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JKA community is dying (oh! the nostalgia!)


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Just want to know if there are any plans, to prevent the JKA-com from fading away? The facts speak a clear language:


Number of ligafights per day go down rapidly from an alltime high that reached the order of magnitude of counter strike, and other block buster. Community sites plan closing, many former top players stop playing ....


I know that raven is busy with Q4, thats why the product JKA is now disgested, e.g. no further investment into patches that repair the spin-on hit kills or pokes, right?

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Man, we've gotten at least one "JKA is dieing" post a week since the month after the game came out.


Games get old, so...yeah, JKA is going to be losing players over time. However, since JKA is still quite unique in the gaming universe, I don't see it "dieing out" for some time.

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Originally posted by txa1265



It has been *days* since we had a good 'Chicken Little' thread ... ;)


Seriously, though ... neither JKII or JA *EVER* put up CS type numbers, or even MoH numbers, which was representative of the second tier when JKII came out ...




Ure wrong, when JKA came out, it did reach the order of magnitude of counterstrike 1on1 matches after 2-3 months or so in the european Electronic Sports League. It was the 3rd most played league game in the ESL. I cant remember who was at place 2.


b-sides our different interpretation of "dying" the real point is: Is raven/lucas arts gonna make anything? So I guess the answer is "no", right?

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Originally posted by Nuke

Ure wrong, when JKA came out, it did reach the order of magnitude of counterstrike 1on1 matches after 2-3 months or so in the european Electronic Sports League. It was the 3rd most played league game in the ESL. I cant remember who was at place 2.

Ok, I was talking general numbers, like on GameSpy. On which CounterStrike has more than 60,000 players at any given time, a few WWII shooters have ~5,000, and I don't believe JKII or JA ever had more than ~2000-2500.

Originally posted by Nuke

b-sides our different interpretation of "dying" the real point is: Is raven/lucas arts gonna make anything? So I guess the answer is "no", right?

That I believe to be true. Raven is busy with other stuff, as is LucasArts. The Jedi series on the Q3 engine is done, or so it seems. As for what comes next, perhaps there will be some indication by E3 ... of 2006 ...



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Needless to say ... its a bit sad, as you know its the only "lightsaber-multiplayer -ego-shooter" so I think its not so nice to let the community and the game down after only 1 year whithout relasing a substitue. To be onest I am a bit sry that I bought it ... allthough I must admit its the ideal mixture of genres for me ...


Maybe lucas arts and raven is neglecting the MP-Part of the game which was very very promissing.


However i stopped to play because you really need to poke (this one-hit-mouse-whiggle-moves) and therefore you need a very high mouse sensitivity, which destroyes my aiming in other games.


Currently there are still 312 players in the ESL Ladder, and about 290 in the German Ladder. Four months ago it was about 800.


well however I assume that a small team is working on a jedi knight version on the doom 3 engine. But I believe that the whole story will end quite similar as compared to JK2 and JKA. Raven and Lucasarts simply do not take the MP-Part serious ...


And BTW I really do not know any JKA player that uses GameSpy .... ^^

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Every JK game is always dying seemingly. Fact is the game reached it's peak and never ever had as many players as CS. Not even in the same league.


How many great players have actually quit? 1? 2? I can only think of 1 off the top of my head.


:- P

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No, Jedi Academy is not dead. I've never really understood the logic to these types of statements. As long as a game has a single player mode, they will never be truly dead. Remember, games haven't always had online multiplayer modes. Many timeless classics like Super Mario Bros., Asteroids, Pac Man, Wolfenstein 3D, and Final Fantasy VII don't have online MP matches.


Even games without any MP community to speak of anymore are not dead. For example, I still play Jedi Knight (a game that's well nigh impossible to find anyone playing MP) for its SP mode quite frequently. The only way for a game to be truly "dead" is if all copies of it have been destroyed and all traces of it are removed from the face of the earth, a fate that has claimed very few games indeed.

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Sry to bring you this uncomfortable news, but JKA just died ^^


The point is there will be no improvements, bugs will not be removed. Since there where no good players in US anyway, there will be no quits of good players. In continental europe this looks quite different, just go and ask the top 10 League players, they all got bored and upset about the way the community is treated.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

No, Jedi Academy is not dead. I've never really understood the logic to these types of statements. As long as a game has a single player mode, they will never be truly dead. Remember, games haven't always had online multiplayer modes. Many timeless classics like Super Mario Bros., Asteroids, Pac Man, Wolfenstein 3D, and Final Fantasy VII don't have online MP matches.

Indeed. I still play X-Wing Alliance fairly often.
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Originally posted by Nuke

Sry to bring you this uncomfortable news, but JKA just died ^^


The point is there will be no improvements, bugs will not be removed. Since there where no good players in US anyway, there will be no quits of good players. In continental europe this looks quite different, just go and ask the top 10 League players, they all got bored and upset about the way the community is treated.


Oh man, what are you rabbling about? The US has hundreds of great players. I could name many but hey.. I can't be bothered.

The top 10 players of what league? The way the community is treated.. AKA the way every game is treated?


There are few bugs left and i for one, don't want any patches to 'improve' things. We all know what happened with JK2...

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Oh my God, acdcfanbill...talk about a walk down memory lane...if I recall correctly, didn't you once contact me asking how you could go about publishing articles at LucasForums? I think it was you, anyway - I could be mistaken.


In any event, I definitely remember you.


Now all we need is for Stormhammer, Wilhuf, and OnlyOneCanoli to show up and we'll have a family reunion :cool:


Okay...sorry about the off-topic comments - I've been out of it for a while, and it's just cool to see familiar people, from days long past.

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Originally posted by Nuke

Sry to bring you this uncomfortable news, but JKA just died ^^


The point is there will be no improvements, bugs will not be removed. Since there where no good players in US anyway, there will be no quits of good players. In continental europe this looks quite different, just go and ask the top 10 League players, they all got bored and upset about the way the community is treated.


Well, there are plenty of third party mods that do that sort of thing. And some of them have even received unofficial help from Raven. However, Raven doesn't have the authority or the finances to release wave after wave of patches/additions when JKA isn't the cash cow that MMORPGs or CS are.

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Originally posted by Vagabond

Oh my God, acdcfanbill...talk about a walk down memory lane...if I recall correctly, didn't you once contact me asking how you could go about publishing articles at LucasForums? I think it was you, anyway - I could be mistaken.


In any event, I definitely remember you.


Now all we need is for Stormhammer, Wilhuf, and OnlyOneCanoli to show up and we'll have a family reunion :cool:


Okay...sorry about the off-topic comments - I've been out of it for a while, and it's just cool to see familiar people, from days long past.


I could get ed_silvergun into that mix too ;) Aren't you the infamous "rudder and pedals man"?


Anyway, onto the topic, remember you still have the Dark Forces Mod to look forward to...

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Originally posted by The_One

I could get ed_silvergun into that mix too ;) Aren't you the infamous "rudder and pedals man"?


Anyway, onto the topic, remember you still have the Dark Forces Mod to look forward to...


That would be me, in the flesh :cool: And it truly is superior ;) So, The_One, has that always been your name, or might I have known you by another?


But yes, ed_silvergun is another ghost from the past. I'm almost feeling like I need to go to Stonehenge and channel in the lost Jedi, from a more civilized age.


But here's the real test - do you still remember the passing of "Galactic Plumberman"? ...may he rest in peace...

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