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PC DVD-only


What storage medium would you want Kotor III on?  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. What storage medium would you want Kotor III on?

    • DVD only
    • DVD and CD
    • CD only
    • I don't care

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You can get a 16X DVD drive as low as $19 US. ;)

Ok, my world view has been re-established... ;)

Prices are almost the same, maybe a tiny bit lower in germany, but shipping costs are way lower in the US, probably because credit cards are uncommon around here...


Back to topic: I hardly consider "both" a real possibility, but they're free to make the decision dvd vs. cd for every language on its own. Even with a nonlinear quantized file format with variable data rate the voice files will likely take up up to 500MB for each language so an international version is out of question - sadly, because most german synchronizations of games and movies really suck. I know already that I'll have to pay my Kotor3 in pounds...

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Same for that very reason. Some people may not have the DVD function on their computers. My old laptop didn't have it and I need to reprogram it so I can put an attachment on for my brother.
But like anything you need minimum system requirements. If you don't have it, time for an upgrade. Like you said, your laptop is old. You can't expect developers to support older and older hardware.


but you have to consider that companise DO spend more money when they make DVD games as oposed to CD games (another reason why there are less computer games on DVDs), that's where I'm comming from on the price increasse.
How so? It is less expensive to produce one DVD instead of 4+ CDs for each game...
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But like anything you need minimum system requirements. If you don't have it, time for an upgrade. You can't expect developers to support older and older hardware.

It is less expensive to produce one DVD instead of 4+ CDs for each game...


It is less expensive to do 1 DVD. However, if only half the people have a DVD drive and the game is only done on DVD, you lose sales for those who only have a CD drive. If the great majority of the purchasers have DVDs, then I think they could safely make it in only that medium. However, if a significant portion of the purchasers don't have a DVD drive, then they're going to have to weigh the trade-offs on expense of CDs vs. loss of revenue by not selling CDs. The field's moving to DVD, but not all of us dinosaurs have made it there yet (well, OK, I have, but my dad hasn't yet ;) ).

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I voted DVD only. I saw a lot of people say both media, and I can see your logic but I do have some remarks:


#1. I took the hardware survey of Steam network and in it's results it said that of around 2 000 000 people questioned 90% has a DVD rom


#2. Computers without a dvd are mostly older systems, and it could be questioned if those same computers have the neccesary power to run a KotOR 3? Off course we don't know the sys specs yet, but i doubt it would run fluently on b.e. an old P3 500 mhz.


#3. DVD has already replaced VHS as the prime medium for movies, games have been slow to catch up. But recently things have started to pick up speed. I know the last 5 games I played were all on DVD rom. I think regular cd roms are becoming rapidly outdated as the prime medium for games, also because games keep getting bigger and bigger memory requirements.


Besides having 4 cd's in a unsuited DVD sized box is just awkward.

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Yes, but you have to see that you're talking about the US (or Canada, or any other northern countries), and computer accesories are much cheper there. In Brasil, for example, you can't get a decent dvd drive for less than $250 of our money, which is quite a bit.

It's true that imported electronic products tend to be quite expensive in South America but $250 is a bit much (unless you mean R$250 and not the equivalent in USD) .


I don't know the stores in Brasil and I don't know how much you can pay but I just found that one by making a short google search (it's the one I have and I'm pretty happy with it) at about $100 US: http://www.pontobr.com.br/_model2/produtos.asp?produto=2450&emp=pontobr . There is cheaper too: http://central.bondfaro.com/vbop_sk15_og60041_cp4_cf2185_nav1/leitor-e-gravador-de-cd-e-dvd.html

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But like anything you need minimum system requirements. If you don't have it, time for an upgrade. Like you said, your laptop is old. You can't expect developers to support older and older hardware.

Aww but I wanted K3 on my C64! I bet it would run totally smoothly aswell. :king1:


My answer has been and always will be. DVD only. Most places that supply new comps only seem to supply DVD drives in them nowadays anyway and seeing they are so cheap if you just pick one up yourself and install it its going to cost you next to nothing.


You want to game then you need the right tools to game. DVD drives are right now becoming one of the right tools.

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I would think that LA would want to keep their sales up. The goal of a corporation is to increase their profits. Basic economics folks. I don't think they would opt for an exclusive audience only because they would end up losing potential profits and that's like a no no in economics.

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Consider this though: you never hear about people wanting a version of the game with a lower CPU requirement, or RAM requirement. No, then the game wouldn't be as good. It's the same case for CD vs. DVD. A DVD version of the game would be better than a CD version.

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They need to make more games available on the PC too, even if they only sell them in limited numbers because the PC gamer crowd really doesnt always get a whole lot of options and if they do its usually some crummy modified console version.


Consider this though: you never hear about people wanting a version of the game with a lower CPU requirement, or RAM requirement. No, then the game wouldn't be as good. It's the same case for CD vs. DVD. A DVD version of the game would be better than a CD version.


I do think they could tone some of the games down a bit. Many are way too graphic intensive for alot of lower ended computers when really alot of these games could still look good and play good if the graphics didnt quite look so flashy all the time.


DarthVandar205, at 200+ posts you should know by now to not double post, please stop. If you have something to add then edit your previous post and add it there. I have combined them for you but please, no more, ok? Thanks. -RH

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#1. I took the hardware survey of Steam network and in it's results it said that of around 2 000 000 people questioned 90% has a DVD rom


Except that a survey on the Steam network isn't reliable in this discussion. One only has to take into consideration who uses the network.



I voted DVD only. It's 2006 now. KotOR 3 will probably not come out until 2007. If you can't fork out $30 for a DVD drive, don't expect to play the game. You won't even have the necessary requirements.


Movies don't come out on VHS anymore (or very rarely). The transition was done. Now, let the transition from CD to DVD happen. It won't hurt that much :p


From what I can understand, certain regions in the world get their games only on DVD. The case of E@W for example. It was released only on DVD in the UK (that's what I heard), but both versions (CD & DVD) came out in the US. It could be that they choose their format by region. If one region has a higher percentage of DVD users, they'll release it on DVD only. If it's the opposite, they'll release on both, hoping to offset the higher cost of releasing on two formats by hitting a wider market.

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It is less expensive to do 1 DVD. However, if only half the people have a DVD drive and the game is only done on DVD, you lose sales for those who only have a CD drive.
Of course. But all data that I have seen on DVD penetration indicates that those with systems capable of playing such a game but without a DVD drive are by far the minority.


Until they can be sure that most of the people who wanna buy KOTOR 3 have DVD players then its safer for all concerned if they make it on both mediums.
But Lucasarts, or any development company, will have a very clear pictures of what the DVD penetration is. They will then base their decision on those numbers, and not a wild guess. And it is in their best interest to release it on one medium if they can.


I would think that LA would want to keep their sales up. The goal of a corporation is to increase their profits. Basic economics folks. I don't think they would opt for an exclusive audience only because they would end up losing potential profits and that's like a no no in economics.
But you forgot the other part of basic economics. Cost. Profit is total money in minus total money out. Putting something on CD as well as DVD costs money. There has to be enough demand for the CD version for them to justify the cost. If the DVD penetration is high (and most data says that it is), then it isn't cost effective to release it on CD.


We are already seeing this. Many games are now DVD only. When you say exclusive audience, that audience may be the vast majority of consumers, and it is actually the CD only crowd that is exclusive.


They need to make more games available on the PC too, even if they only sell them in limited numbers
This shows my point above. If what JediMaster12 was saying was true, then just about all console, at least XBox, games would also be released for the PC. But they aren't. That is because the devs know they won't significantly increase sales to justify the PC development. Even something like KOTOR had 80+% of their sales on XBox. In most cases, there isn't enough demand.


Doing both will be more costly for LA. You know greedy people.
Nothing greedy about it. It is a business model. You don't expect them to lose money on purpose do you? They have to pay their workers and shareholders like everyone else. Saying they are greedy because they want to make a profit is like saying you are greedy because you aren't willing to pay $200 for a game.
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