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Kyle Katarn has a company?


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i'm bored, i will. whats he goona do? spank me?




ok i sent it, I feel so evil :D


subject: Jedi Knight


Message: How's Jan doing? Sorry about your dad.



what if his name is Kyle Katarn, he has a wife named Jan, his dad just died, and he has never heard of Jedi Knight? :eek:

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Hello everyone !


I'm Kyle Katarn from the Katarn Corp. I've heard about this thread by looking into my web server's log files, and .... by the email i've jsut received about Jan.


Of course Kyle Katarn is just a nickname (and, of course, the Raven Claw is not parked in my garage).


I'm only a fan of LucasArts games, starting with Day Of The Tentacle. Then, i also used to play Dark Forces on my old 486DX2.. i like the name of the character, i decided to use it as i nickname on the Internet.


Then i began coding and distributing my product. I needed a cool name. Then i thought about "Katarn Corporation". I sounded good to me. Still does.


I once sent an email to lucasarts about the use of the name "Katarn".... they never replied. Since i'm not making money on the name "Katarn" itself, i don't think that there are troubles here.

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Originally posted by Alegis Gensan

It is actually a catchy name..who could blame you? :) Good luck with your programs ! actually started to use K-MP3...


Thank you ! I you need help with my software.... feel free to contact me ;-)


Borland Delphi 7 is the only "force" i know in the universe... ;-)

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