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The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium - Released

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Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium (Vrs. 2.00.00)

Developed By: The Source (MacLeodCorp), Jae Onasi, Darth InSidious, T7nowhere, Commas, Darth Moeller, & LucasForums Community


Download Mirror #1:



Since nearly the beginning of their existence, the Jedi have battled some of the greatest enemies in the galaxy. Each Jedi follows a unique path which leads them to their fate. For thousands of years, they have followed a strict moral code. Now the Jedi Code hangs in the balance. Everything the Jedi know will be challenged, and they will face the ultimate evil. .

‘There is no emotion, there is only peace.”


I. The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium: (Vrs. 2.00.00)

· The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium is a content mod, which adds the following: side quests, robes, armor, lightsabers, merchants, one female darkside transition set, and non-player characters. When installed, Bastila can be played as a selectable player character and/or you can find her as a non-player character.


· Side Quest #1 - #2 is based upon Bastila Shan, Mission Vao, and Nomi Sunrider. Five years ago, Bastila Shan went into exile. During her exile, two forces started to hunt her. One enemy is a previous companion who helped Revan and Bastila capture the Star Forge. Another enemy is from a deeper past, and this Jedi Master is seeking revenge.

(Mission is not included, but she is a storyline focus.)


· Side Quests #3 - #5 are based upon three bounties that are available through Bossk.


As you interact with the various NPCs, you will be rewarded according to your responses with items such as Lighsabers, Robes, Darkside and Lightside Points, XP, etc…


· Merchants – Two new merchants were added to the Nar Shaddaa Docks. While visiting these merchants, you will be able to purchase rare robes, armor, crystals, and HK-47 plot parts.


While creating this mod, I also rearranged, edited, or added items to Telos (Residental & Medical Module 082), Dantooine (Khoonda & Khoonda Grounds), and Nar Shaddaa (Docks). See below for a brief rundown on changes.)


(The story is inspired by RedHawke's: KotOR I: Make Mission a Jedi Mod.)

(Please follow the installation instructions closely.)


Since several things have changed, please consult DAP's ReadMe for an expanded overview. - The Source




The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium (Vrs. 1.00.23)

Developed By: MacLeodCorp, Jae Onasi, Darth InSidious, T7nowhere, Commas, Darth Moeller, & LucasForums Community


Download Mirror #1:


Download Mirror #2:


Screenshots: (Latest screenshots are being uploaded.)

Size of File: 10mbs


Since nearly the beginning of their existence, the Jedi have battled some of the greatest enemies in the galaxy. Each Jedi follows a unique path which leads them to their fate. For thousands of years, they have followed a strict moral code. Now the Jedi Code hangs in the balance. Everything the Jedi know will be challenged, and they will face the ultimate evil. .

‘There is no emotion, there is only peace.”


I. The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium: (Revision)

· The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium is a content mod, which includes the following: side quests, robes, armor, lightsabers, merchants, one female darkside transition set, and non-player characters. When installed, Bastila can be played as a selectable player character and/or you can find her as a non-player character.


· Side Quest #1 is based upon Bastila Shan, Mission Vao, and Nomi Sunrider. Five years ago, Bastila Shan went into exile. During her exile, two forces started to hunt her. One enemy is a previous companion who helped Revan and Bastila capture the Star Forge. Another enemy is from a deeper past, and this Jedi Master is seeking revenge.

(Mission is not included, but she is a focus in some of the dialogue.)


· Side Quests #2 & #3 are based upon two bounties that are available through Bossk.


As you interact with the various NPCs, you will be rewarded according to your responses with items such as Lighsabers, Robes, Darkside and Lightside Points, XP, etc…


· Merchants – Two new merchants were added to the Nar Shaddaa Docks. While visiting these merchants, you will be able to purchase rare robes, armor, crystals, and HK-47 plot parts.


While creating this mod, I also rearranged, edited, or added items to Telos (Residental & Medical Module 082), Dantooine (Khoonda & Khoonda Grounds), and Nar Shaddaa (Docks). See below for a brief rundown on changes.)


(The story is inspired by RedHawke's: KotOR I: Make Mission a Jedi Mod.)

(Please follow the installation instructions closely.)



In this section, you will find a list of custom items and textures.

These items were created by various modders who have contributed to this mod.

(See Section XI for Developers.)


Items (ROBES):

· (2 M/F) Dark ‘Apprentice’ Robes:






· (2 M/F) Dark ‘Jedi’ Robes:






· (2 M/F) Dark ‘Padawan’ Robes:






· (2 M/F) Mission’s: Dark ‘Apprentice’ Robes:


(Uses D’APP’R Icons and Textures)


· (2 M/F) Exile’s: Dark ‘Jedi’ Robes:


(Uses D’JED’R Icons and Textures)


· (2 M/F) Dagobah ‘Exiled’ Robes: NEW






· (3 M/F) Nomi Sunrider’s Armor: NEW







· (1) Dark 'Apprentice' Lightsaber:








· (1) Bastila's Lightsaber:








· (1) Battle Lightsaber:


(Uses D’APP’L Icons and Textures)



Within this section, you will find a list of items that were added to the modules.

These items are packed into the module files.


Telos Module (204TEL.MOD):

· (1) Bastila - Lightside: (Non-Player Character)


(See below for textures.)


· (1) Onderon Escort: (Non-Player Character)



· (1) Other Module Changes (But Not Limited To):



(Also includes dialogues.)


Dantooine Module (601DAN.MOD):

· (1) Sith Bounty Hunter I: (Non-Player Character)



· (1) Sith Bounty Hunter II, III: (Non-Player Characters)



· Other Module Changes (But Not Limited To):




(Also includes dialogue.)


Dantooine Module (602DAN.MOD):

· (1) Bastila - Darkside: (Non-Player Character)


(See below for textures.)


· (1) Sith Bounty Hunter IV: (Non-Player Character)



· Other Module Changes (But Not Limited To):



(Also includes dialogue.)


Nar Shaddaa Module (301NAR.MOD):

· (1) Sonia: (Non-Player Character)



· Other Module Changes (But Not Limited To):



(Also includes dialogue, and some scripts.)


Nar Shaddaa Module (303NAR.MOD):

· (2) New Merchants: (Non-Player Characters)

Derva Dobo: merc_da2.utc, m_202_001.utm

Gredvik: merc2_da2.utc, m_202_001.utm

(Merchants sell rare robes, armor, saber crystals, and HK Parts.)


· (1) Dia: (Non-Player Character)




· (1) Jedi Master: Nomi Sunrider: (Non-Player Character)




· (3) Sith Bounty Hunter V, VI, & VII: (Non-Player Characters)




· (1) Bossk: (Non-Player Character)



· (1) 4Lom: (Non-Player Character)



· Other Module Changes (But Not Limited To):







(Other NPCs were added to Vogga The Hutt’s Place.)

(Also includes dialogue, and some scripts.)


IV. Textures (CHARACTERS):

Within this section, you will find a list of textures that were redesigned for Bastila and the PC.

These textures were created to replace the in game skins. You will find these in the ‘Override’ folder.


· (1) Bastila: (Non-Player Character)

N_JediMemF01.tga (Lightside Clothes)

N_JediMeF01.tga (Darkside Clothes Choice I)

N_JediMeF01.tga (Darkside Clothes Choice II)


· (1) Bastila Head: (Player Character)

P_BastilaH04.tga (Head Transition I)

P_BastilaH04d1.tga (Head Transition II)

P_BastilaH04d2.tga (Head Transition III)

po_PFHC02.tga (Head Transition I – Icon Profile)

po_PFHC02d1.tga (Head Transition II – Icon Profile)

po_PFHC02d2.tga (Head Transition III – Icon Profile)


· (1) Caucasian Female ‘One’ Head: (Player Character)

PFHC01A.tga (Head Transition I)

PFHC01AD1.tga (Head Transition II)

PFHC01AD2.tga (Head Transition III)

po_PFHC01.tga (Head Transition I – Icon Profile)

po_PFHC01d1.tga (Head Transition II – Icon Profile)

po_PFHC01d2.tga (Head Transition III – Icon Profile)



·When installing this mod, there are some choices you can make:

Bastila’s Darkside Clothing: You can choose to install one out of two versions:

Blue or Black: (See: Textures Characters Section Above.)

Nomi Sunrider Armor: You can choose from two similar sets of armor for the female characters.

Caucasian or Diversity.

Caucasian Female ‘One’ Head: You don’t have to install the new female darkside transition head.

(All items are found in the ‘Choices Folder’.)


V. Tips for Installation: Important!

· Override Folder: In order to install, you must empty the supplied override folder into KotOR II’s override folder. (Without the subfolder provided.)


· Module(s) Folder: In order to install, you must empty the supplied modules folder into KotOR II’s module folder. (Without the subfolder provided.)


·Choice(s) Folder: In order to install, you must empty your choice from the ‘You Choose’ folder into KotOR II’s override folder. (Without the subfolders provided)

(See under the section called: ‘Installation Choices’ for your options.)


VI. Tips for Un-Installation:

·In order to uninstall this mod, you must remove all the above listed items, and reinstall the backed up modules that originally came with the game. They are listed above.


VII. Tips for Trouble Shooting:

·In order to install this mod,,you need an override folder in your Knights of The Old Republic II directory. If a folder does not exist, you need to create and label a new one.


·In some cases, there may be similar elements used in another mod. If you have another mod with similar labeled items, this mod will override your existing files. Therefore, don't forget to backup your files.

(See Readme File)


IX. Upon Creation:

·While creating this mod, I utilized the following programs and wish to thank their creators:

KotOR Tool - by Fred Tetra; Where Am I? Band - by Darth333; DLGEditor/GFFEditor - by TK102


X. The Developers:

·If I didn’t have the patience and help by the following modders, this mod would not have been possible. I thank each and every one of the people who helped in the creation of the Dark Apprentice series.


MacLeodCorp. (Mod Coordinator)

Responsible for scripting, module editing, story development, and dialogue creation.

Contributed the following textures: Dia’s Clothes, Bastila’s Clothes and Darkside Transitions, PC Darkside Transitions, Nomi’s Clothes, Dagobah ‘Exile’ Robes


The most important people are listed here:


Jae Onasi (Editor and Beta Testing)

Responsible for dialogue editing, story editing, and the testing of mod functionality and playability.


Darth InSidious (Beta-Testing)

Responsible for testing the functionality of mod execution and playability.


T7nowhere (Lightsaber Developer)

Responsible for the development of various lightsabers.

Contributed the following: Bastila’s Lightsaber and the Dark Apprentice Lightsaber.


Commas (Robes Developer)

Responsible for the development of texture for robes.

Contributed the following: Dark ‘Apprentice’ Robes, Dark ‘Padawan’ Robes

(Also includes any other robes that use similar texture files.)


Darth Moeller (Robes Developer)

Responsible for the development of texture for robes.

Contributed the following: Dark ‘Jedi’ Robes

(Also includes any other robes that use similar texture files.)


Darth333 & ChAiNz.2da (Script Guidance and Advice)


LucasForums.com Modders (Revision Feedback Encouragement)

I thank everyone at LucasForums.com for their support, feedback, and encouragement. Without the forums visitors and contributors, there would be no revision. Thank you all.


XI. Jedi Master Nomi Sunrider Theory:

· During my online research, I have made a conclusion about who is Jedi_Master_4h. As I looked at many resources, from pictures to descriptions, I have drawn the conclusion that the cut Jedi Master is Nomi Sunrider. According to http://www.StarWars.com’s Extended Universe, Bastila Shan was once called Vima Sunrider. At this point in the Knights of The Old Republic series, Vima would only be a Jedi Knight. As a last second change, Vima’s concept was taken out of the original Knights of The Old Republic. Now, there are many factors that support the Nomi Sunrider theory: 1. Nomi’s robe was designed in KotOR II style. If Nomi did not exist at the time, the robes would have been created in KotOR I format. 2. All pictures from comic books to novels show two important similarities between the head model and descriptions. First, her hair style and color is an exact match to the comic book. Second, her eye color is an exact match. Since Vima would have been a Jedi Knight at the time, I can only conclude that the Jedi_Master_4h model is Nomi Sunrider. 3. Nomi’s eye color matches her robe. Both the robes and eye color are green/hazel. I hope that this sheds some light on my conclusions.


XII. How to Uninstall (Any) Previous Version:

·The Dark Apprentice: Gold (Uninstall Instructions) - In order to prepare for the next version of DAP (The Dark Apprentice), you will have to uninstall some very important files. Even though I have added instructions in the original version, I thought I would make a special list of files to uninstall. Since an extensive amount of the original mod has been revised, I thought it would be wise to create this list.


Suggestion: Open your ‘Override’ folder, and sort the directory listing by name.


Remove from Override Folder: (Alphabetical Order)





































Remove from Modules Filder:






XIII. Disclaimer Notice:

· Since it is illegal to sell game modifications, I give exclusive rights to PCGameMods, LucasFiles, and LucasForums to release, edit, or delete this mod as they see fit. Obsidian Entertainment and Lucas Arts do not support this mod. If you wish to mirror this mod, you must contact me at LucasForums through a private message under MacLeodCorp.



If you are wondering where this mod startes, you will find Bastila on Telos outside the Ithorian Compound. Also look around that area, for you may be missing other things.


VX. Compatible With:

Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection - by ChAiNz.2da: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=162248

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I've got mine bro! :D


I'm working on getting my Kreia Mod packed, but I'm definitely going to test it with your mod first to make sure everything works like we had discussed. ;)


I'm definitely looking forward to this one.. it looks fantastic and a great big Kudos to you on making this one of the most anticipated mods to date! :thumbsup:


Take a nice long deep breath buddy, you deserve a some good R&R after this release :D

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  ChAiNz.2da said:
I've got mine bro! :D


I'm working on getting my Kreia Mod packed, but I'm definitely going to test it with your mod first to make sure everything works like we had discussed. ;)


I'm definitely looking forward to this one.. it looks fantastic and a great big Kudos to you on making this one of the most anticipated mods to date! :thumbsup:


Take a nice long deep breath buddy, you deserve a some good R&R after this release :D

Hehehe... Thanks man! I can't wait for your mod to come out. I hope they work well together. I used the TSL Patcher on the files, so I hope there will not be a problem.


After working on a mod for so long, you look forward to the feedback and tech issues. At least this is the easy part. I added an .nss script to that area. Let me know if it interfares or not. :) The script is just for some animation, but it is not important.

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just downloaded your mod, sounds great..but i just started a new game, and i'm on Telos, completed most quests before going to the surface...Can i still install the mod or should i start over again? or can i install the mod and then reload a save game before travelling to Telos?


thanks for any replies, and sorry if these are dumb questions...

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  Davo Raydn said:
just downloaded your mod, sounds great..but i just started a new game, and i'm on Telos, completed most quests before going to the surface...Can i still install the mod or should i start over again? or can i install the mod and then reload a save game before travelling to Telos?


thanks for any replies, and sorry if these are dumb questions...

Thanks for the question.

If you have a Pre-Telos mod, I would start a new game there. The first portiong of this mod doesn't fire off if you allready completed Telos. Even though you may end up seeing the other characters, they will not interact with you unless you complete Telos first.

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  Tysyacha said:
Could somebody please tell me step-by-step instructions on what to put where

so I don't mess KOTOR up? I'm kind of bad at installing mods when they're more

complicated than "put all this stuff in your Override folder." Sorry! :(


If you wish to install this file, please see: Section V in the first post of this thread, or in the readme supplied in the mod. The information in the first post of this thread is copied from the readme.

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  Suikotsu said:
If you have bastilla as your pc, will you still meet her?

Yes. You have the choice of being Bastila as well. When I first created the original mod, I wanted people to have the choice of playing as her as well.


I am not sure of the cloning thing, but when you play as Bastila you will also bump into her. That might be the cloning thing everyone is talking about. It is like bumping into yourself on two ocassions. Call it a twist of fate. Hehehe... I was trying to make a multipurpose mod, which would please everyone. If you don't work through the sidequest, you can still play as Bastila. Otherwords, you have multiple choices.

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I only installed the "After Ending" and "Bastila on Korriban" mods until now. So you can see that I am a total newbie and dilletant to mods. But as I like all things Bastila related, I'd very much like to play this mod.


Can you give me a short discription of how to trigger this mod and/or what to do to get the story in motion? Unfortunately I have no save game for Telos.


Thanks and take care

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Got mine yesterday ^^


Question though:

My PC was already on Telos when i installed the mod, and he was working for the Ithorians. I installed it, and Bastilla wasn't where she's supposed to be. (ithorian Compound). Does the mod only work if it's installed before Telos?


By the way:

Thanks for giving us a frickin lightsaber from (almost) the start :)

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  Seamhainn said:


I only installed the "After Ending" and "Bastila on Korriban" mods until now. So you can see that I am a total newbie and dilletant to mods. But as I like all things Bastila related, I'd very much like to play this mod.


Can you give me a short discription of how to trigger this mod and/or what to do to get the story in motion? Unfortunately I have no save game for Telos.


Thanks and take care

Sure. In order to play this mod, you will have to load up a Pre-Telos game save. The story starts outside the Ithorian Compound on Telos. If you miss this part of the mod, all the other NPCs involved ignore you. Talk to Bastila in depth, and pay close attention to what she has to say. If you leave her conversation early, I placed a Journal Entry that says, "Hey, we are not done talking." In order to procees to phase two, you must trip off the appropriate Journal Entry.


After you leave Bastila on Telos, look around the area and explore the Medical bay. I have some hidden things in there.


Remember, follow the Journal Entries.


Note: Not all the robes are on the NPCs. YOu will have to look for the capsules that say [DAP} in their labling. I believe two robes are hidden in capsules.


  Ztalker said:

Question though:

My PC was already on Telos when i installed the mod, and he was working for the Ithorians. I installed it, and Bastilla wasn't where she's supposed to be. (ithorian Compound). Does the mod only work if it's installed before Telos?


By the way:

Thanks for giving us a frickin lightsaber from (almost) the start :)

Yes. This mod requires a fresh Pre-Telos save.

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I just found out through a valuable source (Darth333) that there were too many steps for installing this mod. Instead of removing files from the module folder, you can just leave them in place. Just add the modules, that I have provided, into the modules folder in the KotOR II directory.


V. Tips for Installation: Important!

1· Override Folder: In order to install, you must empty the supplied override folder into KotOR II’s override folder. (Without the subfolder provided.)


2· Module(s) Folder: In order to install, you must empty the supplied modules folder into KotOR II’s module folder. (Without the subfolder provided.)


3· Choice(s) Folder: In order to install, you must empty your choice from the ‘You Choose’ folder into KotOR II’s override folder. (Without the subfolders provided)

(See under the section called: ‘Installation Choices’ for your options.)

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I am totally new to these kind of things, so give me a bit latitute (is that the right term?).


Regarding the files in the "Choose" folder:

- In which folder do I have to put them (Override)?

- Are the files mandatory or optional?

- Can I see a preview to see the alternatives and how?


Sorry, if these questions are stupid, but I read the Readme, but it still was a bit unclear to me.


As a I do not have a proper savegame, I started a new game yesterday. I am a slow gamer (I played both KotOR 1 and 2 only twice in as many years - please don't kick me out of this forum because of this character weakness), so I can only give you a critic in a couple of days. (Maybe a savegame in the mod-download for the likes of me who want to play right away would be a nice addition.) But as it is Bastila related, it must be good ;-) .


Thanks again and take care

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To: Suikotsu

Bastila's evil clothes are exclusive to Bastila. If you don't see them on her, you have to add them into the game. You can find the texture (clothes) in the folder called 'You Choose'. You can pick what color she can wear.


To: Seamhainn

There is no order to what you install first, second, or thrid. If you are intrested in what they look like, screens can be found where you downloaded the mod.


Even though the screens say 'DAP: Gold', they are still the same textures.

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  Suikotsu said:
so my PC bastila can't use them?

That is correct.

However, there are about four other Jedi Robes that are found in this mod. You will find them either hidden, on some of the NPCs, or the NPCs will give them to you.



1. Dantooine: Behind Khoonda.

2. Dantooine: Bastila.

3. Nar Shaddaa: Someone else gives you.

4. Nar Shaddaa: Kill someone to get.

5. Telos: In the medical bay.

6. Telos: Bastila.

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I found Bastila, yeah! I skiped many dialgue and went straight to her.


The problem is, she seems to tell me something standing on the grass, but there are no dialogue options and the game is stuck. I use the german version.




Thanks and take care.

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