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Where do you want to go in KotOR3?

Darth Windu

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Title says it all. I'm guessing 99.99% of KotOR fans will want to go to Coruscant, but where else do you want to travel, and why? I would like to see


- Coruscant

Why? It's Coruscant. Enough said.


- Sleheyron

Cut from KotOR, I would like to go and take a look around. Actually, it would be fun if you could find the remaining Star Map there. After all, there should have been six star maps found, as seen in the 'Life' and 'Death' seals in the Dantooine ruins. They corresponded to

- Plains - Dantooine

- Arboreal - Kashyyyk

- Aquatic - Manaan

- Barren - Korriban

- Desert - Tatooine

- Volcanic - Slehyron


What does everyone else want to see?

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Coruscant is a must.

Kreia hinted so obvious to Coruscant. The Exile was judged there, i think its one of the places that needs to be visited.

Also, an enormous interactive battlefield would be nice, like the first scenes of Kotor 1, with all the NPC's fighting. That might be somewhere on a Outer Rim world..


Also, Tattooine should be visited, as you suggested. I still think there's something there that must be done. I haven't seen enough of it ;)

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- Plains - Dantooine Arboreal - Kashyyyk

- Aquatic - Manaan

- Barren - Korriban

- Desert - Tatooine

- Volcanic - Slehyron


I never got that thats good to know. I'd also like to see an interative battlefield like Genosis where everyone fighting plus i like to see mustafar i'm curious to see how it would look in KOTOR and i also like to see kasyyke(wookie homeworld) again

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Well sure Mustafar would be good to see, but other than the remains of the separatist final base as seen in Ep. 3, that place is pretty uninhabited as far as I know. In my opinion, I'd like to see Coruscant or yoda's home planet which I forget the name of it and his species name as well.

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Yoda's species name is "Gre'enmidj'et", and his home planet is "Gre'enmidj." Thanks to whoever thought that up first, I can't remember who it was. :lol: Nobody knows what they are called or where they are from, Darca Lar. Here is my list:


Coruscant (optional)





Raxus Prime

Yavin IV


Then several planets in the Unknown Regions, a.k.a. "Unknown Planets."

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Ummm... Your joking, right? That is site is a complete rip-off.


(SuperShadow: Lucas says that Luke Skywalker told Anakin the secret of vanishing at death and coming back as a spirit on the shuttle ride from the Death Star to the Endor Moon.)


Anakin was DEAD before he was even in the shuttle, he died as Luke talked to him on the Death Star. The site is completely false.

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All right, my list of planets:


Coruscant: Why? Where the liberation or the enslaving of the Galaxy will take place.

Onderon: So many things could be put for this planet. I think that it has an important role here.

Mannan: Out of no apparent reason, but still an important asset.

Dantooine: Simple: It's there

Nar Shadaa: Out of no reason, I just like it

Tattooine: Bring it back, it's important.

Kasshyyk: I don't care if they bring it or forget it.

Korriban: Simple: It's there

Delaria: I am just curious to see how it's like

Corelia: Please

Ryloth: Homeworld of the Twi'Lek's I wonder how it looks like

Rhen Var: It could play an important role there

Ziost: The place where either the saviour or the doom of the Galaxy will take place

Bakura: I just like it that's all.


I hope my list wasn't too big.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Manaan (new areas, naturally) as a starting planet, like Telos or Taris. Same with Korriban: the ending sequence should involve Korriban and Couruscant, like Malachor and Dantooine in K2.


So, along those lines:




Yavin IV

Corellia (and other planets in that system)


Manaan (maybe)



Assorted Space stations / ships

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My list, in no particular order, and not necessarily all being used:


Onderon (to follow up on the Queen/Vaklu stuff)




A new Sith world (or something really different on Korriban)

A Mandalorian planet?

Unknown region planets

Some cool unknown region ship/station

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^Yes, even though KotOR is 4000 years before the movies, there is still a few millenia to go back before there is no temples. Well, adding to Ryloth and Rhen Var, I'd also like to see the Mandalorian homeplanet, Mandaloria or something.


As for Coruscant, as I said before, I don't really care actually. But I think it would be nice to have the Taris-type kind of planet, except a lot better. If not Coruscant, then maybe Corellia or another similar planet.

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^Yes, even though KotOR is 4000 years before the movies, there is still a few millenia to go back before there is no temples.


The temples existed then. Naga Sadow had them built about 1,000 years before KOTOR.


The only planets that I think are necessary to go to are Coruscant and some other worlds controlled by the True Sith. It seems that people are forgetting that there'll be a hug war going on - and assuming you're playing as Revan or the Exile, why would you waste time on backwater worlds like Tatooine?


Coruscant, I believe is a required location. Considering how it is the capital of the Republic, why wouldn't the True Sith attack it?

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