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Originally posted by ZBomber

Hey, You there!




:D Wh, did that get like over 2000 posts ebfore finally being closed? :D


I don't remember. It WAS a spam thread, but it went on for so long. I THINK an outside mod actually closed it down.



Warning!: Do not attempt to resurect the thread, it will only cause chaos! :p

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Saber is too slow, this guy could be gone soon, lets scare him off quicker


Tormey-Seems to have been scared away.

ET Warrior-King of the Swamp, Crazy………that is all.

Astrotoy7-over-perverted, lives in same state as someone I think is evil, oh hang on, that’s you!:p

Sabretooth-Is obsessed with the other forum(EVN forum)…..thinks its “cool” :rolleyes:

Kain- Psychotic lunatic………………….What? (been a bad boy lately:xp:

SeleneRayne- Another female, when she arrived, she got flooded by geeks & or nerds

Doomgiver-Fellow spammer of Sabretooth

Darth Tepe-CHAMP! My old apprentice. Psychotic when it comes to RPG’s

Topshot- The one that taught me the ways of the dark side, Good bloke.

BongoBob- Got his name cause he plays the bongos or drums…WTF? :p

Boba Rhett-Where to begin, evil, wicked, Psychotic, Dead set….*gets hit by Rhett* all in all, a good person<_<

Darth Groovy- SuperMod that enjoys posting his pictures of stuff with his head on it.

--Zeeman-- - Don’t really know….:p

RPTheHotRod- Same as Zeeman, but I’m sure are just as Psychotic as everybody else.

obi-wan13- Obsessed with super heros………umm…yes…..

Mike Windu-has oversized sig, that’s good enough.

Chase Windu-hates Lucas, WTF!

joetheeskimo5-Never talks on MSN cause he has to go to school!

Alegis Gensan- Only saw you last week:D

Captain Wilson-I hate mullets

Curt-Man-Seen around…that’ll do

Siv-Recently turned mod.(congrats) Makes awesome sigs

.:CoupeS:.-(Congrats on The promotion) Made 90% of my Sig & AVs.

IG-64 – Also doesn’t talk much on MSN

jebbers-Don’t know <_< >_>

Jedi_KnightVogel114- See above

legameboy-I now know that he likes Johnny Bravo…..

manoman81- Successful Thread hopper

Pie-Has changed his name! WHY!!!!! WE WANT mmmpie!

GothiX- Psychotic.

Darth Rythe-ME!

RoXstar-Loves Counterstrike and….I don’t know if he likes anything else?

Gonkh8ter-Lives in Brisbane, When I go to Brissie next will attempt to steel his pants:p




Where the hell is LeXX & STTCT & GUNNER!


LeXX – FORUM MUM!!!!!!!!!!


STTCT: Good person to talk to, Reminds me of Padme:D


GUNNER: Super Mod, Loves to battle.


Oh, Who could forget good old Jed!


Jed – Hates it when I post little movies about Bannana Phones:p



If i missed someone, stiff ****, oh, and have a cry cause i might add you:P

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I'm indescribable. :D!


nah, I would describe you as a brave soldier in the war for gay-anime-porn....remember :p also, as lynks ab-oiler..... :D


rythe - that is one weird a$$ list....you know sabre is going to declare war on you - for he is the list maker dude, as well as Indian Cricket Champ :D



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Curt-Man - hangs around more than he should....like the rest of us



Kain - IS BACK!


Samuel Dravis - likes to have a cry when things dont go his way, or when I tell him to.:xp:


Astro - Sad, Twisted old man.........that is all:p


Evil Dark Jedi - Ooooh another Aussie


No, more...i couldn't be bothered, and i'm sleepy, too much work lately.

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