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Where Were You Born?

Boba Rhett

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It's not a very difficult question for most, so post where you were born. :p



I was delivered by cesarean in Springfield Missouri one minute before Chase. It was by cesarean because Chase got lost on the way out and did and ENTIRE flip right before labor. :rolleyes:


*shakes fists at chase*

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Southern CA


Natural Birth


I have a dimple in my chin and I'm told thats the very first thing everyone noticed. My mom was askign if I was a girl or a boy - but everyone was too excited over the dimple


My son - didn't inherit it :mad:


But he was born in So Cal too. By Ceserean...but you all know that story!

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Born in the state of infancy, raised in the state of confusion, live the state of cluelessness


but seriously...

Dunedin, Florida (it's across the bay from Tampa) @ Dunedin Mease Hospital

Born and raised in the good old state of hot weather and high humidity.

Go Bucs!!!

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If you where born in Raleigh, then you were most likely born at the REX. Awesome bro.


I was born in Greensboro, NC. It was actually a complicated birth, and I am blessed to be here today. Something that I remind myself of when times are tuff, that I was meant to be here, because logically I should not have made it. It was a mericle birth.

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

Yeah we're twins but we look nothing alike. Rhett looks like our older brother while I look like some sort of hairy forrest midget or a shaved monkey man.

LOL... that was pretty funny... :lol: and I never knew u 2 were brothers to begin with... so I guess you learn something new everyday

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Faternal twins, then, eh Chase? And at least you're honest about your appearance...



as for me, I was born in Houston, Texas; though my parents decided to move to South Carolina when I was 3....stupid parents....coulda stayed in Texas, but NOOOOOOO, just had to take the job with the good money....sheesh...

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