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August/September Tales: The Great Fall

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Tysyacha has decided on the topic for this month's Tales competition, and it promises to be just as entertaining as the others.


The theme I pick for the next Javyar's contest is (drumroll, please): "The Great Fall."


Otherwise known as "Steppin' to the Dark Side"! In real life, I've always wondered what makes people decide to break laws or do other dirty deeds. What will make your character experience his or her "Great Fall"? Explore his/her/its motives. Is s/he tempted towards this folly, or dead-set upon it from the very beginning? Will your character(s) deal with pangs of guilt and a penalty for their mistake? What kind?


Three weeks from now will be Sept. 5. Hope that'll be enough time, and I really hope you enjoy writing your stories for this late-summer installment of Javyar's Cantina!


The deadline is Sept 14th, 8pm/2000 CDT (UTC -5). Have fun writing!


Deadline changed to the 14th due to forum glitches over the weekend and forum outage on the 6th/9th-11th to fix the problems.

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I might be interested in writing this one, but I need one clarification - are we limited to writing about Jedi falling to the Dark Side, or can we simply write about someone who's decided to cross the line of the law, or morality, or both for some reason (while keeping it all in the SW universe)?

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If you write a tale and learn how to improve your writing, then you'll never lose. :)


Improving your writing is all well and good, but there's nothing like the sweet feeling of outdoing someone else is there? :p


Once again, my compliments to Tysy on this topic. This is probably one of the best ones we've had yet. :^:

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I might be interested in writing this one, but I need one clarification - are we limited to writing about Jedi falling to the Dark Side, or can we simply write about someone who's decided to cross the line of the law, or morality, or both for some reason (while keeping it all in the SW universe)?
You've got it right. It can be any character's 'great fall'.
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I plan on entering this but I want to know if there is a rule against involving stories that deal with the issue of contemplating or committing suicide?


Reading the rules I can’t see why not, however I’m not ignorant to the fact that it can cause offence to some people, so I thought it best to check.

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According to me, who chose "The Great Fall" as a topic, it would be OK to write a story dealing with such a theme. It's been very common in classic literature, present in such novels as "Anna Karenina" and "Madame Bovary", for example, and even the great Oedipus Rex and Antigone even did themselves in by their own hand.


So, if the decision is mine whether or not to allow this, I say go ahead. If not, I respectfully defer to the moderators of this forum and thread. Good luck writing! :)

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and even the great Oedipus Rex and Antigone even did themselves in by their own hand.


Yeah, but Oedipus fell in love with his mother... I mean, how weird is that? :xp:


I may consider entering this one... but I'm not sure. Are we dealing specifically with falling to the dark side, or more general dark acts (such as, say, murder)?

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  • 2 weeks later...
It doesn't have to be perfect, Bee. :) We'll be glad to have stories to read.


I agree with Jae. My last entry was one of the worst I ever written, but people still read it. Besides Bee, you're a good writer and I wouldn't mind reading something, as long as it was readable, if you know what I mean.


'Topsite' is ye Olde English for 'Lucasforums revolves around me me me.


Hold on, since when did the whole world revolve around me? I just stated that I had no problem posting my entry and that I was aware of the forum glitches (the LF homepage not showing the last new post) and ocassionaly I couldn't post, but other than that, I had no trouble posting for this.


But for once, I do agree with lengthing the time to Friday, because of the forum glitches. I'm looking forward to seeing the entries.

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All right guys, quit fussing at each other. :)


The forum was down again for a substantial amount of time last night (and thank you matt-- for fixing it!), so I'm pushing the due date back to the 9th. I hate moving it around so much, but I want to make sure everyone has adequate time to submit their stories. For those of you who've already submitted, thanks for being patient. For those of you who haven't, don't wait any longer! :D

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All right guys, quit fussing at each other. :)


The forum was down again for a substantial amount of time last night (and thank you matt-- for fixing it!), so I'm pushing the due date back to the 9th. I hate moving it around so much, but I want to make sure everyone has adequate time to submit their stories. For those of you who've already submitted, thanks for being patient. For those of you who haven't, don't wait any longer! :D


That's right, it's make the old man wait month, right?

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