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Lest start a conspiracy theory.


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The other day I was watching a program about the top 10 conspiracy theorys in the world, NO. 1 was that the govenment are using mind control teck to make people do things. there were some other really strange ones as well.


anyway, I thought, how hard can it be to start one?


My idea is this:


1. Come up with the conspiracy, It can be as stupid as you like.


2. Post it here


3. People that read it then spread it/ make websites about it.


4.This thread is then deleted. (I assume i can do that as I started it)


5. we see how well it spreads.


Sorry, if this sort of thing isn't alowd on these forums, I coudn't see anything specific against it in the rules.

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this is one i thought of awhile ago... i still can't prove it but i know its true...


light bulbs could last forever, if the companies that make them didn’t put tiny explosive charges in them. after a set time the explosive is triggered and the element is destroyed so the bulb ceases to work, thus needing to be replaced.

the light bulb companies also have teams of ninjas in case the charge fails to explode. the ninjas take over the job of sabotaging the bulb by entering your house in the middle of the night.

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Originally posted by Siv

this is one i thought of awhile ago... i still can't prove it but i know its true...


light bulbs could last forever, if the companies that make them didn’t put tiny explosive charges in them. after a set time the explosive is triggered and the element is destroyed so the bulb ceases to work, thus needing to be replaced.

the light bulb companies also have teams of ninjas in case the charge fails to explode. the ninjas take over the job of sabotaging the bulb by entering your house in the middle of the night.


EXACTLY! I think the same exact thing.. scratch the ninja part...

Oh, and I just googled it, read this.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

theres enough of them about, starting from who killed Abe Lincoln to the freakin moonlanding....


why dont you start a pointless thread....wait ! youve done that already ! :p j/k





I know there are lots of conspiracy theorys, and lots of people that believe them, my idea was to make one we have no evidence for and see how many people believe it.


I like the light bulb idea,not so sure about the ninja bit though. the best I could come up with is that the companys that make antivirus software make all the viruses to keep themselves in business. got the idea watching MI:2.

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How about this...


Video and computer games are actually a form of mind control. The government is brainwashing gamers and making them part of their top secret "1337th" division, a crack team of leet-speaking commandos whose motto is "Ownz0r al1 teh b17ch3s." Their ultimate goal: world domination.


It works like this...


Subliminal messages are sent with kill notifications in MP games. Such messages may say things like "Death to epileptic walruses!" or "Long live the porcupine clown huffers of Zimbabwe!" or even something as devious as "Brad Pitt is a psychosomatic cheese turnip!"


These sadistic messages fester in the gamer's subconscious mind, corrupting it utterly. Loss of proper grammar is one of the first telltale signs, as is shortened temper and a greater propensity to act like a total f*%#wad. (see "Gabe's Total F*%#wad Theory" at Penny Arcade for more information)


The technique, though effective, is far from foolproof. As of now, only morons and the immature are affected by the brainwashing. However, the government is constantly working on improving the system, and now foreign gamers are now starting to fall under its control. It's only be a matter of time before all gamers will be brainwashed. Then the government will activate them, and the world will fall under an onslaught of "leet speak" and message spamming.









Frightning, isn't it?:eek:

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computers have a mind of their own based upon their own A.I. intelligience chip that the government has been hiding from us all these years. i mean how else can we explain the mystical blue screen of death? fortunately for us, the program's memory isn't that sophisticated yet and that's why a simple restarts restores the computer. for those "stubborn" computers that act like they have a so called "virus", it's just simply their way of telling you that they are evolving and they are trying to take over the microwave and the refrigerator. those "antivirus" software and computer shops that deal with those pesky problems? they just simply erase the memory and hope the problem doesn't repeat itself...












that was fun

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This is something many people don't know: When Neill armstrong returned from the moon, he requested a private meeting with the president. Also, the president requested a private meeting with the next president, up untill bush. THe conspiracy: Neill took a moon-parasite back from the moon that infested George bush. When they meet important people, they duplicate and try to possess the other people. It only works on white people, that's what causes the racism... racists are aliens that want to be in full control.


Saddam Hussein was actually a freedom fighter that was on to this scheme. (What, never heard of the famous iraqi intelligence service?)

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I have one:


Windows XP is in fact a huge trojan horse. It builds a back door and Bill Gates' workers can access your computer freely. That's why the RIAA so easily found pirated software, because Bill agtes gave them access to everyone's computer!


btw, OT: I recently started writing this cool story sorta like the matrix, but not a copy. It's about this cyber-SWAT team that enter the world of the Internet. They go through steel tunnels filled with wires and tubes that have a reinforced sliding door every few feet where the wires go into a computer and give them Internet access. They're working to control a new internet-borne virus that's breaking through teh steel dorrs and into computers. The virus is shaped as a small metal crab-like creature that swarms in the tunnells. They're armed with laser blasters, and many troopers on the SWAT team get overpowered and killed by them. It's very fun to write.

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btw, OT: I recently started writing this cool story sorta like the matrix, but not a copy. It's about this cyber-SWAT team that enter the world of the Internet. They go through steel tunnels filled with wires and tubes that have a reinforced sliding door every few feet where the wires go into a computer and give them Internet access. They're working to control a new internet-borne virus that's breaking through teh steel dorrs and into computers. The virus is shaped as a small metal crab-like creature that swarms in the tunnells. They're armed with laser blasters, and many troopers on the SWAT team get overpowered and killed by them. It's very fun to write.


Now that's and interesting story idea.


is it in the fanfiction section?


By the way, starwars 'nerds' prefer to be called starwarriors. Or something like that. just like 'trekkies' only way better.

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Here's one:

Many UFO sightings have been reported in the USA-area, some crashes have too reported. The government denies all the accusions of area 51, Roswell incident and many other places or events that have happened in the US soil!

Then all the wars USA has been throught...

The aliens have conquered USA and are conquering more areas!!!

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Seasame Street is a plot by the "powers that be" (you know who I mean, I can't say who they are or I might disappear, hint: it's not any one government you've ever heard of) to prepare for something sinister.


What is this seemingly innocent kid's show's purpose you might ask?


Simple: To Prepare the Way for Extra Terrestrial Conquerers.



Seasame Street began as an "educational" (the value of TV as a brainwashing tool has long been acknowledged by psychlogists and social engineers, remember "1984"? Not far from reality at all) program for kids.


Catch 'em young, that's what they say right?


Since the 1960's (a time of great social upheavel in the world) this program was introduced to teach kids "values" (they got more than they bargained for) and these include acceptance (rather than fear and horror) at grotesque unearthly beings like "Snuffelupagus," "Cookie Monster," "Big Bird" and others.


By accepting these creatures as "friends" and "teachers" and even "neighbors" humans are being programmed for the future takeover of earth by these E.T.s.


By teaching children basics like reading, math and art, the aliens are systematically molding these young minds to their ideologies. Teach someone something and you gain power over them, when they come looking for more. Hungry minds and they are holding the carrot in front to lead children wherever they want them to go!


In fact, one could speculate further that the children's acceptance of these non-human creatures in fact lends insight into the behavior of these aliens.


We have "Big Bird" the seemingly child like creature with a "nesting instinct." These are the egg-layers, a somewhat dull-witted but very fertile producer in the alien society, laying large eggs and nurturing them, as well as caring for young as "mommy bird."

Big Bird's gender is specified as male, but is somewhat ambigious, again alluding to the multi-genderness of the "Big Bird" aliens.


The eggs, like all aspects of the alien's vasty superior genetic and technological science can be programmed to produce any type of alien class needed for their purpose.


"Snuffelupagus" the Big Bird's friend, which was called "imaginary" by the humans of Seasame Street for years until they finally "met him" is the worker to the Big Bird's queen. These beasts of burden defend the nests of the egg-layers and do the heavy lifting of carrying supplies back and forth to the nests. They are rarely seen by those outside the massive nesting colonies, and due to their grotesque appearance, were only revealed to humans at a later time. Again the actions on screen are symbolic of the actions the aliens plan to take. By slowing introducing more information the aliens make their conquest more and more complete.


"Oscar the Grouch" is representative of the "Recycler" class of alien overlords, who's ceremonial body armor (originally meant to afford protection against radiation, before their scientific advances made the armor obsolete, it is retained as a token of pride among this class of alien worker) resembles earth's "trash cans." These green furred ET's, using advanced scientific knowledge beyond earth science collect raw materials from refuse that we primitive humans throw out. These materials are then processed (using advance techniques) underground into super conductive metals, clean fuels and other products to keep the alien infastructure going. Using their ingenious technology they are able to manipulate matter at the molecular level and duplicate just about anything given enough energy and time.


They also utilize incredible time/space-compression technology, which is demonstrated on the show countless times, showing the "TARDIS"-like ability of Oscars "garbage can" to house large creatures such as elephants (methane power) and other things that could never fit inside earth-garbage cans.



"Grover", is representative of the security corps of the alien warlords. He often goes around appearing as a confused, easily distracted and bumbling character around children. This of course is merely a ruse. Like the TV character "Columbo" he is a detective who uses his goofy charms to throw off suspicion and obtain information covertly. He possesses incredible sensory adaption and a large brain to process information much faster than any human. His "alter ego" persona of "Super Grover" is his role as a "guardian" and enforcer.


Again his bumbling antics are used to set children at ease and trust this "police" figure, rather than fear his awesome, almost supernatural powers (including flight, superhuman strength and endurance including the ability to survive massive trauma with advanced physical recovery).


"The Count" is a representative of the vampiric ministers of science within the alien conglomerate. They are powerful mathematicians, accountants and advisors. Literally "human computers" they possess genetically engineered brains including organic circuitry enhanced with nanotechnology and thought-speeding drugs. When not working on complex problems, they are often found relaxing by reciting numerical formulas, or simply "counting" out loud, etc. The flashes of lightning and thunder that occur whenever the Count "counts" are emblematic of the static discharges that occur in the immediate vicinity of these aliens when they have solved a complex problem (due to feedback from the overclocked brain circuitry).


"Ernie" and "Bert" are the creations of Henson. This is one of the few instances where he was allowed creative freedom to generate characters for the show. However these two were based on a concept given to him by his alien contacts which was based on the simple idea of portraying two "normal joes" of the alien species. These guys would live "normal" lives like any two guys sharing an apartment, in order to normalize the presence of aliens living and working alongside humans. By showing their day to day "lives" on the outside and inside, this would be a way to re-assure human audiences that the aliens had nothing to hide. In fact, they're "just like you and me." How little they knew...


On various occasions, Ernie would encounter "Martians," small frog-like beings with shirvelled faces and the power of teleportation. These creatures would never be seen by Bert and Ernie's tales would be dismissed as fantasy. The "Martians" were another alien race conquered by the aliens on their home planet millennia ago. However no longer a threat, this slave race has been incorporated into the mythology of alien children, and told at bed time stories. Be a good alien child or the "Martians" will get you. In alien religion this story is no longer taken literally, but it is a powerful cultural commodity. By getting children to sympathize with Ernie and believe in the "Martians" children have another reason to trust in the "big brother" of the alien world to protect them from such threats. "Bert" is the voice of reason who tells the children (represented by Ernie) not to be afraid.



The various "monsters" on the show respresent more of the specialized genetically engineered classes in the alien society that will soon rule the earth.


It is no coincidence that Jim Henson died, because, while he went along with the alien's plans for a long time, he was about to blow the story to the public, feeling guilty after all these years that he was preparing the Earth people for slavery under the alien's boot. His rational before this was that all of the violence and upheavel in the 60's warranted this as humanity's only chance for survival. Henson's death was of course precipitated to condition children to deal with the inevitable by the death of "Mr. Hooper" the kindly man who ran "Hooper's Store" in the fictional (but all too real) show.


The actor who played Hooper in fact was an astronomer who first spotted the alien's signal beacon in the sky, and began the coverup. So strongly did he believe in the alien's cause, it was he who hand-picked Henson, a brilliant puppetry artist and began the conspiracy to cover it up.


The aliens and Henson knew that getting to children was the key to success, likewise it was this "slow integration" that was going to make the alien's job much easier. Over 30 years of programming, including side projects such as "the Muppet Show" ("Muppet" being the equivalent in English of the unpronouncable alien term for "Overseer") has convinced us that these are our "friends" and neighbors. These "Monsters," including Kermit the Frog (a propaganda sub-species of the alien conglomorate) have led us to sympathize with them and learn from them, as well as trust them with our most vulnerable.


The final, and perhaps most sinister addition to the Seasame Street Conspiracy (SSC) is the appearance in recent years of the "Elmo" character.


"ELMO" is actually an acroynm for "Extraterrestrial Living Modified Organism." He is the product of a joint venture between the alien scientists and human scientists to create an alien/human hybrid.


His childlike stature hides his incredible potential (his life development process is much longer than humans, requiring twice as long to mature). But already his vast psionic powers are featured in the later episodes of the show. At times ELMO is shown living in a holographic or computer generated world. This is emblematic of of ELMO's ability not only to shape the minds of those under his control (using telekineses and telepathy) but also to literally manipulate the elements of space time within a controlled radius of his body. Compex organic circuitry, enhanced by nano-techology interacting with satellite and ground based alien technology allows him to literally shape reality to his whims. He is totally loyal to alien ideology thanks to encoded DNA sequencing, and yet his powers onscreen are only a fraction of his eventual potential.


He represents the next step in alien evolution, specially suited to the conquest of this new, blue world we call "Earth."


ELMO will in fact the future ruling class of alien on Earth!


I can only speculate that by conditioning children, aliens are preparing in fact to transform large portions of population into a "ruling class" of ELMO. This could easily by done with their advance technology such as through the use of satellite launched "spore clouds" of nano-bots, totally resistant to all forms of earth-radiation, and undetectable with our current primitive technology. One could no more expect us to fathom it than for neanderthals to understand the internet.


But not all humans will be changed, not immediately. That would be too easy. Rather the humans who are not yet programmed will be made into slaves and pawns of the alien conglomerate, while the ruling class and their workers make the planet ideal for alien exploitation of raw materials, science and culture.


Forget subliminal messages, the aliens are operating RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN!



I cannot reveal my sources for this conspiracy. I am only a messenger. But suffice to say this reaches the highest levels. You know whom I refer to. Also, it would be naive to assume that all government leaders are aware of this. But trust me, the REAL powers know what is going on and they aren't going to let anyone try to stop it. Besides, the plan is so perfect, if anyone tries to blow the whistle they will be laughed at and labelled "crazy" or "a dreamer." Campaigns of mocking have been used to try to throw suspicion off the conspiracy, like the "Bert is Evil" websites, and other jokes. Mixing fact with fiction, half-truths, rumors and misinformation, this has created an atmosphere that is hostile and dismissive to any critical independant investigation.


But the truth is out there... and one day I will be vindicated.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Seasame Street is a plot by the "powers that be" (you know who I mean, I can't say who they are or I might disappear, hint: it's not any one government you've ever heard of) to prepare for something sinister.


What is this seemingly innocent kid's show's purpose you might ask?


Simple: To Prepare the Way for Extra Terrestrial Conquerers.



Seasame Street began as an "educational" (the value of TV as a brainwashing tool has long been acknowledged by psychlogists and social engineers, remember "1984"? Not far from reality at all) program for kids.


Catch 'em young, that's what they say right?


blah blah blah blah blah blah



You need help :p I mean, we all know bert is evil, but all of sesame street? a cover up?


Pfffft, yeah, and Rhett has friends :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Seasame Street is a plot by the "powers that be" (you know who I mean, I can't say who they are or I might disappear, hint: it's not any one government you've ever heard of) to prepare for something sinister.


What is this seemingly innocent kid's show's purpose you might ask?


Simple: To Prepare the Way for Extra Terrestrial Conquerers.



Seasame Street began as an "educational" (the value of TV as a brainwashing tool has long been acknowledged by psychlogists and social engineers, remember "1984"? Not far from reality at all) program for kids.


Catch 'em young, that's what they say right?


Since the 1960's (a time of great social upheavel in the world) this program was introduced to teach kids "values" (they got more than they bargained for) and these include acceptance (rather than fear and horror) at grotesque unearthly beings like "Snuffelupagus," "Cookie Monster," "Big Bird" and others.


By accepting these creatures as "friends" and "teachers" and even "neighbors" humans are being programmed for the future takeover of earth by these E.T.s.


By teaching children basics like reading, math and art, the aliens are systematically molding these young minds to their ideologies. Teach someone something and you gain power over them, when they come looking for more. Hungry minds and they are holding the carrot in front to lead children wherever they want them to go!


In fact, one could speculate further that the children's acceptance of these non-human creatures in fact lends insight into the behavior of these aliens.


We have "Big Bird" the seemingly child like creature with a "nesting instinct." These are the egg-layers, a somewhat dull-witted but very fertile producer in the alien society, laying large eggs and nurturing them, as well as caring for young as "mommy bird."

Big Bird's gender is specified as male, but is somewhat ambigious, again alluding to the multi-genderness of the "Big Bird" aliens.


The eggs, like all aspects of the alien's vasty superior genetic and technological science can be programmed to produce any type of alien class needed for their purpose.


"Snuffelupagus" the Big Bird's friend, which was called "imaginary" by the humans of Seasame Street for years until they finally "met him" is the worker to the Big Bird's queen. These beasts of burden defend the nests of the egg-layers and do the heavy lifting of carrying supplies back and forth to the nests. They are rarely seen by those outside the massive nesting colonies, and due to their grotesque appearance, were only revealed to humans at a later time. Again the actions on screen are symbolic of the actions the aliens plan to take. By slowing introducing more information the aliens make their conquest more and more complete.


"Oscar the Grouch" is representative of the "Recycler" class of alien overlords, who's ceremonial body armor (originally meant to afford protection against radiation, before their scientific advances made the armor obsolete, it is retained as a token of pride among this class of alien worker) resembles earth's "trash cans." These green furred ET's, using advanced scientific knowledge beyond earth science collect raw materials from refuse that we primitive humans throw out. These materials are then processed (using advance techniques) underground into super conductive metals, clean fuels and other products to keep the alien infastructure going. Using their ingenious technology they are able to manipulate matter at the molecular level and duplicate just about anything given enough energy and time.


They also utilize incredible time/space-compression technology, which is demonstrated on the show countless times, showing the "TARDIS"-like ability of Oscars "garbage can" to house large creatures such as elephants (methane power) and other things that could never fit inside earth-garbage cans.



"Grover", is representative of the security corps of the alien warlords. He often goes around appearing as a confused, easily distracted and bumbling character around children. This of course is merely a ruse. Like the TV character "Columbo" he is a detective who uses his goofy charms to throw off suspicion and obtain information covertly. He possesses incredible sensory adaption and a large brain to process information much faster than any human. His "alter ego" persona of "Super Grover" is his role as a "guardian" and enforcer.


Again his bumbling antics are used to set children at ease and trust this "police" figure, rather than fear his awesome, almost supernatural powers (including flight, superhuman strength and endurance including the ability to survive massive trauma with advanced physical recovery).


"The Count" is a representative of the vampiric ministers of science within the alien conglomerate. They are powerful mathematicians, accountants and advisors. Literally "human computers" they possess genetically engineered brains including organic circuitry enhanced with nanotechnology and thought-speeding drugs. When not working on complex problems, they are often found relaxing by reciting numerical formulas, or simply "counting" out loud, etc. The flashes of lightning and thunder that occur whenever the Count "counts" are emblematic of the static discharges that occur in the immediate vicinity of these aliens when they have solved a complex problem (due to feedback from the overclocked brain circuitry).


"Ernie" and "Bert" are the creations of Henson. This is one of the few instances where he was allowed creative freedom to generate characters for the show. However these two were based on a concept given to him by his alien contacts which was based on the simple idea of portraying two "normal joes" of the alien species. These guys would live "normal" lives like any two guys sharing an apartment, in order to normalize the presence of aliens living and working alongside humans. By showing their day to day "lives" on the outside and inside, this would be a way to re-assure human audiences that the aliens had nothing to hide. In fact, they're "just like you and me." How little they knew...


On various occasions, Ernie would encounter "Martians," small frog-like beings with shirvelled faces and the power of teleportation. These creatures would never be seen by Bert and Ernie's tales would be dismissed as fantasy. The "Martians" were another alien race conquered by the aliens on their home planet millennia ago. However no longer a threat, this slave race has been incorporated into the mythology of alien children, and told at bed time stories. Be a good alien child or the "Martians" will get you. In alien religion this story is no longer taken literally, but it is a powerful cultural commodity. By getting children to sympathize with Ernie and believe in the "Martians" children have another reason to trust in the "big brother" of the alien world to protect them from such threats. "Bert" is the voice of reason who tells the children (represented by Ernie) not to be afraid.



The various "monsters" on the show respresent more of the specialized genetically engineered classes in the alien society that will soon rule the earth.


It is no coincidence that Jim Henson died, because, while he went along with the alien's plans for a long time, he was about to blow the story to the public, feeling guilty after all these years that he was preparing the Earth people for slavery under the alien's boot. His rational before this was that all of the violence and upheavel in the 60's warranted this as humanity's only chance for survival. Henson's death was of course precipitated to condition children to deal with the inevitable by the death of "Mr. Hooper" the kindly man who ran "Hooper's Store" in the fictional (but all too real) show.


The actor who played Hooper in fact was an astronomer who first spotted the alien's signal beacon in the sky, and began the coverup. So strongly did he believe in the alien's cause, it was he who hand-picked Henson, a brilliant puppetry artist and began the conspiracy to cover it up.


The aliens and Henson knew that getting to children was the key to success, likewise it was this "slow integration" that was going to make the alien's job much easier. Over 30 years of programming, including side projects such as "the Muppet Show" ("Muppet" being the equivalent in English of the unpronouncable alien term for "Overseer") has convinced us that these are our "friends" and neighbors. These "Monsters," including Kermit the Frog (a propaganda sub-species of the alien conglomorate) have led us to sympathize with them and learn from them, as well as trust them with our most vulnerable.


The final, and perhaps most sinister addition to the Seasame Street Conspiracy (SSC) is the appearance in recent years of the "Elmo" character.


"ELMO" is actually an acroynm for "Extraterrestrial Living Modified Organism." He is the product of a joint venture between the alien scientists and human scientists to create an alien/human hybrid.


His childlike stature hides his incredible potential (his life development process is much longer than humans, requiring twice as long to mature). But already his vast psionic powers are featured in the later episodes of the show. At times ELMO is shown living in a holographic or computer generated world. This is emblematic of of ELMO's ability not only to shape the minds of those under his control (using telekineses and telepathy) but also to literally manipulate the elements of space time within a controlled radius of his body. Compex organic circuitry, enhanced by nano-techology interacting with satellite and ground based alien technology allows him to literally shape reality to his whims. He is totally loyal to alien ideology thanks to encoded DNA sequencing, and yet his powers onscreen are only a fraction of his eventual potential.


He represents the next step in alien evolution, specially suited to the conquest of this new, blue world we call "Earth."


ELMO will in fact the future ruling class of alien on Earth!


I can only speculate that by conditioning children, aliens are preparing in fact to transform large portions of population into a "ruling class" of ELMO. This could easily by done with their advance technology such as through the use of satellite launched "spore clouds" of nano-bots, totally resistant to all forms of earth-radiation, and undetectable with our current primitive technology. One could no more expect us to fathom it than for neanderthals to understand the internet.


But not all humans will be changed, not immediately. That would be too easy. Rather the humans who are not yet programmed will be made into slaves and pawns of the alien conglomerate, while the ruling class and their workers make the planet ideal for alien exploitation of raw materials, science and culture.


Forget subliminal messages, the aliens are operating RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN!



I cannot reveal my sources for this conspiracy. I am only a messenger. But suffice to say this reaches the highest levels. You know whom I refer to. Also, it would be naive to assume that all government leaders are aware of this. But trust me, the REAL powers know what is going on and they aren't going to let anyone try to stop it. Besides, the plan is so perfect, if anyone tries to blow the whistle they will be laughed at and labelled "crazy" or "a dreamer." Campaigns of mocking have been used to try to throw suspicion off the conspiracy, like the "Bert is Evil" websites, and other jokes. Mixing fact with fiction, half-truths, rumors and misinformation, this has created an atmosphere that is hostile and dismissive to any critical independant investigation.


But the truth is out there... and one day I will be vindicated.


Calls up Mental Hospital... Hello? Yes, we've got a patient called Kur something...

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The Seasame Street one is Brilliant (and almost seems strange enough to be true), When you say "powers that be" I asume you mean Majestic 12 (play Deus Ex if you have never heard of it) or such like organisation.


I think it is almost time for stage 3


Anyone who has enough time on their hands to make a website (I know some of you kids must have summer holidays coming up) Post links here


You could almost say that George Lucas is in legue with aliens, How else could he get all that amasing footage for his films? What you are not told is that Star Wars is in fact a documentry detailing life on other worlds, he says "along time ago in a galaxy far far away" but it is actualy right here, they just don't think us advanced enough to be part of the galactic civilisation yet. The humans in the film are all those people that have been abducted, maybe because they are strong with the force and are taken away for training or maybe because of some other reason. They cannot tell us the truth because of the panic it would cause.


Kay: A person is smart; people are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it.

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