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Status Updates posted by jonathan7

  1. I'm not a scripter can't really help to much, have a look at these threads though; http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=597 GB j7

  2. Never read the novels unfortunately, the films are simply brilliant, the novels better? your probably right on the spelling, will correct shortly ;) GB j7

  3. Thanks merry Christmas to you too! GB j7

  4. Hehe, just got your email... You should of got one from me as well ;-) I'll drop you a PM with a few other exciting bits of information! GB j7

  5. I can just hear them now saying... "come here big boy" ;)

  6. "K1: Enhanced Bastila Romance Mod" - Please provide a link (as the instructions said) to the mod in your nomination; I can't find the mod in TUCE under that name. - j7

  7. "like the Jal Shey model" -- Do such people exist? :xp:;) GB j7

  8. Belated Merry Christmas!! Hows you? You hava good holiday? Still haven't seen you on Skype for a catch up :xp: GB j7

  9. It was great thanks Beeee!!! Hows Australia?? GB jx

  10. Heya Dak, been playing with the new model you sent me... Looks good, although whats up with the lighting? I'm just about to email you Sith Stalker texture, I can make it more like the Force Unleashed version if you like? I'm presuming thats what you were aiming for with the Jolee Model you were making? GB j7

  11. SWK does have limited hosting space, it tends to be reserved for mods which have won community awards... -- j7

  12. Hey! Let me know any thoughts on this (especially the Sith Apprentice, as you commented on the armour lines looking painted on... any better? You going to send me those updated Jedi Master Robes for me to have a play with btw? In other news, Dak Drexl is having a play with your sand person Jedi Robe to see if he can get head etc!


    Hope your well and work and play isn't keeping you too busy! GB j7

  13. It will depend upon your regional server as to if Facebook is working; in the UK I'm fine and can log on, but only 3 people are online - give it a few hours and facebook will be working about. Twitter, I don't know about as don't use it... GB j7

  14. Went well thanks, really tired though! Hows you? Been trying hard to get RoR up on KotOR Files, but frankly I'm rather concerned with the state of the site currently! GB j7

  15. Heya CAD, hows you?? Long time no speak; hows things going? GB j7

  16. Hey,


    Sorry only just saw you'd written this here, if you take a look carefully at Section 1 - Section 1 isn't a guarantee on for Citizens, it is a duty of care of the Government...

    "Section 1.

    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction".


    My main issue with Gitmo, is that torture has been used, and indeed it would seem quite a few innocent individuals are locked up. All I'm saying is a court of law should be convened to lock up/execute the terrorists and let the innocent go free...


    GB j7

  17. Yo, there aren't any screenshots in the File Submission que... You fancy trying to upload it again and seeing if it sends screenshots? -- j7

  18. Fair enough DI, I'll miss our chats :( But I do understand :) -- GB j7

  19. Ah, ok :) That's cool, we can leave that in as a Sith Stalker armour, though I'm fast running out of appearance.2da slots to use. I look forward to an armour robes 2 release :) GB j7

  20. Skype!! :xp: Could you send me your skin model version too, as need it for the Force Fashion 2 package! :p GB j7

  21. Return to the Nietzsche thread :D

  22. Heya Logan,


    IIRC it depends on what Lightsaber you are using as if you can swap a crystal, and you can only USM crystals in and out of USM sabers, if try to put a bog standard game crystal into a USM saber, or a USM crystal into a bog standard lightsaber you'll get a 'null nade' - doesn't usually cause the game to crash just causes you to loose your lightsaber.


    I know that trying to change the lightsaber in the Kreia lightsaber I made for FFII will cause the game to crash, haven't as yet figured out why.


    If you drop Chainz.2da a message I'm sure he can explain how they got the USM system to work :)


    GB j7

  23. Quanon!!! It's been forever how art thou??? Get your bum onto Skype!!! GB jx

  24. Hey, Vrooks red robe, isn't available in KotOR 2, I spent an absolute age reconstructing the damn thing from promo shots around the net to get it in K2, I can probbaly dig out the template I eventually constructed. I used the brown robe to then get the proportions correct. Btw, I had a random question for you related to Force Fashion K1 - is it possible to replace the head on here; http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/screenshots/File/90120/8 with the usual PC heads? And was there a particular reason you didn't do a female variation? GB j7

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