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Mojo Updater
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Everything posted by Thrik

  1. According to the news post…
  2. Have you seen those collectibles?! https://mixnmojo.com/news/Fire-up-your-credit-card-for-these-Psychonauts-2-collectibles#comments
  3. Incredible work. Thanks for the immense work you’ve put into this!
  4. Remi’s eagle eyes strike again.
  5. All things considered, they did a good job.
  6. Use a nice CRT shader for the ultimate experience. It’ll smush the pixels together in a way consistent with the tech of the time, which one of the artists Mark Ferrari confirmed was something he exploited to make the dithered areas look smoother.
  7. It is sad, but I’ve personally stopped reading into it too much now. There is a clear pattern emerging of these idiots mostly coming from some pretty sad corners of the internet, for example you look at their Reddit profiles and they’re full of right-wing nonsense. I think there is unfortunately a subset of fans of most things — after all, they were once children just like us — who also have an incredibly toxic view of the world, and a knack for sharing that toxicity far and wide. In a funny sort of way it makes me feel better about it all, because frankly there is no helping those people. And so the only reasonable option is to disengage and not allow them to poison the good vibes, which is what I have been doing when the nastier comments appear in the Mojosphere — straight into the bin.
  8. Yeah, it’s a good example of how the devil can be in the details. The two are very similar and yet nothing alike.
  9. I posted this on Twitter, but thought it worth noting here how the final Guybrush design wasn’t so far off the early concept Rex sent to Ron in the end.
  10. Haha. Unfortunately this is just a React thing, as well as SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED. We had a good ‘laugh’ about this at work once.
  11. No, I haven’t had chance. 😅 It took ages the first time and I can only get away with so much in the office!
  12. Have you played with the new official site? There might be a clue in there, as the Stan dialogue is pretty extensive. But of course it’s also just for jokes.
  13. At this rate it’s looking like we might see enough of Melee and Monkey Island that we don’t even need a remake of MI1!
  14. Man, Wind Waker is such a good comparison. People seriously thought that series was ruined at that point, and even Shigeru Miyamoto himself wasn’t a fan. But once it all came together and people… just… fucking… played it… it turned out to be what remains one of the best and most timeless-looking Zelda games made. Then they went and essentially did what the detractors wanted with the following game, and frankly that ended up being one of the most forgettable, lost in a sea of other ‘how Zelda used to look’ games.
  15. Here’s the spoiler to end them all… … …the clouds are back!
  16. Looking forward to the pirate politics. They were sort of just ‘there’ in MI1, but I guess now we’ll find out how the (Supernatural?) pirate leaders fit into the overall leadership of Melee Island, along with the judge and the Governor, who may or may not be Herman Toothrot.
  17. Looks like we have our answer about that other character from the teaser trailer, it was indeed a chef: Speaking of which: Just a minute… Looks like Switch and PC are the launch platforms:
  18. Wow. I am delighted with everything I just saw and heard. I don’t know what I was expecting for Guybrush exactly, but this has far surpassed anything I was imagining. I think he looks really good! I find the details and lighting in the game’s art absolutely gorgeous. Everything is just so packed with detail, and it looks like there’ll be quite a lot of bespoke cinematic animation.
  19. I’ve always enjoyed the version of the House of Mojo music that plays after you do in Largo, which works the LeChuck theme into it (2:10 onwards):
  20. Well, they did choose to start with supporting Sierra games — no wonder! 😅
  21. The voodoo lady must have some weird stuff to eat on her shelf.
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