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Everything posted by Astor

  1. Not very much really, but I'm good. How are you?

  2. I bee good. :p Did you have a nice christmas/new year?

  3. Can't beat blackadder... :)

  4. Astor

    Me too... with 18% Nero as well... :confused:

  5. Astor

    I found something during my nightly perusings which might be of interest to you...


    Which Roman Emperor are you?


    It's by no means comprehensive, or overly accurate, but it's a nice little distraction.

  6. Things could have been even more different had Prince Albert not intervened in the Trent Affair - that could have brought Britain and France into the war, and quite possibly have destroyed the Union.


    I'm glad it didn't happen in the end, but it's an interesting 'what-if'.

  7. Apologies for catching your catching your discussion with CQ, but, for what it's worth, I'd consider myself a Copperhead too. :)


    I myself have always pondered how Gettysburg may have turned out if Jackson had survived. It might have been an entirely different outcome.

  8. I like your 'new' Elizabeth... more action-oriented than the other one!

  9. Bee! You need to remove your Christmas Hat! It's bad luck!

  10. It was for the best. Still, you have to laugh at the irony... :)

  11. *Steals your message virginity*

  12. How come we weren't friends! No matter, 'tis rectified now! :p

  13. I haven't stopped writing it, per se. Inspiration for it is running a little tight at the moment. I did start on another part - i'll see if I can't conjur up some inspiration and maybe get something done to it by the weekend.


    I'm glad to know that there's people who want to read more!

  14. Astor

    I've just managed to catch Retribution on TV, and was very impressed! And, with your recommendation I shall look up the DVD set!

  15. Astor

    Hey, SW! A question, if you're willing to indulge me - seeing as I noticed you gained the DVD for it, is Hornblower any good?

  16. I don't care for his tactics, but his tenacity is commendable. :lol:

  17. Definately. I've been waiting and dreaming for a game like this for years, and now there's gooing to be one!


    And Merry semi-late Christmas to you!

  18. Just giving you a heads-up on a potential head-ache I might be responsible for:




    I've asked if everyone can keep it to the topic at hand, but I doubt it'll stay that way. ;)

  19. I'm glad somebody appreciated my '-gate' joke. :lol:.

  20. Hi stoffe, I noticed there was some talk of replacing the LF logo, and thought i'd put these out there if you wish to use them.





    Cheers, Astor.

  21. Congratulations on your new power over all of the KOTOR forums!

  22. Your welcome! ;)


    I found that hat and it fit perfectly, but I got rid of the bobble 'cause it looked stupid dangling in front of the mansim. :D

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