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Everything posted by Astor

  1. Keep on thinking! I've no problem with people seeing these messages - if I needed to say something private i'd take it to PM's.


    You're right, of course, that size has no meaning in these situations - in Star Trek, at least, a Phaser is more powerful than a laser - it's stated several times that Lasers are inferior - Federation, Klingon etc ships are rated to withstand Phaser blasts - whether or not that would hold when compared against Star Wars lasers, I'm not sure.


    That's the difficulty - comparing the technological standards of the two. For instance, a cloaking device in Star Trek completely conceals a vessel - in Star Wars, a cloaking device only masks the sensor readings of a ship - you can still see it if you look out a window.


    Star Trek ships have an advantage in movement as well - a Hyperdrive in Star Wars takes minutes to warm up, and complex calculations are required, otherwise you could jump into an asteroid. Warp Drive can be utilised almost instantly.


    That, and a Q could do some nasty damage to anything that gets in the way... :p

  2. Thank you! A tricky question, to be sure... but my money would be on Star Trek - but maybe i'b biased because it's what got me into Sci-Fi... :p


    What say you?

  3. Apologies for interjecting, good fellows, but that's a great poem! Have you, per chance, ever seen the letter Mr. Cleese wrote to America?



    New, incontrevertable proof of McCain's biggest secret:


    John McCain Eats Babies

  5. If mice can learn not to touch an electrified piece of cheese, I'd think so. But then again...

  6. I think I might start flinging accusations... did you know John McCain eats babies?


    And that Sarah Palin is actually a member of an organisation so secret only the caribou know about it? Thus, her reasons for killing them are to stop the truth from coming out... :p

  7. Watch out! Obama's out to ruin your business! He'll eat your babies too! :p

  8. Astor

    Some more proof that America didn't single handedly win the war -


    Fighting Jack Churchill


    They need to make a movie about him.

  9. Gotta love some deadwood :D

  10. Duh, so frustrated I couldn't even spell 'frustration' right :lol:

  11. Have I become the 'Garfield Frsutration HQ?' :p


    As for starting any serious discussion, ask yourself if it's worth all the hassle of sifting through moar Fox News propaganda...

  12. Ready Lances! :p

  13. Interesting... I may mosey on over...


    I won't comment on whether I want him banned or not, I don't mind either way, just so long as some sources other than Fox, or another Conservative shoutbox are used for a change.


    I may drop out eventually, as I can only type the same things so many times :p

  14. Oh, buckets!


    I just love running round in circles... :p

  15. You're welcome!


    We can but try, and hope to purge, or at least change their viewpoints on the tips of our verbal lances! :p

  16. Astor

    Well, we've put our points across, and it's been all quiet of the western front... :lol:

  17. Astor

    There does come a point in time when one has to consider the futility of it. I can only drive a Ford Fiesta into a brick wall so many times before it's not going to work anymore, to use a rather crude analogy.


    I'll at least go into a discussion with an open mind, and I still have an open mind regarding things such as CHCs, and so on, but some people just won't change their minds...

  18. Astor

    Can you smell the irony?


    It's a shame that we're wasting his time, with our structured, thought out arguments, isn't it?

  19. Astor

    How are you today, good sir? o_Q


    Also, aren't those americans mighty nice for saving our poor, defenseless country? :xp:

  20. Not-bloody-likely, I think.


    I'm taking a step back from it before my blood pressure get's too high - I just detest the US saved the world theory - helped, yes, I've never denied that, but no US veterans i've ever spoken with have ever claimed to have saved us...

  21. Thank you, noble american for saving my country! :lol:

  22. She's definitely intriguing! I haven't though about her much, but she'll probably be a pretty big character from this point on.


    The real crux is avoiding the 'instant romance' trap. They're attracted to each other, yes, but it doesn't mean they're automatically going to jump into the same bunk together! :lol:

  23. Trolls aren't as available on the market as kittens and puppies are, though :p.


    Thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it (bar the silly little mistakes). And I'm pleased that the humour's not been lost on some people :).


    The problem i've got is trying to include romance without it sounding childish, or too crude (we are PG-13 here, after all).

  24. Nah, i'm not nice. I kill puppies and eat kittens when i'm not pretending to nice on the internets. :p


    Awesome. I'll check out your review!

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