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T7nowhere's WIP


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  • 1 month later...

Ok, after taking a break from modding KotOR for a month Im slowly getting Back to a couple Requests I promised.


Qui-gon Jin's Lightsaber: This one is pretty much done I just need to do a few minor touch ups and I'll release it.




In-game 2


This was requested by tk102. sinse he has done so much for us I offered to make a Lightsaber for Him. Although I didn't expect the request he made( U ). ;) Well this is what I came up with.


In this screen is the second version I made and I have pretty much stuck to this design First in-game test of the concept


and here is a render of where the model is at, This is the final stage(the UV is done and it was a PAIN) I just have to Texture it, But Im a little stuck on decideing the style Of the texture.



The indentations down the center of the hilt will glow the same color as the blade (I haven't settled on a color either, I might just make it for all 6 standard colors) Im not sure if I should make it look worn and old, Shiny new,good, evil , nuetral, I think its probly evil :rolleyes: but well see.


I would appreciate any comments positive or negative, Just as long as they are constructive ;)

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dude those sabres rock, you should be commended! hmmmm, what can we do??? <thinks for a couple seconds> OUCH! my head :(




that pain sabre, its a Star wars / star trek clash, you got the SW lightsabre, and what looks to me as ST very own KLIGON BAT'LETH


heres a pic: http://www.hms-studios.com/pictures/startrek/bat'leth.jpg


oh and T7, have a look here: http://www.janissaries.net/borders2003/snowflake%20-%20bat'leth.jpg


yes, i know its a paper snowflake, but maybe this could be made in KotOR, a single handed, thing (lightsabre / blade(s) :p)





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All you Star Wars fans and not one post about thelightsaber.com for modelling ideas.


I'd also be willing to donate some models I've done for Jedi Academy for anyone wanting to port them. :)








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Originally posted by keshire

All you Star Wars fans and not one post about thelightsaber.com for modelling ideas.


I'd also be willing to donate some models I've done for Jedi Academy for anyone wanting to port them. :)









That site has been mentioned many times at Holowan, I have used it myself.


As far as Porting goes... Do you own KotOR if you do then why not just port them yourself :confused: Its extremely easy to do, I doubt you would have any trouble at all.


Originally posted by Koshir0

Hey T7,


I was wondering if you had the spare time or something if you could make Exar Kun's double bladed lightsaber because you did a really good job with his single bladed one.


Here's a pic: http://www.thelightsaber.com/WorkFolder/SmallSFW/ExarSM.jpg


I was thinking about it when I made the single blade, but Kun's double saber is really a converted single so it is really short. So if the hilt is to short when its being held it will look like the blade is being held and not the hilt. If I were to make it it would only be in the style of Kun's.

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porting eh? … erm no porting is for those that can’t, and we can


Some of us never have to ask for others permission because we can make our own.


Besides T7, sep, I and a few others would have no problem making any of those sabers we could bang 1 or 2 out in one night model and skin ;)



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Originally posted by svösh

porting eh? … erm no porting is for those that can’t, and we can


Some of us never have to ask for others permission because we can make our own.


Besides T7, sep, I and a few others would have no problem making any of those sabers we could bang 1 or 2 out in one night model and skin ;)




Nice to see you floating about again svosh. Hey what happened to that dooku saber of yours you were working on since you can pound those sabers out in one night model and skin?:p

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As far as Porting goes... Do you own KotOR if you do then why not just port them yourself Its extremely easy to do, I doubt you would have any trouble at all.


porting eh? … erm no porting is for those that can’t, and we can


Some of us never have to ask for others permission because we can make our own.


Besides T7, sep, I and a few others would have no problem making any of those sabers we could bang 1 or 2 out in one night model and skin




I currently only have KOTOR2 for xbox (but I have a chipped box so its accessible)


As for porting them myself. I most likely could with little hassle but then I'd be jumping into yet another modding community. Of which I don't have time for currently.


I'd much rather graciously offer up my work for anyone to destroy as they see fit. And it would save you a half nights work ;)

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

That site has been mentioned many times at Holowan, I have used it myself.


As far as Porting goes... Do you own KotOR if you do then why not just port them yourself :confused: Its extremely easy to do, I doubt you would have any trouble at all.




I was thinking about it when I made the single blade, but Kun's double saber is really a converted single so it is really short. So if the hilt is to short when its being held it will look like the blade is being held and not the hilt. If I were to make it it would only be in the style of Kun's.


Just a suggestion, but couldn't you possibly just make the middle of the hilt longer?

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Nice to see you floating about again svosh. Hey what happened to that dooku saber of yours you were working on since you can pound those sabers out in one night model and skin?:p


Hmm, yes, where is that lightsaber? I would kinda like to have it. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by keshire

As for porting them myself. I most likely could with little hassle but then I'd be jumping into yet another modding community. Of which I don't have time for currently.


Thats all well and good. Family first. ;)

Holowan would welcome such a veteran modder to the KotOR modding community, if you chose to pick it up later on. :D

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  • 3 months later...

Wow, this thread has not seen the front page in many months ;)


I know some of you may be thinking WTH :mad: T7 is posting wip for other mods. :rolleyes:


Well Yes, I have been working on the scripting for a couple weeks now and to be honest I needed a break from it.


Now with the new patch comming outand it getting closer to where I'll be able to play the game again for more than testing I decided to make a head reskin.


Its nothing major, but I like it and I wouldn't mind some opinions of it, good or bad :) My reskin is the 3rd one, the first one is Bioware's original from KotOR 1 and the second is OE's reskin ;)


1. Original scarface, 2 OE's scarface, 3. My scarface

and with Tatoo


The second is a pair of goggles , just and idea struck me one night and I had to model it. Still Very wip. the Idea is that the goggles implant directly into your brian and thus improve your vision and dexterity or wielder goggles for Bao-Dur ;)



Modeling time 20 minutes.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

The second is a pair of goggles , just and idea struck me one night and I had to model it. Still Very wip. the Idea is that the goggles implant directly into your brian and thus improve your vision and dexterity or wielder goggles for Bao-Dur ;)



Modeling time 20 minutes.


LOL, HAH that would've taken me about 20 hours or more... great work T7 and quick too, trully outstanding. I like the head re-skin too.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Wow, this thread has not seen the front page in many months ;)


I know some of you may be thinking WTH :mad: T7 is posting wip for other mods. :rolleyes:

Hey man, no complaints here...


I think I did the same thing as you *cough* Darksword *cough* ;)


I was getting to the point of "if I see another saber, something is going to get hurt" ;)


Loving the goggles, and the heads! :D

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Its nothing major, but I like it and I wouldn't mind some opinions of it, good or bad :) My reskin is the 3rd one, the first one is Bioware's original from KotOR 1 and the second is OE's reskin ;)


1. Original scarface, 2 OE's scarface, 3. My scarface

and with Tatoo

Nice work, reminds me of the head change I did for myself for KOTOR1 for the same head, though I made the goatee the full goatee from when he went evil. If I can get my butt in to gear I really should release that one of these days. :D


Googles are niiice, have you tried them on different heads yet? Just to see if they dont stick out from the face or in it when using a different head model.

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Originally posted by Jackel

Googles are niiice, have you tried them on different heads yet? Just to see if they dont stick out from the face or in it when using a different head model.


Nope I haven't finished the model yet ;) But it should be fine on all the male PC's atleast.

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