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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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"Right," Riebe muttered, nodding slowly. "A conflict such as that couldn't go very well for us."


Her gaze went again to where the other Jedi had been standing and she frowned.


"Someone was there," she said quietly. "Where did he go?"


Trying to remove the idea from her head, she stared at the Force storm. It didn't work and she was soon staring at the spot he had occupied just minutes ago.

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*Greer arrived, having hitched a ride on the back of a troop carrier. He jumped off onto the edge of the walkway from the slow-moving carrier. He approached the jedi.*

Greer: Sirs. I don't know much about the force and all that. But I from little I have picked up I believe that any subtle moral act, wether good or bad, can be important. Now I have this to report: Cracken just saved the lives of me, my men, and I don't know how many others inside there.


*On a nearby rooftop watching through microbinoculars and the force, Bauer/jokemaster watched the scene. It had been too close a call, and he still needed to participate, so using a trick he had learned, he communicated. He had found a way to communicate with others through their minds. they needed to be physically close, but he could maintain anonymity this way. He communicated that way now*

Bauer: Perhaps we can send a probe droid into the storm to see what's going on, or even how severe the storm is.

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Coruscant Square, Field Office


* A small base of operations has been set up in front of the imperial palace. Some troops carry on with their work whilst others stare up at the force storm. Deac sits at a teerminal that has been set up*


Deac: Let's see...anything to report?


Beler: It's quiet now. Troops are clearing the place up. Shops re-opening. I think it's over.


*The force storm flashes*


Deac: Depends what emerges from there...mind if I check my mail on this thing?


Beler: Go ahead.


*Deac opens his inbox, which he has not opened in quite some time.*


Deac: Let's see...spam...spam...spam...and a lot of messages from Mercy Hospital, Atredis....


Dear Mr Starkiller

Message Repeats:


It is my duty to inform you that Orthos Starkiller has been transferred from the mortuary...


Deac: Figures. I missed his burial. Still....


Due to the fact that brain activity has still been measured. Please contact us ASAP.


Deac: What...?!


Beler: News?


Deac: Get me a comm line to Atredis. Hurry.


Beler: Atredis? Why?


Deac: Just do it.

*The computer beeps. The image of a human doctor in his 40's appears*


Dr Hoffman: Colonel Starkiller?


Deac: Yes... I just got your message. I've been at the front.


Dr Hoffman: It's about Orthos. Whatever poison was on that dagger didn't kill him.


Deac: He's alive?! Why wasn't I told sooner?!


Dr Hoffman: With Atredis being wrecked by Lokpihet and the war, we haven't been able to reach you. I'm sorry...but his condition isn't good.


*Dr Hoffman moves back. Behind him Orthos sits, wide eyed and with his head flopped to the side in a wheelchair*

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He's right Cracken, the dark side is chaos and destruction. Of that he is the master.


*These words echoed through Crackens head, as he felt the cold destructive wrath of the Clone.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.


Why these words came to him now was unknown, but it dawned on what he had to do.


A Jedi shall not know anger.....


He focused, driving out the rage and furry which drove him, despite the pain and anguish being inflicted, he was at peace. Despite this, he still held his anger. Balance. Balance was the answer.


A Jedi shall not know hate...


Now at peace, he began to not feel the effects of the attack underwhich he was suffering. He knew the Clones intent was to kill, to destroy, and his ire should be aimed at him. But hate begets hate. He was a Dark Lord of the Sith, but at the same time, the product of a tradition of Jedi passed down upon him....


Calmly, Cracken outstreched his left arm, palm open. a bright light shone from it. It grew brighter, and as it did, the Force Storm surrounding the Palace began to calm. Suddenly, a bright flash blinded the area, bathing the hemisphere in a heavenly light.


As vision returned, no Force Storm, no illusionary copies. The sun began to shine through the disapating clouds.


Cracken looked at Irvine, and re-ignighted his lightsaber.*


Cracken: There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.


*He outstreched his hand, and motioned* It is time to end this. As a Jedi, and the Dark Lord of the Sith, and the only Sleeper able, I will stand against you.



Near the Jedi Council


*Alysara felt her father's presense in the Force magnify, and was blinded by the light. When she was able to see, she felt only one presense overshadowing all others, a presence of preservation, of justice, and the same time, a presence of anger, rage, hate.


Of a Jedi and Sith Lord bound to one soul. Could he have struck an impossible balance between the lLight and the Dark?


She landed her ship, and popped the hatch. Whatever her father has become, it was beyond anyones understanding.


Clutching the Holocron, the Empress made her way to the near by Council.*

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((OOS: Cracken, the copies weren't illusory. F. Irvine was physically split into different bodies. Minor detail.


And yay! You posted! :D))


Imperial Palace


*Fused Irvine finds himself abruptly in one body again. He squints in the white light and glares at Cracken*


F. Irvine: Fool. You are no Dark Lord of the Sith.


*Another, eerie voice seemed to speak through F. Irvine for a moment, adding another dimension to his multiple voices. The presence of another being in Fused Irvine is apparent for a moment*


F. Irvine: <You are a foolish creature of foolish thoughts. You are a blight on the legacy of the Sith, the legacy of the Dark which you have here betrayed. Know this: you will be destroyed. If not by us, then by yourself.>


*His 'voices' return to something closer normal, the new voice removed*


F. Irvine: We could have been so much together, "Father". We would have been nothing like the universe has ever seen. Nothing could have stood in our way. We would have been Gods!


*Fused Irvine begins rising high into the air*


F. Irvine: *voice changing again* This world, this hideous, beautiful world, the bastion of order that you love so much. If this love is what you want over me...


*F. Irvine waves his hand, and his eyes glow black. The bright white light splinters and shatters.


A new wind gathers around all quarters. No longer centered on Cracken, or the Palace, but across the entire atmosphere, blanketing the sky with black lightning, centering around Fused Irvine*


F. Irvine: *almost screaming* Then I shall kill what you love!


*Huge 'tornado' warps in reality touch down all around the Palace sector of Coruscant, shredding durasteel and duraplast. Buildings are tugged from their roots and thrown about close to the warp centers, transparisteel windows crack and shatter as Fused Irvine throws all his power into the destruction. His presence in the Force has become an almost pure manifestation of rage*


F. Irvine: Perhaps you can calm one of these storms, or even two, but not a hundred. Know this, Father: This is your doing! You could have prevented this fate. But you rejected me, and now you will pay!


((OOS: Cracken: See PMs :D))




Coruscant Underlevels


*The Blades stops as they simultaneously feel the sudden expansion of the Force storm on the surface*


Gilian: What in seven hells is that?


*The flesh on K'Warra's legs seems to melt back into place. He abruptly lunges at Gilian.


Gilian dodges the charge, and reflexively swings her arm-blade in a wide arc that removes K'Warra's head from his neck. K'Warra's body falls to the ground*


Gilian: Oh...****.

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*The Jedi at the Temple sense the change in Cracken and a moment later they sense the forcestorms.*


Luke: We must try to neutralise as many of the storms as possible.


Flax: We can't stop so many of them with so few off us.


*The Jedi begin to flow away from the temple in groups of 30.*

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"I'd call for Alyssa's help as well," Riebe muttered, "but she is too far away. By the time she'd get here, I get the feeling it would be too late."


She looked around and frowned. The Jedi were leaving the area. She nodded slowly and followed them.

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Imperial Palace


*Cracken watched in horror as the entire planet became engulfed in the Force Maelstrom.


He looked at the Clone, and then cracked a smile. for a split second it looked like Cracken was in two places at once, behind the Clone and in front. The after image of Cracken dissapeared from infront of the Clone, and Cracken slammed his lightfoil into the Clones midsection, and pullled it out, then round house kiced the Clone to the ground...*

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*Irvine whom was leaning back agenst a pile of rubble watching the entire fight in awe, stands up and ignites his saber.*


Irvine "Did Father get him!?!!" *As he took a few steps at the clone, attempting to get a glance at him from a safe distence*

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((OOS: Scar, do recall that RH Irvine is injured. ;)


Cracken: PMs, again. :)))


Imperial Palace


*Fused Irvine's eyes open wide in shock as Cracken skewers him. They stay widened as he falls, landing face down on the ground near RH Irvine.


RH Irvine takes a few steps towards him*


RH Irvine: Did Father get him?!


*Fused Irvine remains motionless as RH Irvine comes closer. He appears dead, and his presence cannot be felt in the Force.


Then Fused Irvine lunges out at his 'twin' with blinding speed, hands latching onto his neck and bringing the two of them down to the ground. RH Irvine's saber goes spinning away as he lands on his back*


F. Irvine: He chooses you, does he...well, Cracken, I can still destroy something you love.


*RH Irvine chokes. A burst of energy and light emanates from Fused Irvine's hand wrapped around his 'twin's' throat.


Starr's eyes open*


That...strange energy...familiar...


F. Irvine: Goodbye, "Brother".


*The two red-haired and black-haired identical forms begin to blur and twist*

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Imperial Palace


((permission was granted to preform the execution. It will be heinous and violent. Please hold for graphic violence. Thank you, and have a happy, Sith day! ^^.))


Cracken: You will not destroy MY FAMILY.


*Cracken's rage now pushed to the limit. First the Imperial Center, that was annoying, he could help rebuild it. Then sullying his name while he was "gone", he would fix that with the Republic, but this, this was the last straw.


The aura around Cracken extended outward, engulfing the entire city block, clearing the sky around the battle zone. In a massive effort, Cracken warped between the two twisting forms, his back to his son, and his outstreched arm created a barrier, and pushed the Clone away. Cracken warped behind him once more, and began swinging wildly with his lightfoil, until the clone was into pieces.


The aura began to collapse aroudn them focusing on the Clone. The bubble shrunk to the size of a dime, with all the pieces of the Clone inside, and Cracken closed his fist.


A sundering explosion was heard through out the city, breaking windows across the planet as the air schock wave traveled across the world. At the epicenter, the white ball has disintegrated the body of the Clone, in doing, unleased all the chaotic energy contained within the Clone.

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*The vast explosion of chaotic energy engulfs Cracken, flowing in wave after wave out of the Palace Sector until it finally abates.


Starr and RH Irvine lie where they had fallen.


There was no sign of Cracken anywhere.*




Coruscant Underlevels


*K'Warra's body stays still. An empty husk. The Blades stay silent, feeling the force of the explosion topside*






*Cracken once again stood in an endless expanse of white. He appeared almost normal, except for the fact that his skin was white instead of flesh-colored, the veins showing through flowing black instead of red.


The little Girl stood looking at him. A strange expression was on her face, something that looked almost like...resignation.*


Girl: Congratulations. You've done it. You've fulfilled your pledge.


*She is silent for a moment*


Girl: Now, you get to make a choice. Because of the nature that your power has grown into, the Chaotic power you have become imbued with thanks to the Clone's destruction will quickly kill you. Unless...

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*Alysara instinctivly ducked behind a pillar, only to have a gush of air blow by her. A seemingly endless howling wind bloew by, breakng and shattering windows. Transparasteel rained down from above, shattering on the ground.


Suddenly, it passed. She looked forward, and watched in awe as she could mark the wave as it passed through the upper layers. She looked up, and realized she could not sense her father. Concentrating harder, she could barely feel Starr....


She rushed off, at full speed to the Palace.*




Cracken: Unless what?

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Girl: You can choose to relinquish the power I've given you.


*Noting the look on Cracken's face* Understand that both your powers were unnaturally altered, yours by me and the Clone's by...by another. I can save you from your fate by taking away my side of the alteration.


If you relinquish this gift I gave you, then your Sleeper powers will still reach their full potential in time, as they would have if I had left you untouched. However, you will have to accept temporary weakness in the interim...or you can accept death now. The choice is yours.

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