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Noob here *Shudders*


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Yep, im new here. I spend most of my time at the Swamp and EB, but i thought i might try posting here too, so i guess im a noob here *Shudders*:p


Some of you should know me from ICR too :D




Anyway, i hope to post here more ^_^

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Hey, welcome. I'm a virgin newbie myself. So I feel perfectly justified in leaving the task of a warm Aresen welcoming to steadier hands. I WILL however exert myself so far as to say "leave your sanity at th door." Or was it panties? Gee, I'm confused.

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Welcome to my jedi-knightmare, KBell. Enjoy your stay. :evil2:


*Nails Aresen's door shut, making such plans for escape useless.*


You can't leave this place. Wherever you go, you'll always come back for more. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!


*15 throws a brick at Topshot.*


Okay, I'll shut up now............:D


*Runs off into the shadows.*

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welcome eva and Kbell!!


I'm DD (doh!) and I made myself the official spanker here (no one noticed about that but i'll tell you now ;P)so beware ;)


as red said, don't forget to leave your sanity at the door, you won't need it, and also close the door, it's frozen :D


oh! and beware of Lizzie and Mr. Weasel, if you do something bad in Aresen, they will kill you :p

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[align=center]Hiya Kbell and Eva and



I'm Lynk Former. webmaster of The Bubblegum Crisis Center and long time member and Prime Minister of Aresen and moderator of the SW Forums. If you have any questions don't ask me cause I'm just a nog... :D


Now here are some things to know and some simple rules to go by in the mental asylum we call a forum...


¤ Don't spam

¤ Don't flame

¤ Don't insult Mr. Weasel mr_weasel.gif (he's in my avatar, he's the forum mascot)

¤ Don't piss off the mods/supermods/admins

¤ Don't worry, Rogue Nine is alwayz grumpy

¤ If you trip over it's cause spot the invisible dog ran too close to you

¤ If DSS (Dark Sad Shadow) offers you milk... RUN!!

¤ Wacky_Baccy is a nog :p

¤ Do Not touch Elanesse. She is protected by me, Kynky Lynky Wynky, and Mr. D

¤ If you're from the C3F you've just violated the interforum treaty set in Melbourne, Australia in 2002. Therefore you must be shot on site.


Now enjoy youself and...



(...don't forget to close the door behind you it's freezing outsite)

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Captain Andy: Both.


:dozey: Naked and crazy! That's how I like 'em...


Welcome to Aresen, new units. We need more moving targets on the archery range--go on, get going. No time for 'noobie love.' Work first. :D


Lynk: When the heck are you gonna put in the rule requiring people to have duct tape? My demands are simple. What are these people supposed to do in the event of a hull breach...?



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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Captain Andy: Both.


:dozey: Naked and crazy! That's how I like 'em...


Welcome to Aresen, new units. We need more moving targets on the archery range--go on, get going. No time for 'noobie love.' Work first. :D


Lynk: When the heck are you gonna put in the rule requiring people to have duct tape? My demands are simple. What are these people supposed to do in the event of a hull breach...?




No! Noobie love all the way :D We've got enough 'tards to make good moving targets :D (and you all know who they are ;))


Besides, I know KBell from elsewhere. He's tamed ^_~




Fine DD, be that way ;) explain :D

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*the jester steps into the scene*


hey kbell. hey eva. you just need to say if you want trouble..


like i could use my blender here to find out if you like milk.


*eva and kbell are nodding heavily*




ok. i just wanted to check if you left your sanity at the door.


obiously you did. so..






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