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Everything posted by Astor

  1. Bravo, Good Sir, Bravo. :golfclap:


    I bet it'll get deleted, though.

  2. picture.php?albumid=100&pictureid=2453


    Just to offer an alternative. I couldn't get a decent hat for the dude - he's in a funny position to get one to sit right.


    AK. :)

  3. You noticed that too, eh? Dashed cowardly, if I must say! o_Q



  4. Not too much, really. Christmas doesn't really start for another week or two for me, but that's no reason why the Major-General can't be in the festive spirit... :lol:


    How are you?

  5. It's hard to decide. I like the first one, and the second one was good, and the third one was just as good...


    The third one wins it simply because I get to see more of the Royal Navy... :p

  6. not bad thank'ee, just actually started to watch POTC:AWE, as it happens :lol:

  7. Hi there. How are you?


    (I noticed that you're on my friends list, yet we haven't actually spoken) :thumbsup:

  8. cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer? That sounds like the worlds friendly neighbourhood police force... :lol:

  9. Astor

    I'm absolutely great, thanks.


    And with the Star Trek stuff, I think it kinda follows that people into Star Wars are into other Sci-Fi. It just takes the right words to bring it out in them...

  10. Astor

    Hey, did you hear about that Mona Lisa they found in London the other day? It was analysed and...






    It's a FAAAAAKKEE! :p


    How are you, anyways? :)

  11. I thought you'd enjoy it! Don't worry, though, the next part is on its way... college is getting in the way a bit though.


    Biggest problem is trying to avoid 'Deadwood revisionism' (read: not including the f word every six words, and trying to keep it PG-13). Although I don't have it in me to do ultra-violent and gritty. :D

  12. Bee! Did you get round to reading my cowboy story?


    Cowboy Story!



  13. Aquatiger!





  14. Hmm... good point. The Shark would require some form of breathing apparatus for it to operate on land. They are both lords of their respective domains...


    They should team up and fight crime instead!

  15. Shark vs Tiger. Who'd win? :p


    I've updated 'McLaine', BTW...

  16. Oh joy! let's make their lives as miserable as ours! :p

  17. We used to have fun, but now things are getting, well, boring... :(

  18. That's what I mean with the humor. It's pretty much sucked the fun out of what was supposed to be an irrereverant look at politics, but that's obviously not allowed to happen... :p


    And I miss Kavar's too.

  19. Humor. Lost on some people, it seems. :lol:

  20. Ah, that audacity. I will see what I can come up with.

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