his life to stop the evil that took away something he once had... a normal life. And why tamper with Tim Burton's Batman? At a time, he was more popular than James Bond! He had plenty of money, and spent a great deal developing an armored suit that mimicked a masculine build, but had gadgets out the wazu! He was good at stealth, and using the gadgets to catch his bad guys. Micheal Keaton was the most unlikely of heroes, but he had a past, that haunted him, and made him a bit lonely and eccentric. That movie was done in pure comic form, and even Batman Returns was good because it took us further into "Gotham City" which Tim Burton made into an actual "Gothic City". The first film blended elements of the roaring 20's as well as the 90's for a totally different type of city. Everything works well in that movie, and Jack Nicholson of all people gets to play the Joker, which is now the Hollywood norm, of all bad guys in a comic book movie, wich may likeley never be surpassed in a film ever again. For a time after Batman, other comic titles were tried and most of them failed due to lack of effects, or even character... It was basically Batman's turn to be the only superhero.


Now my thing is, at this point, you will never top Richard Donner's Superman, or Tim Burton's Batman....so why try? It would take more than a hell of alot to bring these characters back into the loop, to where we like them again. Some people have they're work cut out for them... I feel this is an excercist in futility. Having a superhero movie is not about how many hollywood faces you can stick into a film, but after Batman & Robin don't you think they would have figured that out? Joel Shumacker obviously saw obvios increases in cast, over putting out a good film. The Franchise died here, and DC Comics and Hollywood are trying to fix this....well.........good luck!:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

well, if Batgirl is in the movie and following the logic of casting so far, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen will share the role... :rolleyes:










*proceds to go mentally insane*



*gets wacked in the head by one of Rhett's elf guards and returns to normal*

I can't stand those 2 little...hmm, can't say that w/o the filter stopping me. Oh well, I'm sure you can figure out the rest.



Has anybody here seen the SNL Jeopardy sketch where they made fun of Michael Keaton?


"Yes, Mr. Keaton."

"I am Batman!"

"No that is not the correct answer"

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Originally posted by krkode

Good actor or not, I think he looks too young to be a Batman. Robin, okay, but Batman has to be older...no other way about it, in my book :p The guy is 25 :eek:


The next Batman movie was suppose to be in the early years. When he first started to be Batman.

So, he's about the right age for that.


well, if Batgirl is in the movie and following the logic of casting so far, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen will share the role...


The Olsen Twins, or as I like to refer to them the non-slutty Hilton sisters.:)

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Originally posted by Hannibal

The next Batman movie was suppose to be in the early years. When he first started to be Batman.

So, he's about the right age for that.

The Batman Year One movie project, which was supposed to show us how Bruce Wayne started to be Batman, was scrapped some time ago by the WB. The current Batman project in development is not a prequel, it's a standard Batman movie as far as we know.


Here's the proof:

The new Batman film, presuming it makes it past the development stage, will not be related to seemingly dead-in-the-water projects like Batman vs. Superman or Darren Aronofsky's Batman: Year One (not to mention the recently rumored Batman: The Frightening, or the long defunct Batman Beyond live-action).
Source: http://filmforce.ign.com/batman/articles/391/391304p1.html
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