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How to take down Anakin?


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Alright so picture this:


Jedi Knight YOU and a Padawan mate of yours are sitting in the Jedi Library on Coruscant with a holocron, catching up on some Jedi lore, maybe some history or a new way of using the Force. Then out of nowhere Anakin drops behind you and with a swift stroke of his, not-yet-red but still-blue lightsaber, decapitates your mate and lunges for you. You of course whip out your own lightsaber (color of your own choice - mine is blue), courtesy of your honed jedi-reflexes and parry his stroke make a counter-attack, then take a step back to gather yourself. Anakin didn't count on your quick reflexes so he is also gathering himself preparing your demise with his newly found darkside powers.


We can surmise that Anakin is royally pissed off, angry as hell and out for blood. He does not yet have the mastery of the darkside as he has as Darth Vader, but is well on his way. He uses all that pent up fear, anger and frustration that he has held down for so long since he left his mother as a boy and later when she died in his arms. He is probably very agressive and not very defensive, leaving himself open if you know your lightsaber-technique.


So what would Jedi Knight YOU, do? Would you use a defensive stance to hold Anakin back and try to talk him down? Or would you use the same defensive stancea and try to use the force to weaken him? Or would you attack him back with the same aggression as he uses?




Myself, I would not be avery effective duelist, I would be more of a force-wielder, so reconising the darkside oozing through Anakin I would think "Crap! I'm dead!" and I would look for way out of the fight.


So I would use the Force to boost my skill with the lighsaber for defense(if it is possible) if not I would boost speed. Then Force-push Anakin away from me and jump up among the rafters and run away. Anakin would probably just be a little put off by my meek attempt to push him away and jump after me to the rafters where we clash lightsabers. I would Force-throw books at him and he would slash through them, then force-lighting my ass. So I would be forced to use some sort of force-shield or force-suppression to not be electrocuted to death. Then Anakin would jump at me again and start hacking so another duel ensues. We lock sabers and he pushes me away. I use the force to propel me even further away from him and also jumping down to the ground floor again. Then I would use Force-camouflage (Juhani or Kreia style) to mask my presence and hope for the best. As well as start moving as quietly as possible toward the exit. Anakin would be pissed of real good now but in his anger I don't think he would calm down enough to think things through or use force sight so he would just rip up rafters and throw around as well as throw lightning bolts all directions. So in all the noise I would run for the door and slip out and try to find some help. Hopefully I would not be the last Jedi alive...



How about your fight?

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Me? I would run the hell away! Then I would take a ship off to the outer rim and study Sith stuff and go back, kill Anakin with newly acquired Sith powers, become corrupted and try to destroy Palpatine and probably fail, but weaken him enough for Yoda to go green midget kungfu on him.

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Ep. 3 Spoilers:


Krow, no one in the entire Temple can hold one up on him, and all the others capable of doing so aren't there at the time. He raids and ransacks the entire temple, killing every Jedi inside. He's also got Clone Trooper backups. Not that he needs it.


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Well, maybe not ALL of them, but certainly quite many, as obvious from a spoiler screenshot of:

Obi-wan (possibly, it's quite far away, the screenie) and another Jedi Master(s), possibly Yoda, walking through the remains of the Temple. Dead bodies litter the floors. Or something like that. It might've just been a picture of a floor of the Jedi Temple, littered with dead bodies to show the carnage Anakin had created. I'm not certain whether anyone was walking through.

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Originally posted by Prime

I'd kick him in the balls.

Originally posted by Darth333

Hmmm...but Pain leads to Suffering....Suffering leads to

Anger....Anger leads to Hate....Hate leads to the Darkside


(anyways, I think I'd try that to... :D )

:rofl: RLMAO!!! :rofl:

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now, why didn't i find this thread earlier???


of coure, if you were the exile from kotor2, theres two ways to do it depending on your attributes:


1. high strength/dexterity: force speed + master flurry = dead anakin


2. high wisdom score: Force Wave + (2 x Force Lightning) = dead anakin


hey, it worked on everyone but darth traya....

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Well, if you're going to be your own Exile, then, no one could beat you.


And... Krow:



Mace, Kit Fisto, and two other Jedi Council Members (I forget who) go after Palpatine after finding out from Aayla Secura (I believe) that he is Sidious or something. Windu defeats Palpatine in a duel, but I believe that Kit Fisto dies and maybe the other two Jedi as well. Then Anakin is told to help defeat Palpatine, and he does, apparently. But is really pretending to and takes Mace by surprise. After constantly beating the Master down, he kills him.


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I would attempt to

1: Defeat him,(not killing him) proving that he can't kill me.

2: Try to turn him to the light side.


Originally posted by stingerhs

now, why didn't i find this thread earlier???


of coure, if you were the exile from kotor2, theres two ways to do it depending on your attributes:


1. high strength/dexterity: force speed + master flurry = dead anakin


2. high wisdom score: Force Wave + (2 x Force Lightning) = dead anakin


hey, it worked on everyone but darth traya....


3. high wisdom score + left dantooine + dark side: Force wave + force crush = dead anakin.

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Originally posted by Sivy

you beat me! i was just about to post that.


i was going to say 'gonads' though

Good usage of "gonads".


Originally posted by Darth333

Hmmm...but Pain leads to Suffering....Suffering leads to

Anger....Anger leads to Hate....Hate leads to the Darkside

He'd be too busy rolling around on the floor in the fetal position...


Originally posted by Darth_Krow

Wusses. I'd duke out the battle and weaken Anakin down, til another jedi could come, besides who's not going to hear the comotion?

The chosen one would pwn you in seconds...
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