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The Official RotS Spoiler Pictures Thread


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Darth Maul was made to be 'cool' with his crown of horns on the tatooed face while wielding the first double bladed in the movies. He wasn't much of a character though.


Jango Fett, though more of a character than Maul was still made just to be 'cool' cashing in on his clone son's popularity. In fact, I think it ruined the mystique that made Boba so cool by revealing every detail rather than letting us just imagine where he had come from.


Greivous, once again, is made to be 'cool' if what you say is true about the whole 4 saber thing. Plus, he doesn't even look cool like Maul and Jango did :rolleyes:


Sorry, it's just me maybe. Lucas is just trying to sell SW to everyone rather than doing what I'm sure he had thought up 25 years ago....

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In relation to another thread where a moderator threatened to "rip me a new one", im going to post a lovely little warning here from me.



Now I guess you all know that Hyperspace pictures have been made illegal to post on the net anywhere but hyperspace.


Need I say more?

I have saved this page to HD and will have no problem whatsoever in sending it to the proper authorities as evidence.

We have good thing going here so Mr holier than thou Mod man one more threat from you and I guess we will be seeing the **** hit the fan so to speak.






Sorry to rain on the parade but quite frankly, if someone wants to play the smart *** then they can do it in court, with their very own lawyer, and not on an internet messageboard.


If the pics stop coming its fine with me I can afford HS 100's of times over, ban me from the forums and consider the e-mail sent :)


Have a nice day.

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Originally posted by STTCT




That is by far the meanest post I've ever read?


Let's not play threat games - besides all those HS are not originals.


Besides I have a HS account...the other photos are from scanned pictures of SW insider.....


i agree with you there STTCT.

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Originally posted by Siv

i think somebody needs a hug



I need more than a hug.





That is by far the meanest post I've ever read?

Never intended it to be mean, merely a factual statement.

I was quite upset last night when I read the post regarding me being given a "new hole", sure his post may have been a little on edge due to its author apparently having a bad day due to a media course of some sort.





Let's not play threat games - besides all those HS are not originals.

I hated writing my post to be honest but I felt that the mod in question decided to just overstep the line a bit in the other thread, there was a pile of non-worthwhile garbage in there, I come along and posted a statement telling people that I have made a discovery, that discovery did not include any intention to spam, but apparently someone read it wrong and thought that I was going to spam the forum, I had made no spam and never intended to.

As for threat games, well it may be considered so to some extent. I dont hold any personal grudges here, like I said its an internet message forum and when it comes down to it my real-life is much more important than posting a few messages and I quite frankly dont care for any one of you to the slightest extent, some months back I was chastised by a fellow forum goer for trying to work out some personal problems with a guy who hated his parents. From that point on nobody, nobody online has mean t a thing, for all I know you may be just a random message gernerating machine.


Wether or not the shots are originals is not really of any relevance here, they are HS pictures, just because someone edited them, still makes them the sole property of lucasarts.



Besides I have a HS account...the other photos are from scanned pictures of SW insider.....

There is no law against posting insider pics. Apart from the fact that Insider magazine has been sending nasty letters to T-bone for displaying the images, displaying the images reduces the ammount of people buying the magazine and means less money for the publishers. Which is fully understandable in my opinion $$$ is what makes the world go around.[/b]






I like to play nice, i'm a nice guy, but get on my back for something totally unjustified is just not on.

Lets all be friends and Ill delete all the nasty posts I have made and will even delete the file folder I have that contains the pages in question. We can forget about this whole thing in one asy step.

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The only one who would be in trouble for the HS pictures is me - because I provided them and I'm a HS member. So - from now on I will not post any of that content because I for one do not want to be threatened.


I understand if you got pissed off at a mods comments to you.


But please - remember that you are threatening me and not them because they didn't provide the pics.


So sorry guys I won't post any "illegal" pictures anymore. But if I run accross some on the web - I'm gonna post a link to them and that's not illegal.

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I'm up to speed now. As Jabbas WhOr3 pointed out, we shouldn't be posting them. As much as I'd like to, "forget about this whole thing", what's done is done and the HP pictures have to come down.


Jabbas WhOr3, I hope you look back on this and see that there was no need to do what you did just because of what lynk said to you.

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What. The. Sith?


This is by far the most pathetic thing I have seen in my time on these forums. All of that because Lynk said he would rip you a new one? He has said that to absolutely everyone at some point. You need a serious chill pill. :mad:


*adds another name to her little black book*

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*Shocked look appears on face after reading the last 15 messages of this page*


...and people wonder why I virtually only lurk now days.





Great pictures people, please do keep them comming, just cover you buts and make sure their legal to post first so there is no problems. Its a shame the HS pictures dissapeared from the thread, Although I did see most of them but rules are rules....thanks Jabba!


I guess out of all the photos my favourite ones are the clone troopers picture they look spookly close to storm troopers and pictures of Anakin and Obi.

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Heheheh, Jabba's post makes me want to sign up to HS and post everything from their here just to piss him off and have him report me. I mean what a twit, threatning a forum that allows him to post in their website, youve probably heard this before but, It's not a right, It's a privilege. Oh and ripping you a new one isnt much of a threat because well this is the internet...and well...he cant really touch now can he...


I dont see how this is illegal at all i mean i understand that posting the images here would cause less buyers but Im prety sure the magazine has more readers then the 20 people who posted in this thread, and Star Wars is a big enough franchise that im pretty sure its more worried about someone stealing its patents on lightsabers then an internet message group.


Sorry if this id an old thread and im reviving it i got linked her from another thread, and i just got so annoyed when someone died and made Jabbas whore captain of the Internet police.

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