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New Moderators


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That was what I was hoping when I made it there


EDIT: @ Hallucination: No, I've seen other mods with less than 1000. But obviously it isn't post count that matters, its quality of the posts you have.



Oops, curse the edit link being next to the quote link.

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I for one, became a moderator with less than 1,000 posts. Post count means nothing, what you post and how you behave are what really matters. Big post counts don't make a great community, great people do.


Anyways, congratulations to all the new moderators !

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Meh, Admins with less than 1000 posts doesn't surprise me if they're developers of the mod. Basically, if an Admin posts, it's either news about the mod, answering questions, or the ****'s about to hit the fan for some rude forum nOOb. In other words, not too many posts.

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