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More KOTOR III Possibilty News! (KOTOR MMO Confirmed?)


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  OptimalOptimus said:
Goto google & search for KOTOR 3 .. you will find bits of news. that Lucas arts was working on it.. BUt they laid off the team who was doing the work. SO that project is Stalled.


WHAT we need to do it Star emailing Luca Arts & LEtting them KNow WE want this Game Made !


So let me get this straight, they had started, and them fired the team that was developing it..... Lucas just keeps earning points in my book :firemad:

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"As a leading representative of BioWare Corp. given the mamoth task of publicising the next in the series of Knights Of The Old Republic games (KOTOR 3), I have permission to confirm that this title is now several months underway.


This may come as a surprise to those who are currently reading this, as it was previously believed that the KOTOR staff had been cut from the LucasArts project. I can also confirm that the KOTOR 3 team is now officially on LucasArts budget and eagerly developing what we hope to be a 'must have' title on as of yet unconfirmed Next Generation platforms for 2006.


With more details to be released in the coming weeks, 3 points concerning KOTOR 3 can be posted:


1)The story takes place in a period roughly 14 years after KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords.


2)There will be new characters, equipment, classes, mini games and an entirely new combat system based on the interface used on Jade Empire.


3)The plot follows directly from the last game, plunging the galaxy into war with the True Sith.


This has yet to be posted onto the BioWare official website (http://www.bioware.com) as the pages are currently serving as a front to keep viewers occupied during a drastic remodelling process of the entire site.


As previously stated, this message is soon to be posted around the internet, and new details are to be released soon.









I JUST FOUND THIS ... I'm gonna Check it out .

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Gamedreams has posted word that another installment of Knights of the Old Republic (in fact, KOTOR 3) is already in development


George and crew are most pleased with the initial performance of KOTOR, so pleased in fact that KOTOR 3 is well into development! This time however expect everything to be new and improved! An all new next-gen engine is being prepped as is a modified battle system that will place a heavier emphasis on the lightsaber. There are even whispers that the game may be shown in some form at E3 THIS year, though I’d expect it to be far from completion, perhaps nothing but a video!




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  OptimalOptimus said:
As a leading representative of BioWare Corp. given the mamoth task of publicising the next in the series of Knights Of The Old Republic games (KOTOR 3), I have permission to confirm that this title is now several months underway... etc. etc.

You've run across an old rumor someone decided to start. It's been debunked in a previous forum thread http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=1846298#post1846298

Notice how mammoth is misspelled? BioWare wouldn't make an important announcement like this thru such informal and unverifiable means.


You can also see comments made by Bioware reps who also refute this claim on Bioware's forums at http://swforums.bioware.com/viewtop...445216&forum=26


@qaz79 - Welcome to LucasForums! :waive1:

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Article found: 25TH November 2005 (AEST)


More KOTOR III Talk?


I hope you guys don't mind me posting more KOTOR III stuff I just can't help it . OKay I was just browsing http://www.teamxbox.com and it just very briefly said something about Star Wars KOTOR sequel. I'm not sure if they mean't KOTOR II or not but I think they are more likely refering to KOTOR III. But any way take a lookie for you self.



Xbox360 In Bad Need Of RPG's


We know that sometime in the future, the Xbox 360 will have RPGs like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Jade Empire sequel, Fable sequel, Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic sequel and the like. But Microsoft should not give up getting established RPG franchises and if they have to make big deals with the respective owners of them, then they should go for it!



Linkie: http://community.teamxbox.com/xbox/1369/TXB-Community-The-Need-of-RPGs-on-the-Xbox-360/p1/



I just stumbled upon this by accident. Of course I was looking for KOTOR III in the list and they did mention somethnig about a KOTOR word.


any way



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  ilwugoalie said:
most likely it will be exclusive. You make it exclusive, you getting more people to buy the system.

Sorry, but I disagree. It is true that console games sell more, but it is also true that in a business, you move as much of your product as you can, because this means more $$$ for your company.

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  RedHawke said:
Sorry, but I disagree. It is true that console games sell more, but it is also true that in a business, you move as much of your product as you can, because this means more $$$ for your company.


  Bob Lion54 said:



While the PC market is not as lucrative as the console market, its still large enough that LA is going to want to get what money they can from it.


alright, sorry... when i said "exclusive" I was making a referance between the two XBox systems. he will with no doubt make the game for PC (not that it matters to me, I'm not going to waste money buying it for a system and for the PC... did that with the first game). But I doubt Lucas Arts will bother with a version for the XBox when the finished product wont be out for most likely a year or more. The more time goes by, the more the 360 is going to push the original XBox out.

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  ilwugoalie said:
But I doubt Lucas Arts will bother with a version for the XBox when the finished product wont be out for most likely a year or more. The more time goes by, the more the 360 is going to push the original XBox out.

IMO, this has already happened. I would be highly surprised if any game publisher/creator released a game for the XBOX now. I think we will only see XBOX 360 games going forward. Seriously, why would anyone make a game for a now-defunct console?

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  Hai Wan said:
IMO, this has already happened. I would be highly surprised if any game publisher/creator released a game for the XBOX now. I think we will only see XBOX 360 games going forward. Seriously, why would anyone make a game for a now-defunct console?


I know, this is pretty much common sense. But i've read several threads where people are saying they want it on the now old XBox. Why peole would want to stay with the old system is beyond me

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  JediMaster12 said:
COST, MAN, COST! I was able to get a good deal on my XBox (I've got connections) but that doesn't mean that I'm going to be able to afford the 360. I've heard it costs a bundle. over $200 with tax figured in. Tell me if I'm wrong.


$200.00 for a 360?? your very wrong... the core system ( that is basicly just the box and a controller) goes for 399.... the Premium, or platinum is going for over 600....


I got hooked up on mine (a platinum system), and sold it on ebay for $1,300.


People are going overboard for these things

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I was just surfing another Kotor fourm and this person *claims* Kotor III is anounced but I just take it as a rumour. Have a look for yourself any way.


Just take this as a rumour because I can't see any offical source from Lucasarts.


This person claims:


Kotor III Rumour


Kotor 3 Rumors: Well its true! There are announcements from lucas arts of a new knights of the old republic game. They are already at a finish for the game and is planning for a release in 2006. It will hit the new big X Box 360 with all the new amazing graphics. You will be able to have more features in the game as such as ruling your own empire. More Kotor 3 games news will be announced whenever Lucas Arts does.






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  kookaburra said:
Kotor 3 Rumors: Well its true! There are announcements from lucas arts of a new knights of the old republic game. They are already at a finish for the game and is planning for a release in 2006. It will hit the new big X Box 360 with all the new amazing graphics. You will be able to have more features in the game as such as ruling your own empire. More Kotor 3 games news will be announced whenever Lucas Arts does.






Unless that person is an employee or has deep connections with Lucas Arts, I wouldn't believe him.

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  kookaburra said:
Rumours run abound in the UK XBox360 magazines that the latest installment of this series is slated for this console, this has yet to be confirmed or denied by anyone.
Well, no doubt it will come out for teh 360. But that could still be 5 years away...
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