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Hello all. I'm so incredibly happy because my year of learning is practically over, and I really hate my school. So if you are also just gettting out of school , you should definatly celebrate too!! *runs around yelling like a crazy person with a torch torching stuff* I'M FREE I'M FREE!!!!!!!

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2 weeks to go!




It'll be fun, cause TROY and video games will keep me busy.


I'm giving up on hw next week, even though our math teacher insists on LUDICROUS TESTS AND QUIZZES till the last day of school.... oooohhh how I can't stand that...

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Should graduate from Uni in July 2005...still a year or so away....


and I might do a Masters if I can find the funding...


Could be two years til so-called "freedom", then you get to work...which is just another restraining device :p


Enjoy "freedom", if you find it, point me in the right direction :lol:

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I'm happy that you're graduating, Selene.


*Dodges Kain's ax.*


Good luck with your new, school-free life. As for me, I have yet to experience freedom from high school. 1 more year, and I'm out of that godforsaken school system for good, then true chaos will arise. :evil2:

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One week of finals and I'm done.


This is also my senior year, so I was supposed to graduate, but due to idiots in the guidance counselor's office, I can't. So I'll e going to school for one hour a day next year, and THEN I graduate.


Stupid, huh?


Oh well. I still have my summer. =)

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