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Does KotOR Count?

The Doctor

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..... but some people I talked to said that the EU only included post RotJ stuff. ....


hehe....the good ole "some people I talked to" theyre also usually the people who tell you that George is making Episodes 7-9 :p


KOTOR is EU, and although it is a game, has some signficant crossover with the events depicted in the KOTOR era comics :) For more consideration of what canonical classification games get, see the stickied "What is canon?" thread



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Actually kotor DOES COUNT. Thought the canon story is being establish.


Kotor1 canon is basically a LSM story.


As for kotor2 nothing is set yet, though someone mentioning people trying to make it LSF... This would be bad, cause that means we will have to see more of that low-life piece of useless whiney scum face excuse of a hutt spawned bantha poodoo called Desciple. I mean, Handmaiden is many times better storywise and what not.

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I'd be happy to sacrifice KOTOR if it ment they got rid of the NJO

I'm quite sure you speak for yourself, DT. ;)


I'm certainly not willing to sacrifice KotOR to get rid of the NJO. Most definitely not. And like all the mods and other knowledgeable peeps have stated, KotOR is part of the EU and should be in perpetuity.

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KOTOR is EU - I think that has been well established now !! As I have said above, if you want to be pedantic it occupies C level EU, according to Lucasfilm Licensing/starwars.com current classification system... this is the lower tier of EU(in terms of its direct relation and relevance to the films)



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Kotor is EU. EU is anything outside of the movies. The End.


If I read one more "NJO sucks" I swear to god I will declare martial law here. You don't like it, wow, I don't care. Keep it to yourself. I like it, but I'm not running around and shoving it in your face.


P.S. Kurgan doesn't exist. He's a figment of our imagination.

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Yup, KOTOR is part of the EU like all the other liscensed Star Wars games. It's C-Level canon at least in terms of characters, story and technology (not player choices) just like everything else. So it's as "canon" as Jedi Academy or Dark Forces.


And just in case you were misinformed: You can ignore any crap you heard on "supershadow.com" since that site is made-up baloney with no official standing whatsoever!



PS: NJO sucks! ;)

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