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I am still in love with legos, and am hoping to get some for my birthday (it's on the 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but my mom never seems to get me any. She did one year, and I fell in love with them, but then she didn't seem to want to get me any for any other birthdays.

I've got a Watto's junkyard thingy that's like 500 pieces. I put it together when I was like 10, but my older brother decided to smash it just for fun. Then, I think I lost the instruction book. It's in the dump my room somewhere, but I'd have to find it amongst a collection of crap that hasn't seen the light of day since I was six have to clean my room.

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My dad used to buy me legos all the time. I think I had more than 100 lego kits of all kinds when I was 12 (that was very long ago and many among you weren't even born - RoTJ was still a quite recent movie at that time :p ) . With all those blocks I guess I could have build a full size Millenium falcon but I was more into building cities and space stations :D

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anyone ever get count batlords castle? that thing was the s**t.



Lies! The early 90's castles were big and beautiful. They were realistic and sieges would've been so wonderful with them. Never got one though. We were quite poor during that time.

It was back when there was two collections, System and ...something.


While were at it:


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you cannot have! i will steal it! i envy you with the power of 1000 suns squared.


Ah, I remember it well... I was almost out of my Lego phase then... Holding that large box, looking at the hundreds of little peices inside... Putting it together, having those little battles inside and outside the castle... :D

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I scoff at you all for you are too weak for the mighty TECHNIC:cool:


I never did collect much of the Star Wars Legos, and we were always waaaay too poor for any of the more expensive sets (Lego is one of the highest ranked overpriced items of all time:() but I got them whenever I could, and I'd have to say I probably have a much higher block count than some of the displays posted. I also never bothered with a display worshipping the guy who writes the instructions, leaving them in their original form is an afront to creativity.


Got my first legos at like 3 or 4, got my first technic at 6. I've always preffered technic, but I never did much in the way of machine construction with them because all the motors and pneumatic systems were too weak and I had to spend all my time building transmissions to get decent power or speed, and I never had the right parts to do what I wanted so I had to improvise which took an anoyingly long amount of time (you could be the most popular kid in school once you master the art of turning the motors into vibrators:xp: ).

I usually just combine the two sets into concepts for various spacecraft.


I am now going to play with my legos as I cruise the forum...

That's Right! I'm a Man! I play with Lego toys!!!

I also play Ghost Recon:AW in public...in the middle of town...while listening to Britney Spears...:cool:

You couldn't handle this if you tried:xp:

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I'm with RJM on the "create your own model" thing. I also combine the Technic and standard pieces, but in my day they were known as "Expert Builder," and I combined them with the "LEGOLand Space" sets to make some pretty cool models that I'm still proud of to this day.


I built a B-36 bomber that was about 4 feet long and a Star Destroyer that was about 2, but my best (and last) was my rendition of the hypersonic jet fighter from the Clint Eastwood movie "Firefox."


LEGO just rocks!


Has anyone heard of MLCAD? Imagine having access to unlimited quantities of EVERY LEGO PART EVER PRODUCED. I downloaded this free software after looking up LEGO on Wikipedia about a year ago. It's the bomb! Anyone who loves LEGO should check it out!


Build the SSD of your dreams (thats what I'm doing) for free! Perhaps someday I'll actually have the money to build it for real, but this'll work for now (it would be about 10 feet (3m) long, so I'm just dreaming-it would be the centerpiece of my LEGO rendition of "the dreaded Imperial Star Fleet"-you know: along with half a dozen Star Destroyers, TIE Fighters zooming around, "The Imperial March" playing in the background-yep, dreaming!).


You can even use this program to create professional-looking assembly instructions for your model-just like the ones that come with the original sets, and you can compile a parts list so that you can purchase the parts a la carte from LEGO.


Once you get the hang of it, you'll be hooked, I swear! It's just SOOO COOL!


LEGO has their own "Digital Designer" but it's kidstuff compared to MLCAD.


All overabundant enthusiasm aside, you all should really check it out.


By the way: I think that most of LEGO's "official" Star Wars models REALLY SUCK-I could (and did) do better when I was 12!




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I might DL it if it's free and doesn't take 5 weeks to sift through my connection.


Do parts have to stick together like the real thing, or do they just stay in space where you place them?


@Hawke, It's not 1337 if they did it for ya;)


Read my edit again... :roleyess: -RH


@LIAYD, THat's what I've been frickin saying the whole time:thmbup1:


I used to build larger stuff, but a few years back I developed a taste for smaller more impressionist models.


@Q, The program seems interesting, but it's missing a LOT of parts, when was it last updated? Any mods/patches?

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As far as I know, all updates, tutorials (I recommend you read these to get the most out of the program) and anything else you need are all at the ldraw.org site. The last parts update is dated DEC 28, 2005, so it should be pretty much up to date.


I think I remember that when you first install the program that you have to tell LDraw where to look for the parts list, but I think MLCAD does it automatically. I could be wrong: it's been over a year since I DL'd and installed it. (LDraw is the original MS-DOS version, whereas MLCAD is the updated, Windows-based version, which is the one you'll want to use).


If you went to the "Get Started" page, and DL'd the "LDraw Tools Installer" package, that should include the most up-to-date parts files.


Again, I strongly recommend that you read the tutorials: I was pretty much lost until I did. There's still a lot that I need to learn about how to make the instructions and what-not: I'm having too much fun building models!


Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If we all learned the ins and outs of this program we could trade model designs/ideas online!


@HerbieZ: Great topic!




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