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Status Updates posted by harIII

  1. hey you replied on my thread yesterday/this morning about adding grass to the valley of the sith. Im curious if you would be able to give me a few links to the research you were talking about. I would check it out now but im on my phone and its hard enough just trying to see if my thread got a reply. Thanks for the help cheif.

  2. Hey, did you ever get that collar fix done for the Visas model?

  3. Hey, I was wondering if you knew how the scripting system works for Pazaak or Swoop Racing. If so can you give me a pretty good dissection of them?

  4. Hey, just curious about what's happening with the models.

  5. Hey, let me know if you would be interested in doing some skinning for me in the Shadows of the Empire project. I saw your work and really enjoyed it, keep up the good work.

  6. Hey, since you have an understanding of how modules work, would you be able to help me with getting some new modules from 3DS Max into TSL?

  7. Hey, thank you for commenting in the puppet scripting question yesterday. However I am not exactly understanding what I am to do with syntax you gave me. It sounds like it is supposed to be equipped to the heartbeat but how to spawn it so that it naturally appears when you warp to a new module.

  8. Hey, thanks for doing this but just so you know can you make them for TSL?

  9. Hi, I took notice that you helped write about 9 different stories for the Sith Resurrection. I'm currently working on a story conversion mod for The Sith Lords known as Shadows of the Empire. Since it appears you have excellent story telling capabilities, would you have a problem if I got your help getting the fine details of the plots I'm working with?

  10. hold that thought about the statues, I'll look for something; it will probably be somewhere between 12 to 1 before I really have a chance to find it because of classes

  11. Honestly I can't skin very well, though I'm trying to learn. I personally use gimp though simply because it's free.

  12. Honestly I'm surprised at how easy modeling is. I only started maybe 3, 4 months ago and now I'm making things on a similar level to TSL area models. I'm even more surprised that other people aren't getting in on it. The only down fall... time consuming.

  13. How has the module reskinning been coming along?

  14. I actually already have one but for some reason I'm still having that problem whenever I want to level up or get an item.

  15. I actually have been on Fall Break so I didn't have internet access. I just downloaded it and I'll test it before the end of the night.

  16. I can add the crystals but I'd like to do it after the game is basically done so that I won't have to go back and add new sabers for all the new hilts i plan to add. Also what do you mean by animation fixes?

  17. I cannot guarantee what time I will be getting off today, I may have to work eight hours, it could be twelve. So lets aim for say six but again, I really have no idea when I'm getting off.

  18. I just got on, come on by within the hour because I have class at 7:15 eastern standard time

  19. I know there is a male model for the Stormtrooper classes but I really need a female variation of it so that female players can use them. I have a Shadowtrooper skin done but I can't get the helmet to work correctly. If you can make me a helmet with a black mesh on it, that would be wonderful.

  20. I love it, just remember if you want to help others you have to help yourself first. If you want to donate to charity, you have to get a job first (code name, help yourself first)

  21. i normally would be but i can't since i'm going out of town. but i should be back on by saturday evening at least by 7 eastern standard time

  22. I talked to canderis and he thinks that the city should be a mixture of stone/metal because they are essentially using the lesser grade minerals they are digging up from the mines to build their city.

  23. I thank you dearly, but I'll have to download them later on today when I have more time.

  24. I think the earliest I'll be on will be maybe 10ish tonight because I have a class yet tonight and then I have to go to a party.

  25. I thought that we could get away with it to build up some anticipation. As well getting a few voice actors for the first beta release.

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