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Possibly the biggest on the European continant here. I we just got the second half of SG-1 and Atlantis airing here in the UK three months before it airs in the US! Woo, SG-1 certainly is picking up now. Atlantis rocks as usual. I can't wait for more information about the third spin-off. I reckon it's going to be a ship based one. Either way, it's going to rock and hard.

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indeed i was disappointed slightly with atlantis, but maybe its because SG1 was so good. i cant believe this is going to be the last of the SG1s, although it never was the same after season 8. although the Ori are a damn good enemy, as enemies go.

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Oh yeah I love Stargate SG-1.

I mean, who wouldn't? with characters like "the guy who played MacGyver" and Teal'c who says "Indeed" minimum 10 times in one episode.


I don't like the Atlantis spinoff at all though.


i didnt think i would like atlantis so i didnt watch it until i got to the mid season break in season 10 of SG1 and figured what the hell and watched the first one. i figured that it wouldnt compare to SG1 but i think its just as good.

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I used to watch a lot of SG-1. Got a little tiresome towards the end, but still not bad. Atlantis never did it for me though really. It was ok, but it was more the sort of thing I'd toss on when I couldn't find anything else for background noise than anything I actually spent much focus on.


And since this thread isn't about Galactica, I won't go into all the reasons I hate that remake, but its mere mention gave me a shudder so I had to at the very least voice my distaste for it. ;)



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Favourite episode in SG-1 was when they got transported back to the 60's and they had to travel around as hippies. Just remembering seeing Teal'c in those clothes still makes me laugh, lol :D


But for Atlantis, i don't have one as of yet. Havent seen enough to pick one.

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