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Who Likes Anime?

Aash Li

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XD I think dividing it up into "shounen" and "shoujo" is kinda outdated seeing as there are so many animes out there... what you just said pretty much included stuff like Evangelion, etc...


It is probably a guy thing though, but thank god I don't limit myself to just "guy" animes. Otherwise I wouldn't have half the stuff I have in my collection XD

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It's strange. The US gets so much more anime than Australia, before Australia... yet anime seems to be more accessable to buy in Australia than it is in the US. I buy my anime once a month, I buy a few items each month... XD I got the money to burn.


edit: uh, what, ANN isn't a channel... it's just a website with information about animes...

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It's strange. The US gets so much more anime than Australia, before Australia... yet anime seems to be more accessable to buy in Australia than it is in the US. I buy my anime once a month, I buy a few items each month... XD I got the money to burn.


edit: uh, what, ANN isn't a channel... it's just a website with information about animes...



no the anime network is a channel I just can't get it


there is a part that you can request that your satilite and cable provider will carry it part I used to go there a lot

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Yeah, youd have to get alot of people to pester them to even consider going to your cable service...


Anime is probly more accessible in Aus, than here because youre within hours of Japan itself, also in or about the same timezone. Here in the US, everyone, even hawaii is on the otherside of the International Dateline..

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Ive been watching the Escaflowne movie since it came on, and Im totally in love with it. And that says a great deal I think, because I dont typically like mecha-anime. The hackedup Fox series of Escaflowne might have sucked to the heavens (lol), but the movie sure doesnt!

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Ugh, the movie is all pretty in terms of animation (thank the production studio) and music (thank Yoko Kanno), but the general consensus about it is that it sucks. I got the box set of it, the only thing that was worth the $40 I forked out was the soundtrack. It really doesn't even deserve to hold a candle to the TV series.

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The original, un-butchered Japanese version of the series is probly awesome.


The things about the ending I didnt like was that Vaughn and Hitomi didnt kiss, I was really expecting them too... and then they didnt have Hitomi reuniting with her best-friend.


Oh, and the death of Vaughns brother was rather anti-climatic, I can see the beast-guy doing that and wounding the brother, but killing him? There should have been more too it... the biggest fight was between some underling's armour and the Escaflowne... So I will admit (grudgingly), that the script writers could have done a far better job. The biggest fight should have been between the two brothers... the ending was kind of pathetic.


Oh, and character development was pretty shallow. The only character with any real depth was Hitomi. Vaughn had enough to make him sort of interesting, but everyone else was 2 dimensional.


But I still dont think that the anime itself sucked as bad as everyone claims. Just ignore the scripting and dialogues and watch it for the flashy beautiful artwork. :D The animation and art was spectacular, and the voices were ok I guess, didnt really care for them though... I want to see it in Japanese. heh The idea behind the series was pretty neat as well.


And Yoko Kanno doing the singing for the movie just was wonderful. <3

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The original, un-butchered Japanese version of the series is probly awesome.


:D Yes, those damn Americans and their damn dubs, anime is ruined when they touch it, it doesn't matter what they do. As soon as they physically touch it they have ruined it for everyone. Anime would be better for everyone if it just stayed in Japan and the Americans didn't touch it at all. The Japanese companies don't care about fansubbers because they don't care about losing money but the Americans are greedy, all they want to do is make money and rape animes.


XD LOL, don't mind me, I used to know a girl who thought along those lines in the last paragraph.


Though since I haven't seen the Escaflowne english audio you're probably right, it might just very well suck.

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Now youre just exaggerrating :p Some anime I think is just as good in english as it is in Japanese.. Inu Yasha, Full Metal Alchemist and Cowboy Bebop to name three of them. Of course all I ever saw of those were in english anyway. But the voice acting is good, and they didnt fiddle with the names very much.


In the series on Fox, it wasnt so much the audio that made it suck, but the way they edited the anime, and rewrote the whole story, so that it would appeal to little kids, boys in particular. The original version of the anime is intended for more mature audiences... just look at all the blood and stuff in the move. ;)


But I do like watching Anime in Japanese because Im trying to learn the language, so it helps with the hearing of the language part. But its also nice to take a break from reading subs and watch english versions too. :)

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No no no, I wasn't critisising you, just that that line reminded me of that girl I used to know. Sorry to make you think I was XD


But yeah, I know what you mean about editted anime, that's why I don't watch anime on TV at all, whether it's free TV or pay TV. I buy all my anime cause I know everything I get is uncut unless otherwise stated clearly.

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I just bought 2 "Case Closed" DVDs! I never get to watch the show anymore because it playes while I'm at work.


I love "Detective Conan," and I saw them on sale at Target for $6.95! They only had two DVDs, so I bought both of them.


I'm a little sad they don't have the theme song they play on Cartoon Network, but oh well. It's not gonna stop me from watching them.


EDIT: BTW, I read on the official site they had to change the title from the literal translation of "Detective Conan" to "Case Closed" for the US because of copyright issues. I've never heard of "Detective Conan" other than in "Case Closed." Does anyone know what it conflicts with?

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