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hi! what was your fave/funnyest moment?


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Well it happenned on Kashyyyk Docks on multiplayer. I was having fun orbital striking from the platforms as usual getting lots of kills (due to the fact that cp below me was the last cis post available). It was near the end of the level a few reinforcements were left. I have sent a recon droid down to the dock and have set the orbital strike signal right before the remaining ai and players spawned. Un to my knowlegde a friend of mine, {CAG} Compaq, had also set orbital strike on ME a few seconds before i set mine off.


As you can well expect, he blew me off of the platform, and I landed on the dock below, and to my luck my orbital strike hit me at the moment before I landed, killing off the rest of the reinforcements, and it rocketed my corpse high into the air.


Then, a momment I shall never forget, the victory screen popped up featuring my body zooming all the way from the dock straight into the victory screen. I really wish I had taken a video of that or at least a screen shot, but to my dispear I was laughing so hard at what had happenned, I wasn't able to regain my composure until the end of the next battle. Neither was anyone else on the server mind you.


From that momment on, my motto for SWBF has been "if it doesn't work, blow it up."

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(ps2) the funniest moment i had ever had was one time i was playing with my dad (splitscreen) on geonosis he kept complaining he couldn't see the enemies running at him. so i decided to play a little trick on him. i told him to get into the gunship and he did so... i drove the gunship to a my secet hiding place ; a tall legde and told him to get off then i told him to look down the edge... i secretly got into the gunship, my dad, realising i was ditching him, (despite being my ally) he threw a couple rounds into my ship trying to take me out then jumped attempting to get back in, with my jedi fast reflexes i moved out of the way causing him to start to fall.. i blasted him out of the sky and he went screaming to his bloody death near the techno union ships... LMAO

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My funniest moment would have to be on Endor. I spawned as a Rebel at the command post with the Swoop bikes. Well any way two of my bot friends had decided to take advantage of these swoops and both hoped on. Well they took off at the same time and went full speed into each other, killing them selves in a horrible fireball. The amount of times bots kill them self with Swoops annoys the crap out of me. They just take off and slam into a tree or some thing stupid. Well any way the first time this happened I laughed but now I just shake my head.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OMFG this is the best topic EVER!!!


My funniest most hilarious moment was when I was playing on my friend's ps2 version (i have cp) and we ourselves discovered the art of getting on top of the temple in yavin with a speeder bike. The only problem was that the bots had taken them god knows where and instead of intelligently killing them in 1 hit, hop out to kill them as infantry. So we get really pissed that a speeder bike only spawns once every 5 minutes, and we were fairly inexperienced at getting off before sailing over the other side. Then a miracle happens, and 2 speeders spawn. We both went for the same ramp, my friend ahead of me. He, keeping in mind he can't get off late, gets off too early instead. As I'm going up the pillar in my sb, he slides down at me and I impale him, before making a late attempt to get out of the way and crashing into the temple's side.

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Not my favorite...but just happened yesterday:


I was a rebel pilot on Bespin platforms in the main CP and some idiot TKer, named Larry (who happened to appear with Moe and Curley), decided to start shooting everyone. I was running up the ramp and he hit me, so I ran back down, figuring I had enough and was going to get him. I shot once and he jumped and crouched behind an ammo droid. I saw his arm do the nade throwing motion, so I watched to see where it'd land to get out of the way. but......nothing. Then suddenly the ammo bot and him both blew up.

I realized he forgot to stand up first, and just bounced the nade off the bot back to himself............

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Another...nothing big but found it funny........

I was a dark trooper at Mos Eisley, jumped, ran and flew my way to the hanger. I stood behind that ledge where the enemy can run up to, and fired down on the rebels on the ship-thingy. At one point I threw a nade and moved behind the ledge wall. I got three human kills at that point, saw two bodies fly past me, one landed on me and knocked me off the ledge....right onto a rebel mine ........BOOM!

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  • 2 months later...

LOL All these are hilarious.


My funniest moment would have to be when my friend was bragging about being better than me so I just randomly said that I could blow himself up more times than him in a single round, AND fly higher into the air in doing so. So we played as Rebels on Endor and continuosly blew ourselves up with mines. Finally I got up onto the highest tree platform, and threw a gernade. Luckily it did stay on the platform so I ran over it and jumped as it blew up, and sent me flying out of the trees. I swear my guy went all the way to the tree tops. What's even funnier is how I landed directly on an enemy command post.


btw I won both compitetions. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...


exactly. thats how i got my a$$ eaten.

i was playing a stormie on the dune sea. i had taken a tie and was blasing around but one idiot rocket stormtrooper misfired and hit my ship. i set down in the rebel shipyard and took and x wing. i was flying over the salracc pit when i see another x wing headed straight for me. i immediatly pressed 'E' and the tropper was flying downwards. the ships crashed and im like: 'cool!'. next minute, i land direct in the sarlacc pit. i got really pissed then.

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exactly. thats how i got my a$$ eaten.

i was playing a stormie on the dune sea. i had taken a tie and was blasing around but one idiot rocket stormtrooper misfired and hit my ship. i set down in the rebel shipyard and took and x wing. i was flying over the salracc pit when i see another x wing headed straight for me. i immediatly pressed 'E' and the tropper was flying downwards. the ships crashed and im like: 'cool!'. next minute, i land direct in the sarlacc pit. i got really pissed then.


lol......what were the odds of falling into the sarlacc pit? More like you than your ass.

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  • 1 month later...

I've got lots of funny, cool, or favorite moments, and I'll share one with you that took place on Cloud City, on a corner CP connecting the walkways. I was a Jet Trooper and charged in with my typical, Rambo-From-The-Sky, ambush-style, straight into a literal NEST of Super Battle Droids, Assault Droids, and Droidekas. They just kept spawning and spawning, dropping mines and firing rockets and lasers, while I singlehandedly orbited around them, dropping greanades of my OWN and leveling one-by-one with blast-after-blast from my EMP launcher-- summersaulting and jumping around in-between jetpacking. I took the CP-- with no assistance from allied units-- with 8 or 9 kills under my belt, and a vertible HOARDE of health and ammo cartriges littering the floor.


Not a typical battle, for me, that's for sure... but this DID happen, and within a tight, somewhat confined area, to boot!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got shot by a allies's rocket and fell off the top of that catwalk near the center CP and the enemy's CP on bespin platforms.I landed right infront of an enemy!You can figure out what happened next.


Another funny and embarresing thing happened to me on bespin platforms again.I was playing as the republic.Mace windu was near the enemy's center CP.I shot him and he died.I KILLED MY OWN JEDI HERO!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Mine is probably when I was on multiplayer on the bespin platforms as the rebels. This guy called subcontractor or something was inside a TIE fighter :tie: and owning all the rebels spawning on the open platforms to get in a ship, he was getting on 50 or so kills and laughing his ass off. I knew it was happening but thought I could get inside a ship fast enough. What I wanted to do was spawn as a vanguard and go over to an enemy cp and capture, so anybody that spawned would be instantly killed by my missle. Well anyway I spawned as a Vanguard and found myself standing right in front of the subcontractor guy inside his TIE, swooping down for more kills. By instict I fired and miraculiously, the TIE blew up! All my teammates (who were not cpus) were like, "Thanks man!" and I was laughing my ass off. :jester1: Luckily out of fear he didn't try spawnkilling for the rest of the time he was on the server. :evil2:

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I really liked it when I got 113 kills as a sniper on Kashyyk docks. I remeber once i was playing Rhen Var Citadel, right acroos from the CP thats over the bridge I had 12 or 13 rebels allies with me. All of a sudden big group of imperials show up and grenade the lot of us, everyone dies except for me, i felt soo damn lucky. The dumbest thing i ever did was on cloud city, over the big pit by the carbon freezing chamber i was running with several imperial allies, when i accidentally hit my secondary trigger, it blew me and about ten buddies of into the abiss, eventually losing us the game.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

What's your funniest moment?


Eh, I had many funny moments with one of my former classmates. We played multiplayer together a lot.

I remember on Kamino. We were two Jet Troopers from the Clones and we were in a server alone. The Clones kept losing reinforcements while we just explored the map - looked for bugs or walk on the roofs of the buildings.

We were the last 2 clones remaining and we were in the cloning facility next to the outpost. We were fighting more than 50 CIS droids. They kept coming from the three corridors. But we managed to hold them off quite a bit. We killed more than 30 but one of us eventually was killed and then the other one was quickly murdered, too. We had funny moments on Naboo, too, with the AAT.


But that's more than enough.

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My favorite moment would have to be in BF2, Playing Obi-Wan Kenobi on Kamino. With out any cheat codes I killed at least 80 battle driods. It was awesome!! I tryed to re-create it, but it was NEVER the same!! :(


My second favorite moment would have to be when you are at the Kashyykk docks, above the battlefield, as a sniper!! Tons of kills!!! Extremely fun in my eyes!! :)

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