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Right now, I have Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, and the guy who played Jango (can't remember his name). Got all of them at sci-fi conventions. :)



Nexxtech DVD+R (25 Pack)


Haven't used them yet, bought them for a trade I need to complete...


Snap-N-Store Storage Container


Used to store my collection of over 100 bootleg CDs and DVDs....


Billy Joel - Cold Spring Harbor


Awesome CD, Billy Joel's first album.


Queen - Queen


Another great CD, also the first album for Queen.

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Why yes, I rasterbated her twice, rasterbated Master Chief and a car. Rasterbating is great fun!






Now now, you're going to have to learn how to pronunciate clearly. It's ma, not ra. Ma. Maaaa. Maaaa. See, now you've got it! Now you're a master at rasterbation!


Oh good, now that we've finally got your speech impediment cleared we can go and send you to the psycho asylum for crimes against humanity. :p


Edit- So I'm not spamming and detracting from the thread much:




Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey. Fluids can't get much tastier than this.

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How I can summarize in my own way: If they made a video game out of this book, it would be like if someone put GRAW and Halo 2 together. Totally awesome book so far. I've read 200 pages in 3 days and it's all been really cool. :D


Totally recommend.

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Got it for 15 bucks at my friends blockbuster. Hooray for blockbuster employees not giving a **** about the ESRB ratings :)


DAMN GOOD GAME! One of THE BEST Xbox games I bought last year. Hit me up for a match sometime, I have not played in forever, so it will be a fair fight! :D

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Just returned from Russia, and got numerous albums:


Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark

Bathory - The Return...

Bathory - Blood Fire Death

Bathory - Hammerheart

Bathory - Nordland I

Bathory - Nordland II

Isengard - Vinterskugge

Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter

Emperor - Emperor/Wrath Of The Tyrant

Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dust

Carpathian Forest - Skjend Hans Lik

Nokturnal Mortum - Return Of The Vampire Lord/Marble Moon

Nokturnal Mortum - To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire

Nokturnal Mortum - NeChrist

Disiplin - Anti-Life

Gehenna - WW

Aura Noir - The Merciless

Temnozor - Sorcery of Fragments

Temnozor - Horizons...

Amon Amarth - The Avenger

Amon Amarth - Versus The World

Amon Amarth - Fate Of Norns

Lumsk - Troll

Glittertind - Evige Åsatro

Ensiferum - Ensiferum

Wintersun - Wintersun

Mortiis - Født Til Å Herske

Mortiis - The Stargate

Nordvargr - Awaked

Shape Of Despair - Shades Of...

Korpiklaani - Spirit Of The Forest


Fields Of The Nephilim - Forever Remain (Live DVD)



Yeah, that's about it. :-|

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Computer upgrades


580 Watt PSU



See my system try to overload this bad boy.


Ginormous heat sink and Fan for my CPU



The newegg pic doesn't adequately show the size of this thing, so heres a pic before I put the new PSU in


Took my temp down by 50 degrees Farenheit


2 Gigs of Ram to take me up to 3GB



Those should hold me for another year or so when I'll want a new mobo with SLI capabilities.

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Got flu. Buts thats not a good thing. Does mean i've had a lot of spare time and got to finally read this even though i got it for xmas. Excellent.. best graphic novel i've read. I want a Tales fromt he Black Freighter comic book series!!! ;)


Apparently there is a movie adaption in the works. There is no way that will work.

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All four series of farscape in one super long box set the length of my arm!

Ordered it from amazon because they had it super cheap and i assumed it was a mis-price.. it disappeared an hour or so later...forgot about it... then much to my amazement it arrived this morning.


I actually already have the individual sets for series 1 to 2... but those will now be going on ebay and i should get enough money from them to cover this set.. making 3-4 essentially free! Yay for amazon uk!

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It's old, but I only had EoE before...




I also got this:




I used to work with Vegas for doing fansubs and things like that, but the lack of DivX and XviD support was pissing me off. Plus I can finally watch The Melancholy of Haruki Suzumiya on my TV (it was in XviD and needed to be converted, something I couldn't do with Vegas).

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Dear Lord, does that thing rev-up like a Ferarri when you start a game? :indif:


Surprisingly, no. This bad boy is whisper quiet no matter what you do. I had some serious cooling issues with the stock fan, so figured if this was loud but worked, then I'd be better off. Turns out I got the best of both worlds: Awesome cooling, and so quiet you hardly know it's there.

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Yesterday was my parent's 25th anniversary.

I was just laying on the couch yesterday when they walk in with this:



Brand new 32" LCD HDTV (we still need a table for it). And to the left of the picture is the new DVD player they got. (we used to just use the ps2)


So not only are we upgrading from a crappy tv (that's as old as me), we're upgrading to that. :eek:

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Do you know if Its an HDTV Monitor/Full HD/ or none?


Brand new 32" LCD HDTV




The Circle K by my moms job had a sale on 20oz Vault sodas. It was 99 cents with the little coupon. But the worker didn't know that, and thought it was 30 cents off 99 cents. So I bought 4 vaults for 2.10 :D

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The Circle K by my moms job had a sale on 20oz Vault sodas. It was 99 cents with the little coupon. But the worker didn't know that, and thought it was 30 cents off 99 cents. So I bought 4 vaults for 2.10 :D

Urrg, I had Vault once, tasted like stale Mountain Dew and I got no buzz off it.

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