Darth Groovy Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 I do not believe in the supernatural. I do not believe in ghosts. However for years now, I have been fascinated by the sightings. I frequently watch the show on the Sci-Fi channel, and take a great interest in all of the material, even if I do not believe, I enjoy the reports with great enthusiasm. I love it so much, that if I had nothing better to do with my life, I would chase these stories down, for a living and write books about it. Some would ask how I can be such a sceptic, yet so enthusiastic about such things? I am the kind of guy who wants to find the secret to the magic tricks, the kind of guy that looks for the wires, and loves to learn the secret to the special effects in movies. In 29 years, I have only witnessed one thing in my life, that I could not explain, but I am determined to find a logical explanation. I will get to my story later. I just finished watching The Mothman Prophecies, and am fascinated by the story, mostly because it does not involve ghosts. Anyways, I was chatting with a freind about my sighting, and he was telling me his. What interested me though, is that his sighting occured in Colorado Springs, CO. He was staying in a cabin near The Black Forest. Apparently that place has been a hot spot for sightings since 1992, which was the same year I saw what I saw, only I saw what I saw in Joliet IL, this guy was right near the area. He claimed that he and his dad saw a lamp floating a foot above a table in a room for about a good minute, before dropping to the table. I did some research on the area, and have been finding cool stuff for about an hour now. Please don't read this if you have trouble sleeping after reading spooky stuff. I have already started a paranormal folder in my favorites list, and as I type this, have actively pursued this as a hobby. Here is an original article which sparked my interest: The Black Forest Investigation by Dennis William Hauck POSTED: 28 June 99 The dream of Steve and Beth Lee and their two sons was to live in the beautiful Black Forest region of Colorado. For four years they rented homes in the densely forested area northeast of Colorado Springs before finding a spacious, two-story log home in the thickest part of the woods. What they did not know was that the former tenant of the house was convinced the property was haunted but did not say anything. The unsuspecting Lees bought the property in 1992. Within a week, the gates of hell opened up on them. "One day we came home," said Beth, "and it was like the Fourth of July in our living room and in our bedroom. We had all kinds of lights flashing through, and it sounded like people stomping across the roof. We would lay in bed at night and hear chains rattling. One night we woke up and heard orchestra music. Strange things started happening every day." Their sons complained of weird lights and shadows in their rooms, lights and appliances started going on and off by themselves, and untraceable chemical odors burned family members’ eyes and throats. Steve Lee, a 34-year-old professional truck driver, believed someone was trying to scare his family out of their new home. But the Louisiana-born man told me that he had "just enough redneck left" to fight back no matter what it was. He installed a state-of-the-art, $70,000 security system with video surveillance and motion detectors, though the system often sounded alarms with no one around to trigger them. Over the next four years, they would have sixty-two unexplainable "break-ins", and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department simply stopped responding. Steve noticed that photographs and videotape taken in certain locations on the property exhibited strange light streaks running through them, and sometimes, translucent faces even appeared on the film. Three parts of the house seemed especially prone to these unusual effects: the outside wall next to their satellite dish, the living room, and the upstairs master bedroom. No matter what type of camera or film he used, Steve captured evidence of unexplainable light phenomena that included brilliant beams, floating balls of light, and glowing outlines of humans and animals. Sometimes the mysterious lights could be seen with the naked eye, though most often, they lasted just a split second and showed up only on film. Steve and Beth finally agreed that something paranormal might be going on in their home, and in early 1995, they sent some videotape to the "Sightings" television show. The show investigated the Lee property on three separate occasions, and producers considered it one of their most interesting and well-documented cases. In November 1996, the Lees invited me to investigate their property. Three months earlier, the Lees had asked State Senator Charles Duke to investigate with his own camera equipment. He was able to capture a cloudy image that he said was "clearly a dog", an apparition that had been photographed repeatedly on the property and that Steve believes might be his own dog who died ten years ago. I was also able to capture this "flying dog" on film, as well as the frightening face of another ghost, possibly the "old woman" described by some witnesses. Like most researchers who visit the Lee property, I experienced the unexplainable equipment problems and odd physical sensations. I also measured intense electromagnetic activity on the property. So far, the Lees have called in over thirty different specialists, including paranormal researchers, private investigators, psychics, and quantum physicists. Several of the scientists have stated that the lightforms recorded on film do not behave according to accepted laws of physics. I am continuing my own investigation of the site and have concluded that it qualifies as one of the most "haunted" houses in the nation. And there is nothing that Steve Lee or his wife are doing to cause it. Dennis William Hauck is the author of "Haunted Places : The National Directory" (shown below). You can read more about Haunted Places and see what Hauck has planned for a second editon at his web site: http://www.haunted-places.com The original link is here. If anyone wants to add to this, I would be VERY interested indeed. Thanks in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El Sitherino Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 *looks at lamp on desk* *fears* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Surfnshannon Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 Groovy...that is just creepin me out because I'm in an office all alone at 1am in the morning. I did check out the site and well..started to read the forums. Did you see the pic of the baby in the tv?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Jed Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 Groovy, wonderful thread I must say I concur with you. I consider myself a scientific thinker, always wanting to know the reason behind something before jumping to conclusions. But the paranormal is one side of me.... The Mothman Prophecies was an excellent movie, but the entire controversy shrouding the creature is even more intriging. Yes, this is a side of me many of you didn't know about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Surfnshannon Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 *sighs* mothman prophesies... Would you believe my mom remembers about that bridge falling down. She lived near there. At least...I'm pretty sure that's what she told me. The movie creeped me out! I loved it though *sighs* richard gear I totally wasn't expecting his wife to die in the beginning like that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Groovy Posted July 24, 2003 Author Share Posted July 24, 2003 I have only one thing happen to me, that I cannot explain. I was about 17, it was late at night, and me and a freind of mine were at a grocery store near a strip mall, stocking up on eggs for a hellish evening of random vandalism. I am in the parking lot sitting in the car, nobody is around. It is around 1 in the morning. I notice this old woman walking near the strip mall. Immediately, I knew something was just wrong. For one, she had on entirely too much clothing for the weather, it was in the upper 50's. This women was dressed for a blizzard. Two, her clothing was old, I don't mean just outdated, I mean like 19th century type clothes like you see in the movies. She walked like she didn't get around so good, and felt a need to help. As I walked towards her, my buddy came out of the store and saw her as well, and headed towards my direction. She walked behind a pillar in front of Office Max and did not come out for the longest time. I walked behind the pillar and she was gone. Me and my buddy spent a good half hour or so searching that strip mall, on foot, and in the car. We never saw her, nore a single trace of her ever again. I don't believe in ghosts, but I would sure as hell like to know what really happened that night, because it has bothered me for years. There was no place this woman could have just vanished into. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormHammer Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 Originally posted by Darth Groovy I don't believe in ghosts, but I would sure as hell like to know what really happened that night, because it has bothered me for years. There was no place this woman could have just vanished into. I have an open mind on the subject of 'ghosts'. Yes, I am more inclined to look for rational explanations first, and with so many 'hoaxes' over the years, I am rather cynical when I hear tales of ghostly apparitions and the like. However, I too had an odd experience before my first son was born...but I'll go onto that later. Anyway, I have a let theory that has absolutely no grounds...but may serve a more scientific approach to 'sightings'. As we all know, the Earth has a strong magnetic field, and we've all heard of 'ley lines', etc. We've also heard theories on wormholes, and the potential to 'travel through time' using such principles. The universe itself is a place full of fluctuation, and potential dimensional rifts. So what does all this have to do with 'ghosts'? Well, when you consider that we have the 'aurora borealis' phenomena in the North, where the Solar wind interacts with the Earth's magnetic field...is it not possible that there could also be extremely focused 'pockets' of electro-magnetic energy? Could it be possible that these 'pockets' might then cause light distortions, including focused and coloured light? After all, if you place a magnet close to your TV screen (not advised, BTW), it creates distortions in the picture. Could that be applied on a wider scale in the atmopshere itself? Taking the idea of these 'pockets' further...what if they acted in some ways along the same lines as a wormhole? An intensely focused pocket of energy that actually distorts space/time slightly, and which could potentially open up a window on the past (or future?). After all, many 'ghost sightings' are usually of people who were once known to exist, usually walking around in a mundane manner, and not doing anything threatening, and completely oblivious of their 'current' surroundings. In other words, images or imprints of the past? Can an electro-magnetic force of sufficient magnitude and focus act temporarily like a mirage...but across time? Or like the earliest photographs, which simply 'burned' an image onto paper by the power of sunlight? And is it also then possible for these 'pockets' to actually pick up something physical of the past, and deposit it in the present? For example, there have been accounts in the past of people opening up stones, and seeing toads hop out, or another case where supposedly men working on a coal seam broken open a piece of coal, and something resembling a pterodactyl fell out and briefly lived (no evidence was retained to support that claim, though). Then, of course, there have been reports of people finding nails and spark plugs, and all kinds of other things imbedded deep in rock millions of years old. Could these modern artefacts have been transported into the past through a micro-tear in the fabric of space/time, like a wormhole? As I said, I have no evidence to support my theory, and maybe it's just wild speculation. Anyway...the 'incident' I referred to earlier I've mentioned before (I seem to recall it was in the last thread where Groovy posted his account ), and in a similar way, it might have a perfectly rational explanation - although most of the people I've told consider me to be delusional or trying a prank. It started one night (something like 2 am in the morning), and I was sitting in my living watching the TV, and to be honest, just drifting off to sleep. My living room is one big room with the Front door of the house at one end (typical of many terraced houses in the UK these days). Anyway, the door suddenly slammed wide open, and brought me around with a start. I went to close it, and I was a bit surprised because I could have sworn that earlier that same evening I'd put the latch down opn the lock (typical Yale lock) - and indeed as I recall it was down. There was a slight breeze outside - but nothing that seemed strong enough to have slammed the door open like that. Anyway, I didn't really give it much thought at the time, and went to bed. The next night (around 1 am in the morning), I was again sitting up late watching TV. My wife was asleep upstairs (she was pregnant with our first son at the time), and in spite of the open nature of our house, sound doesn't carry that well from upstairs. The dog was alseep - snoring I seem to recall. Anyway, I was watching the TV - wide awake this time - and I suddenly heard a sound. Like an 'Ooh'. I don't mean a ghostly wail. I mean a sound like you make when you're mildly surprised at something. At first I thought it might have come from the TV...but it was slightly louder than the TV, and seemed to come from the centre of the room, about 4 feet away from the TV. Again, I discounted that, because houses always seem to make strange sounds late at night. Except the sound came again...just as distinct, and I'd already turned the TV volume down the first time it happened, so I knew it wasn't the TV. The dog was still sleeping, and was lying slightly behind me and to my left - the sound had come from the middle of the room, straight ahead, and slightly to my right. Even then...I didn't think much of it. But over the next couple of months, I heard the same sound infrequently, late at night, in the same room. I was always on my own when it happened. No one I talked to would believe me. They kept saying it was the TV...or maybe an owl hooting and the sound carrying down the chimney. Perfectly reasonable explanations. Then my first son was born. And the late night sounds in my living room stopped. Stopped completely. I gave it a lot of thought since then, and I've come to believe, in my own mind, that maybe my son found a way, while still in the womb, to go exploring in those last few months before he was born. Right or wrong, I haven't encountered any other explanation as to why the sounds suddenly started after that first night when the door blew open, and suddenly stopped when he was born. It gives you food for thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RpTheHotrod Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 I saw a UFO once. Just a bright ball of light in the sky in the distance, but it went extremely fast to the left, stopped (immediate stop...like it was going 100 mph and stopped on a dime), went right, stopped, went straight down, stopped, went straight back up, stopped, and kept doing that. Left right down up left right down up. It was going very fast and would immediatly stop. Eventually the light dissappeared. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrackan Solo Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 Thats why you have your dog cremated! I have had an experence once, its really not a "ghost" scary story but it is abnormal. My cousin was walking back to our car with me when these guys approached us and started saying expletives to her. She didnt know what to do when from behind them came this giant guy who had on a Wal-Mart vest and a nametag with his name on it. He walked up to her and asked if there was a problem, the other guys backed off and she got in the car. Later we called Wal-Mart to thank the man and we asked for his name and the owner said,"Im sorry but no one works here by that name." He didnt work at any of the Wal Marts anywhere around it was the weirdest thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agen Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 Well i can't say i had many.... but one time i was talking about injured dogs and then a dog whined in the background and ran around the corner with lbood on it :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 Stormie... you're just crazy I think the mind can just really f with people sometimes. One time in particular I remember for a few nights in a row when I was very young I distinctly remember there being some rather large blinking lights in the sky very noticable from our front lawn. Bigger than stars... but stationary, clearly not planes. In my years I've come to pass this off as stars. the flickering was probably them dying. At another point when I was VERY young... on christmas eve I got up to take a whiz... on my way back from the bathroom i very clearly heard a "ho ho ho" now obviously it wasnt santa claus but i'll be damned if i know how the hell i heard that noise. the point is that the mind can do funny sh*t to ppl in the right situations. when it's dark out and you're in an unfamiliar place and you start hearing wierd sh*t, you are (in your head) inclined to believe that something's out there. the mind is very powerful and we don't really understand it anywhere near it's full capabilities. But i dont believe in ghosts or aliens... anymore... with the amount of technology out there now it's simply crazy that there's no real proof of anything paranormal existing... but at least they make for good stories! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legameboy Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 Hmm don't believe in all that stuff really, I'm a Christian, and proud of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 So? Why can't you be Christian and believe in any of that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Groovy Posted July 25, 2003 Author Share Posted July 25, 2003 Originally posted by legameboy Hmm don't believe in all that stuff really, I'm a Christian, and proud of it. Curious you said this. I am a christian too. I too, do not believe in any ghosts other than the holy ghost. I do know what I saw, and the fact that another who is even more sceptical that me saw it, confirms my sighting. We had agreed to never talk of it again, but the sighting has bugged me for years, probably more than him, who I have not spoken too in several years, but like I said, I am the guy at the magic show looking for the wires, so I would really love an explanation of what we saw, and the fact that he saw it as well only confirms that I am not crazy. Something happened that night. An old women WAS there, and she just dissapeared. Where in the hell did she go, and why could we not figure this out for so many years. Something happened, and I really want to close this chapter of my life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 i only was afraid of two stories. 1. That StarTrek episode with the "salt sucking monster" 2. That MacGyver episode with the "hiking ants" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shotokan Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 That MacGyver episode with the "hiking ants" hated that episode when i was a kid... gave me nightmares for the longest time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 Originally posted by Shotokan hated that episode when i was a kid... gave me nightmares for the longest time... what i say. no nightmares but i didnt sleep for 2 nights i think. But NOW i am BIG and STRONG .. tsehehehe .. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legameboy Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 I saw an anime episode yesterday (the series was Betterman I think) and it was freaky. There was this doctor with about 7 tubes stuck in him and he was in this canister, and he was ordering these bugs he had made around like this: "My children, go and consume those that oppose us and hinder our plan", and then these bugs (worms, very black insects with huge 'jaws', and yellow insects that pinched people to their death) ate these people alive, and this one lady got trapped in a metal insect hive, and all these larva got all over her and one went into her mouth to take control over her... I don't want to talk about it anymore, it was just sick... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Groovy Posted July 26, 2003 Author Share Posted July 26, 2003 No, but I saw an episode of Hawaii Five-0, once that had this banshee thing in it, (later revieled as a fake, of course) but for some reason it scared me bad enough, that I had to run downstairs and hang out with my folks for a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Eggplant Posted July 26, 2003 Share Posted July 26, 2003 if you see one, even a crude representation they will haunt your walking dreams forever. a black asphault monster is if you let your mind go there picture the black oil from the X-Files; add the tenacles of Kang and Kodos from the Simpsons; and add the eye in the garbage compactor from episode IV ANH that is a black asphault monster. they are mostly harmless. (mostly) if you see one you must look at it. like a dog if it senses fear it will attack. and like a cat, if you ignore it, it will attack. my worst BAM encounter came one spring a year or two back. I was on my way to the store, now BAM mainly live on asphault driveways. they can also cling to red brick walls. anyhow as I was heading to the store, out of the corner of my eye I saw the BAM you always see them in the perifery first. well I was kind of tired, and I did not want to stop and see a BAM just then so I bowed my head, put my hands in my pockets and pretended NOT to see it. 'BIG MISTAKE!' as I past the slow languid oozing of the BAM changed. it contracted itself into a smal puddle, tenacles tensing like a spiders legs, the periscope eye desended into the goo it calls it body, and it sprang at me. (fast and alarmingly so) the attack froze me in my tracks. feet rooted firmly to the concrete sidewalk, in a moment of slow motion horror, I turned to watch it. and as it leapt at me (throat high it turned into a giant black wolf) with eyes of crimson and malice. well there I was with the Bam coming to snuff out my existance. all I could do was turn and try to curl myself into a ball (all the while feet still firmly planted in concrete) well just as the BAM was about to rip my vocal cords out, I heard the scream. the terrible terrible scream. *it turned out to be my own* the Bam just as quickly as it had transformed itself into a wolf suddenly shattered and became a flock of large black butterflies which swirled and swooped and blew round my head. then the BAM just disappaited like smoke. well my heart was pounding in my chest, sweat dripped down my neck and all the little hairs on my body were on edge. unfortunately I was not alone. a couple of west end gino's in their Z28 were driving by. they witness my complete Fisher King Episode. the guy in the passenger seat sneared at me: '****ing psycho go back to the psyche ward!' the driver laughing yelled: 'loser' and off they went. well the BAM's have a nest on my wall outside my 17th floor condo and they have had eggs hatch. whenever I see them I never ignore them any longer. and believe me you don't want to stop and see one 'cause this is bat country.' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Groovy Posted July 26, 2003 Author Share Posted July 26, 2003 Are you the only one that see these "BAMS"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkinWalker Posted July 26, 2003 Share Posted July 26, 2003 If you want a real scare, talk to a Navajo about the legend of the SkinWalker The following is an excerpt from a Men's Journal Article from 1998: One morning as Tom and I sat outside his hogan, way out in the Arizona desert, we noticed a skinny black dog with a white beard slinking behind a rise, 200 yards off. I asked if it was a stray. Tom said it was a skinwalker. "He's been here a couple of days." Skinwalkers are witches -chindi -who can take the form of animals, particularly wolves or coyotes, and can inflict illness or death on those they have it in for. They are believed to be people who want to become rich and have gone through an elaborate ceremony that includes the sacrifice -by untraceable magic means -of a relative When a skinwalker is identified, he is often beaten to death and mutilated beyond recognition, so he won't come back Every so often, a forensic pathologist in Albuquerque told me, the Navajo Police bring in the pulverized cadaver of a suspected skinwalker from the rez, as everybody calls the part of Dinetah that the Great White Father designated as a reservation for the Navajo. Here's another interesting perspective of the legend * Brushes coyote skin out eyes to finish typing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 28, 2003 Share Posted July 28, 2003 I've never seen a ghost. I have, however, *seen* an alien... One night I was walking into my bedroom, and happened to glance over and see an alien peeking in the side of the open window at me. It was about ten feet away from me, with the big gray head and huge eyes that we've all seen on UFO paraphernalia, just quietly watching me from right outside. I stared for about one second at this thing, then completely freaked out. I ran into the living room and grabbed my best sword off the stand, unsheathed it in a blur then walked back into the bedroom...point first. Asking the questions. 'Who are you? What are you doing here? Get away from my goddamn window!' As soon as I was close enough, I lunged at the still silent alien and drove my sword right through its big head. It was then that I discovered the *alien*'s true nature...it was merely some ragged plastic weather covering that my kitties had shredded that spring, hanging in the dim moonlit night and just happening to look like a visitor from outer space. 'Oh, wow,' I said. 'Good thing that wasn't a real alien!' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 28, 2003 Share Posted July 28, 2003 psst. zoom.. (dont touch magic bananas before bed.) One day i though the salt sucking monster was waiting for me at home.. it looked like if it hides behind the windows curtain as i walked towards our house. i thought it was a delusion .. 3 minutes later i was dead.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kengo Posted July 30, 2003 Share Posted July 30, 2003 I'm glad it wasn't a real alien, or you could have casued an inter-galatic war by killing a peace loving alien there to make first contact... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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